At Minecraft Live 2021, we gave players a choice of three mobs to choose from. First, there was the spooky glare, which shows players areas dark enough for hostile mobs to spawn. Second was the allay – a fairy-like creature able to pick up items and carry them around. Third was the copper golem – which runs around pressing buttons, and corrodes over time.
在 2021 年的 Minecraft Live 直播中,我们让玩家从三个生物中投票。首先是看起来吓人的怒目怪,它可以向玩家呈现可以刷新敌对生物的黑暗区域。其次是悦灵 —— 一种酷似精灵的生物,它可以捡起并携带物品。最后是铜傀儡 —— 它可以四处跑,按下按钮,同时随着时间的推移会不断生锈。
The winner? It was our Mob of the Month – the allay! This bundle of joy will zip around doing your bidding without complaint – picking up your mess and bringing it back to you. They also love music, and will happily take a time-out from work to have a little dance. The others that didn’t win? Let’s never speak of them again.
那么获胜者是?是我们本月要介绍的生物 —— 悦灵!这只 “微笑的收纳袋” 会围绕你飞行,并毫无怨言的为你服务 —— 它会捡起地上的杂物,并且交还与你。它们还是音乐发烧友,会欣然利用空闲时间跳上一段舞。另外两只没有选上的生物?我们不要再提起它们吧。
Allays are cute little blue creatures that zip around on tiny wings. They’re hunted by illagers, and so the best way to find one is to locate a pillager outpost or woodland mansion and search for cages – which you’ll need to break into to free the allays inside.
悦灵是小巧可爱的蓝色生物,可以用一对小翅膀飞行。它们正遭受灾厄村民的捕猎,所以最容易找到悦灵的方式,就是去寻找一处掠夺者前哨站,或是林地府邸,然后寻找关押悦灵的牢笼 —— 你需要破开牢笼,来释放它们。
You’d think that the allays would be grateful for their newfound freedom and follow you home, but no. Instead of being motivated by gratitude, these curious creatures are motivated by servitude. Give them an item to carry, and they’ll follow you to the ends of the earth, carrying it. Oh, and you won’t be able to hurt one while it’s carrying an item either – so don’t worry about swinging your axe around.
你以为悦灵会因重获自由而感激涕零跟你回家,其实不是这样。这种充满好奇的生物愿意跟随并不是出于感激,而是出于奴役的本能。让它们带上一个物品,它们就会手握这个物品跟随你直到天涯海角。哦对,你不会伤害到一只携带物品的悦灵 —— 所以挥舞斧头时不必心存顾虑。
But here’s where it gets interesting. Along the way, the allay will look out for more of the item and collect that too – bringing it back to you. That’s very handy if you’re collecting resources – ensuring you don’t need to worry about wandering around picking everything up, because the allay will do it for you. When you’re done, hit the use button on the allay to gently take back the original item, and they’ll go back to wandering around aimlessly again.
但有趣的地方也就在此处。悦灵会沿途收集同样的物品 —— 并把它交还与你。假如你正在收集物品的话,那么悦灵是十分有用的 —— 可以避免你需要四处移动才能收集所有的物品,悦灵可以帮你做到这件事。而当你忙完后,对悦灵按下使用键,可以拿回给予的物品,此时悦灵将继续它们漫无目的的空闲状态。
I’m sure you have questions about this – which is fine, because gameplay designer Nir ‘Ulraf’ Vaknin has answers!
我确信你对它们还有许多问题 —— 不必担心,因为游戏设计师 Nir ‘Ulraf’ Vaknin 会进行解答!
“The allay collects any item you give it. An interesting question is: ‘What counts as the same item?’ We really had to think about it, because if I give the allay an enchanted book with Power 3, is that the same item as a regular book? There was no simple answer, because sure, they all started off as the same item, but they’re not technically the same once they’re enchanted. In the end, we settled on what we thought would be the most intuitive for both the player and for the allay: it will seek out the same base item. If you look at an item and it looks the same, then allay will count it as the same item. That way it’s simple.”
“悦灵总是会拾取相同的物品。一个有趣的问题是:‘什么样的物品算作同一个物品?’ 我们真的有考虑过,比如我给悦灵一本力量 III 的附魔书,那么它和普通书是同一个物品吗?这个问题并不简单,因为显然,它们开始都是相同的物品,但一旦被附上了魔咒,它们就不一样了。所以我们最后确定了一套感觉上对玩家和悦灵来说都最直观的方案:它只会寻找相同的基础物品。如果你看到一个完全一样的物品,那么悦灵也会把它认作完全一样的物品。这样就简单了。”
—— Nir Vaknin
There are two more things that are important to know about allays. The first is that they love music – and so if they hear a note block play within 16 blocks of their location, they’ll go hunt around that block and drop items there instead. Similarly, if you play music on a jukebox, they’ll have a little dance.
还有两件有关的悦灵的重要情报。其一,它们非常喜欢音乐 —— 如果它们听到 16 格内有音符盒被奏响,那它们就会在音符盒周围寻找物品,并投掷到音符盒上。与此类似,如果你使用唱片机播放音乐,它们会翩翩起舞。
The second, is that allays can be duplicated. That’s right – give an allay an amethyst shard while it’s dancing and it’ll suddenly split into two allays. You can’t do this too often, because otherwise, you’d be drowning in allays. But over time it’s possible to build up a veritable army.
其二,悦灵可以复制。是的 —— 给一只正在跳舞的悦灵一个紫水晶碎片,它会突然分裂成两只悦灵。你不能频繁地这样做,否则会被悦灵淹没不知所措。但随着时间推移,建立一支悦灵大军还是可行的。
What would you do with that army? Well, we’ll leave the ** to Ulraf once again:
你会用这些悦灵做什么呢?嗯,我们让 Ulraf 再一次总结一下:
“Personally, I’m super excited at the prospect of having such a dynamic storage system. Currently you can very easily sort stackable items, but you can’t filter for non-stackable items in the hopper. The allay is the perfect solution for non-stackable storage. You don’t need complicated redstone systems, just an army of allays! I have this vision of the allays all whizzing back and forth in my base. It’ll turn item sorting from something that happens silently in the background to something that creates a great atmosphere (not to mention music!) in your base.”
“单论个人看法,我对这个动态储存系统的远大前景感到兴奋。玩家现在可以轻易整理一些可堆叠的物品,但过滤漏斗中不可堆叠物品还是一件难事。悦灵是不可堆叠物品存储的一个完美解决方案。无需复杂的红石系统,只需一支悦灵大军!我甚至有这样的幻想,悦灵嗖嗖来回飞行。它们整理排序物品,整个过程安静无声,愉快氛围遍布基地。(更不用说游戏音乐!)”—— Nir Vaknin