在 Minecraft 中作出更多选择
We humans make 35,000 decisions a day – mostly about food, what to wear, how you communicate, and whether or not you should watch that new reality drama on your streaming platform (it’s sooo good, but you must wait at least 47 episodes for it to really kick off). That amount of decisions is both upsetting and, frankly, appalling. These are decisions that you could be making in Minecraft!! Mojang Studios has decided to correct this issue. The solution: even more choices!
我们人类每天要在各种事情上做出 35000 次选择——今天要吃什么,穿什么,怎么和人沟通,要不要看直播平台的新真人秀(非-常-好看,但是 47 集之后才有意思)。如此多的选择听起来很可怕。更可怕的是,你在 Minecraft 里还要做这么多选择!Mojang Studios 决定要修复这个问题。解法即是:添加更多的选择!
Over the years, we’ve delivered a consistent line-up of life-changing, award-winning, mind-bending, not to mention jaw-dropping, content; Minecraft 3D, Snapshot 20w14∞, and One Block at a Time Update. But nothing COMES CLOSE to the Vote Update – a snapshot that has been in the works since early 2017.
这些年来,我们发布了一系列改变生活的,广受好评的,惊掉下巴的内容,给玩家了一点小小的精神震撼;Minecraft 3D,20w14∞,以及一次只拿一块更新。但其中没有哪怕一个稍稍接近我们投票更新的光芒——一个在 2017 年初就着手准备的快照。
From the moment you start a game, you will find yourself in a world of endless voting, where the results fundamentally change the laws of Minecraft. As you might have noticed in the video, we have created a fine selection of voteable features that include everything and anything: beelloons*, French mode, zombie mode, rabbit transformation, exploding pistons, haunted world – and much, much more.
从你启动游戏的一刻起,你就会发现你处在一个投票没完没了的世界中,任何一项投票的结果都会从根本上改变 Minecraft 的法则。正如你在视频中可能已经看到的,我们制作了一系列投票特性,涵盖了一切和所有东西:蜂气球*,法国模式,僵尸模式,变身兔兔,炸裂活塞,闹鬼世界——还有很多,很多。
“Studies show that gamers love to make decisions – the more the better,” said Professor Apreel Dåre of Sillington University. “The fact that Mojang Studios is willing to put decision-making in the hands of the players just shows how much they care about their community. Or that’s what I assume. I haven’t been in a community since 1857 and I don’t really play games.”
「研究表明玩家喜欢作出选择——越多越好,」渝仁大学的斯越·仪教授说,「Mojang Studios 愿意将如此多选择权交到玩家手中,正是他们关心玩家社区的最佳体现。反正我是这么觉得,我从 1857 年起就没加入过什么社区,而且也不玩游戏。」
*Balloons? Bees? Find out!
* 气球?还是蜜蜂?你猜!
So when is this coming out? Truth is it’s already out! As we want to get the Vote Update in the hands of the players as soon as possible, we’re happy to announce you can download it right now! Thank us later.
- Introduces Voting: a way to change everything!*
- 加入投票:改变一切的方式!*
- Realistic voting action – no need to wait for next Minecraft Live to get angry about other people’s choices!
- 真实的投票体验——不需要等到下一次 Minecraft Live,也不需要受它人选择左右!
- Revolutionary Meta-voting Technology for Metaverse!
- 为元宇宙赋能,革命性的「元投票」技术!
- Includes multiple new features too good to be included in mainstream releases – up to now!
- 包含目前来说正式版玩家不配体验的内容!
- Minimal chances of vote result destroying your world!
- 投票结果毁灭世界的可能约等于零!
- Exciting countdowns!
- 激动人心的倒计时!
- Yes for blocks!
- 为方块欢呼吧!
- Items for a better future!
- 未来可期的物品!
- Very exciting!
- 期待捏!
- Added multiple new bugs (unless you hold a vote to decide they are features)
- 加入了几个新漏洞(除非你投票表决它们是特性)
*Sure we’ve changed everything before but why don’t you come up with something better?
* 没错,我们已经改变了一切,但你为什么不整点更好的?
What happens if I download the snapshot?
After you download it, there is no turning back. If you delete the file, the story ends; you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You boot it up, you stay in the Overworld, and we show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
What can I expect in terms of gameplay?
It’s like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.
But I don’t want to vote on things, I just want to relax!
The hardest choices require the strongest wills!