What’s that sound? Can you hear it, that faint rumbling in the distance? I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it almost sounds like a group of very decisive frogs are strutting towards me. How silly, that can’t be it! That would only make sense if they were on their way to some kind of special event, of astronomic proportions. But there’s only one event so big, so epic, so blocky, that would qualify…
Wait a minute. Could it be? Yes! It could, and is, almost time for the biggest event of the year – Minecraft Live!!!
等等,真会是这样吗?是真的!这就是我们即将举行的年度盛会⸺Minecraft Live!!!
That’s right, our epic livestream is back on October 15 at noon EDT! Get all your Minecraft, Dungeons, and Legends news by tuning into our YouTube channel or watching right here on Minecraft.net .
没错,这场盛大的直播活动将于北京时间 10 月 16 日凌晨 0 时举行!届时请在我们的 YouTube 频道或 Minecraft.net 上观看,获取 Minecraft 、Minecraft Dungeons 和 Minecraft Legends 的第一手消息。
Last year, the community voted for the allay to join Minecraft. This year, you will get to vote for a new mob but we’re doing things a little bit differently. Instead of voting on Twitter, you will now be able to vote in a special Bedrock server, the Minecraft launcher, or here on Minecraft.net! The polls open on October 14, noon EDT which means that you will have a full 24 hours to cast your vote, (and change it as many times as you like!) while also keeping the results a total surprise until the announcement is made during the show.
去年,社区将悦灵投票选入游戏。而今年,大家将继续票选新生物。与往年不太一样的是,我们今年将不再通过 Twitter 举行投票,而是在一个专门开设的基岩版服务器和官方启动器中,以及 Minecraft.net 上进行!投票将于北京时间 10 月 15 日凌晨 0 时开启,足有 24 小时的投票时间,期间可以随心改变主意!投票结果留作惊喜,在直播活动期间正式宣布。
You will find all the information you need leading up to the event on Minecraft.net/live, so stay tuned!
本次活动的所有相关信息均可在 Minecraft.net/live 上找到,敬请期待!