我的世界基岩版 1.19.20 发布

New Features:

  • Added the updated Create New World screen on Nintendo Switch

  • 为 NS 添加了更新后的“创建新世界”界面


  • Added support for middle mouse click on iOS
  • 添加了对 iOS 平台上鼠标中键点击的支持
  • Zombies now have a 10% chance to be able to break doors on hard difficulty (MCPE-79636)
  • 困难模式下,僵尸有 10% 的几率破门 (MCPE-79636)
  • Implemented new Marketplace error screen art and messaging
  • 实现了新的市场错误界面和消息
  • Timeout when connecting to a multiplayer game has been reduced from 180 to 90 seconds
  • 连接到多人游戏的超时时间由 180 秒缩减到了 90 秒
  • D-Pad Left can now be held down again to move the cursor left in menus (MCPE-155976)
  • 现在按下方向键左键可以在菜单中向左移动光标了 (MCPE-155976)
  • Instantaneous effects (Potions, Tipped Arrows) can no longer be applied to dead mobs and players
  • 瞬时效果 (如中毒,药箭) 不能施加给死亡的生物和玩家了
  • ‘So Below’ music track now plays in Basalt Deltas (MCPE-70890)
  • ‘So Below’ 音乐现在会在玄武岩三角洲中播放了 (MCPE-70890)
  • Redesigned the menu toggle switches to make it easier to distinguish between the on and off states

  • 重新设计了菜单中的切换开关,更容易区分开和关的状态了

Known Issues:

  • Due to an unexpected crashing issue, we have had to temporarily revert the fix for MCPE-105487, which can cause textures to turn pink after playing for long periods of time on a server
  • 因意外的崩溃问题,我们不得不暂时放弃修复 MCPE-105487,即在服务器长时间游玩后,导致纹理变粉色的问题。
    • This means that this bug may continue to occur until we have a solution. Thank you for your patience while we continue to work on this important issue – we hope to have it finally fixed as soon as possible!

    • 这意味着在我们找到解决方案前,你可能依然会遇到这个漏洞。感谢您对我们解决这个重要问题时给予的耐心 —— 我们希望以最快的速度修好它!


Performance / Stability

  • The game no longer crashes when browsing the Marketplace
  • 浏览市场时,游戏不会再崩溃了
  • Fixed a crash related to Spawn Eggs (MCPE-159302)
  • 修复了一个有关刷怪蛋的崩溃 (MCPE-159302)
  • Prevent client/server portal travel desync on low render distance settings (MCPE-158167)
  • 若渲染距离设置较低,将阻止客户端/服务端的传送门产生不同步的问题 (MCPE-158167)
  • Fix potential crash when returning to the Overworld from the Nether or The End
  • 修复了由下界或末地返回主世界时一个潜在的崩溃问题
  • The game no longer crashes when entering Coin Starter Bundle Screen
  • 进入新手金币组合包界面时,游戏不会崩溃了
  • Fixed bugs where client state can get out of sync with server if using an item is cancelled or failed
  • 修复了使用物品失败或取消使用物品时,客户端状态与服务端失去同步的问题
  • Improved the performance of the locate biome command to mitigate stalls on the server while searching for a biome that is far away (MCPE-157609)
  • 提升了在服务器上使用 locate biome 指令定位远处的生物群系时的性能,减少了卡顿 (MCPE-157609)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when connected devices, like gamepads, were missing
  • 修复了已连接的设备如手柄等断开连接时引起的崩溃
  • Fixed a crash that was caused by a Villager changing its profession while trading. The Trade screen will now close if the Villager changes professions mid trade
  • 修复了和村民交易时,村民改变职业引起的崩溃。若村民在交易时改变职业,交易界面将会被关闭
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when Pistons were extending or retracting near moveable blocks and Arrows
  • 修正了活塞在正在移动的方块和箭附近伸缩时可能引起的崩溃
  • Fixed a crash when exploring multiple categories in Marketplace on Xbox and PlayStation
  • 修复了在 Xbox 和 PS 平台上浏览市场中多个类别时引起的崩溃
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when teleporting and killing an entity in the same tick
  • 修复了在同一时间刻传送并杀死实体时可能引起的崩溃


  • The Wandering Trader’s spawning now matches Java Edition and it will no longer spawn in water, lava, or underground (MCPE-46911)
  • 流浪商人是生成规则现与 Java 版相匹配,且不会生成在水里,岩浆里或者地下 (MCPE-46911)
  • Fixed a bug where Bows could fail to shoot an Arrow the first time they were used, this also affected Crossbows and with throwing Tridents (MCPE-159467)
  • 修复了初次使用弓时可能无法射出箭的问题,此问题也影响到弩和投掷三叉戟 (MCPE-159467)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the new Wild Update music to not play in the Wild Update biomes when in Creative mode
  • 修复了创造模式下,新的荒野更新音乐不在荒野更新群系中播放的问题
  • Fixed an issue that prevented fisherman Villagers from offering to buy Boats at max level
  • 修复了阻止满级渔夫村民主动购买船的问题
  • The secret door that leads to the Redstone room in the center of an Ancient City now opens/closes properly (MCPE-156718)
  • 现在到远古城市中央红石室的密门会合理的打开或关闭了 (MCPE-156718)
  • Lava in Buckets will no longer disappear when failing to be placed or dispensed into partial blocks (MCPE-50664)
  • 熔岩桶在被放置或被发射器发射到不完整方块中失败后不会消失了 (MCPE-50664)
  • Fixed an issue where enchantments on ranged weapons on mobs were not being applied (MCPE-113623)
  • 修复了生物持有的远程武器的附魔不生效的问题(MCPE-113623)
  • Fixed volume level of Amethyst step chime sound when walked on by a mob
  • 修复了生物走过紫水晶时播放音效的音量大小
  • Fixed an issue where some items with durability would fail to be created from the Creative inventory
  • 修正了一些带有耐久的物品无法从创造模式背包中创建的问题
  • Ancient Cities have more frequent Sculk Patch generation (MCPE-154229)
  • 远古城市将生成更加密集的幽匿斑块 (MCPE-154229)
  • Player no longer takes damage from entering a Nether portal if it is placed at Y=-21 or below (MCPE-154888)
  • 玩家进入高度小于等于 21 的下界传送门时不会受伤了 (MCPE-154888)
  • Fixed an issue where scores on scoreboards were not being ordered properly (MCPE-141427)
  • 修复了记分板上积分排序混乱的问题 (MCPE-141427)
  • Fixed a bug where fishing hooks would drop loot when killed with the /kill command (MCPE-142329)
  • 修复了使用 /kill 命令杀死鱼钩会掉落掉落物的问题 (MCPE-142329)
  • Player’s Soul Speed is now properly activated and de-activated on Soul Sand (MCPE-157152)
  • 玩家的灵魂疾行效果现在可在灵魂沙上正确的被激活和失效了 (MCPE-157152)
  • Fixed a bug causing health_boost to display incorrect health values, causing the player to turn invisible and unable to interact with the world on dying
  • 修复了生命提升效果展示错误的生命值,导致玩家死亡后隐身,且无法与世界互动的问题。
  • When trading, the Villager plays the correct sound based on the item in the input slot (MCPE-152555)
  • 交易时,村民将基于输入栏的物品发出正确的音效(MCPE-152555)
  • Skulls in Ancient Cities now better match the orientation they have in Java Edition (MCPE-153547)
  • 远古城市中的头颅与 Java 版中的原点位置更加匹配了 (MCPE-153547)
  • Enable event filters in the root definition to be evaluated independent of sequence or randomize when a format_version of 1.19.20 or higher is specified
  • 在 format_version 指定为 1.19.20 或更高时,在根定义中启用事件过滤器将独立于序列计算,或随机计算
  • Fixed issue with health boost extra life not staying (MCPE-153504)
  • 修复了生命提升的额外生命无法保持的问题 (MCPE-153504)


  • Polar Bears no longer panic when attacked
  • 北极熊被攻击时不会恐慌了
  • Tadpoles flopping while on land now more closely match Java Edition and fishes in speed (MCPE-154316)
  • 陆地上的蝌蚪现在与 Java 版和鱼的速度更加匹配 (MCPE-154316)
  • Piglins will now stop attacking if the player puts on Gold Armor (MCPE-65516)
  • 若玩家穿着金盔甲,猪灵会停止攻击玩家 (MCPE-65516)
  • Jobless Zombie Villagers are no longer unable to ride Minecarts or Boats (MCPE-76831)
  • 无业的僵尸村民可以乘坐矿车和船了 (MCPE-76831)
  • Ravager is now able to destroy Mangrove Leaves, Azalea, Azalea Leaves, Cave Vines, Dripleaves, Spore Blossoms, and Hanging Roots (MCPE-156551, MCPE-125322)
  • 劫掠兽现在可以破坏红树叶,杜鹃花,杜鹃树叶,洞穴藤蔓,垂滴叶,孢子花和垂根了(MCPE-156551MCPE-125322)
  • Releasing a bucketed custom mob now spawns the correct type of mob
  • 从桶中释放自定义生物时,现在会生成正确种类的生物
  • Fixed the order in which a bucketed mob is created when released, which means any Actor Properties on it will load correctly
  • 修复了释放桶装生物时生物生成的顺序,这意味着其活动对象属性将正确加载
  • Allays can now pick up and drop items at their owner when in a Boat (MCPE-156377)
  • 在船中时,悦灵可以正确的从主人处捡拾或抛给主人物品了 (MCPE-156377)
  • Allay can now always pick up dropped Scaffolding blocks (MCPE-157512)
  • 悦灵现在可以捡起掉落的脚手架方块了 (MCPE-157512)
  • Allay now correctly stops dancing when music from Jukebox ends
  • 唱片机中播放的音乐终止时,悦灵将正确的停止跳舞
  • Allays now look at targets such as players (MCPE-158222)
  • 悦灵现在会看向例如玩家等目标生物 (MCPE-158222)
  • Fish do not shake anymore when placed in an isolated water block
  • 放在单独水方块中的中的鱼不会抖动了
  • Fixed a bug that caused Wolves to spawn red when summoned with entity_born or on_tame events
  • 修复了带有 entity_born 或 on_tame 事件生成的狼为敌对的问题
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Witches to stop spawning. The Witch Hut structure is now set as a surface spawner for Witches (MCPE-60552)
  • 修复了一个可能导致女巫停止生成的问题。女巫小屋现在设为了女巫的表面生成点 (MCPE-60552)
  • The Ender Dragon can no longer destroy Crying Obsidian, Respawn Anchor, Light, Deny, Allow, Border, and Jigsaw blocks (MCPE-158343)
  • 末影龙现在无法摧毁哭泣的黑曜石, 重生锚,光源方块,deny,allow,border 和拼图方块 (MCPE-158343)
  • Fixed a bug causing baby mobs with the minecraft:behavior.sleep goal to have a shrunken hitbox (MCPE-46040)
  • 修复了导致带有 minecraft:behavior.sleep 目标的幼年生物碰撞箱缩小的问题 (MCPE-46040)
  • Allays and Bees are now less likely to get stuck in non-full blocks (MCPE-155777)
  • 悦灵和蜜蜂现在没那么容易卡在非充满方块中了 (MCPE-155777)
  • Wardens can now detect a player sneaking on top of a Sculk Sensor (MCPE-155804)
  • 监守者现在能够侦测到在幽匿感测体顶部潜行的玩家了 (MCPE-155804)
  • Warden can now let itself fall up to 20 blocks down, instead of just 3 (MCPE-158304)
  • 监守者现在能允许自身摔落 20格的高度,而非原来的 3 格 (MCPE-158304)
  • Allays can now pick up armor pieces with a different durability than ** they are holding (MCPE-158339)
  • 悦灵现在可以拿起他们持有的盔甲碎片耐久不同的盔甲碎片 (MCPE-158339)
  • Entities that die completely now have their data removed from world file (MCPE-155283)
  • 彻底死亡的实体数据会从世界文件中移除 (MCPE-155283)
  • Fixed a bug which could cause mobs to not load into the world if their saved y-position was greater than or equal to 25
  • 修复了生物保存的 y 位置大于等于 25 时无法加载到世界中的问题


  • Removed “Wood” from the names of Mangrove Wood Planks, Stairs, and Slabs (MCPE-156791)
  • 将 “Wood” 一词从 Mangrove Wood Planks,Stairs 和 Slabs 中移除 (MCPE-156791)
  • Twisting Vines and Weeping Vines with no support now pop even when the random ticking speed is set to 0 (MCPE-69305)
  • 即使随机刻速度设为 0,没有支撑的缠怨藤和垂泪藤也会生长 (MCPE-69305)
  • Hanging Mangrove Propagules no longer drop a Propagule item when silk touched if not at max growth (MCPE-156821)
  • 若没有完全生长,使用精准采集挖掘悬空的红树胎生苗不会掉落胎生苗物品了 (MCPE-156821)
  • Muddy Mangrove Roots can now be placed sideways (MCPE-153721)
  • 粘泥的红树根现在可以被放在方块侧面了 (MCPE-153721)
  • Hanging Mangrove Propagule no longer changes color when certain blocks are placed nearby (MCPE-156570)
  • 悬空的红树胎生苗附近放置指定方块时,其颜色不会改变了 (MCPE-156570)
  • End Portal Frame Block is now named “End Portal Frame” instead of “End Portal” (MCPE-76821)
  • 末地传送门方块现在命名为 “End Portal Frame” 而非 “End Portal” (MCPE-76821)
  • Amethyst Block has been renamed to “Block of Amethyst” (MCPE-125821)
  • Amethyst Block(紫水晶块)被重命名为 “Block of Amethyst” (MCPE-125821)
  • Mangrove Log, Mangrove Wood, and Stripped Mangrove Wood can now be used to craft a Campfire with Charcoal (MCPE-157271)
  • 红树原木,红树木和去皮的红树木现在可和木炭一并用来制作营火了 (MCPE-157271)
  • Campfires can once again be stacked correctly (MCPE-159398)
  • 营火现在又能正确堆叠了 (MCPE-159398)
  • Fixed a bug where Pistons sometimes did not drop the Piston item when broken by the arm (MCPE-158314)
  • 修复了手撸活塞有时候不掉落物品的问题 (MCPE-158314)
  • Sounds of the Smithing Table when a Villager is working are now the same as sounds when the player uses the table (MCPE-79716)
  • 村民使用铁匠台的声音与玩家相同了 (MCPE-79716)
  • Bells can no longer catch on fire or be destroyed by fire
  • 钟无法着火,也无法被火烧毁了
  • Mangrove and Azalea Leaves no longer prevent tree growth (MCPE-154980)
  • 红树叶和杜鹃树叶现在不会阻碍树木生长了 (MCPE-154980)

Sculk Blocks

  • If two vibrations are emitted at the same time, Sculk Sensors will now react to the closest one (MCPE-155793)
  • 若两个振动同时产生,幽匿感测体会对最近的一个作出反应 (MCPE-155793)
    • If two vibrations are emitted at the same time and at the same distance, Sculk Sensors will now react to ** with the highest frequency
    • 若两个等距离的振动同时产生,幽匿感测体会对频率最高的一个作出反应
  • Sculk Sensors now detect a Creeper exploding with a frequency of 15
  • 幽匿感测体现在将苦力怕爆炸的振动频率侦测为 15
  • Sculk Sensors now detect an End Crystal exploding with a frequency of 15 (MCPE-153733)
  • 幽匿感测体现在将末地睡觉爆炸的振动频率侦测为 15 (MCPE-153733)
  • Sculk Sensors now detect a Fish being let out of a Bucket with a frequency of 12
  • 幽匿感测体现在将鱼丛桶中释放出的振动频率侦测为 15
  • Sculk Sensors now detect a TNT being fired out of a Dispenser with a frequency of 12
  • 幽匿感测体现在将 TNT 从发射器中发射的振动频率侦测为 15
  • Vibration particles are now always oriented towards the target Sculk Sensor (MCPE-156648)
  • 振动粒子现在总会朝向目标幽匿感测体 (MCPE-156648)
  • Sculk Catalysts now play the blooming sound effect when blooming (MCPE-153562)
  • 幽匿催发体激发时会播放对应音效 (MCPE-153562)
  • Sculk Catalysts do not spread Sculk anymore on players’ death if the Keep Inventory gamerule is set to True (MCPE-157884)
  • 死亡不掉落开启时,幽匿催发体不会在玩家死亡时传播幽匿方块了 (MCPE-157884)
  • Sculk Catalysts do not get covered in Sculk Veins anymore if a mob dies on top of them
  • 生物死在幽匿催发体顶部时,后者不会被幽匿脉络覆盖率了
  • Sculk Catalyst now blooms when a mob with no experience dies next to it
  • 即使没有经验值的生物死在幽匿催发体附近,其依然会被触发
  • Sculk Sensors can now also detect Bees, Chickens, Allays, Phantoms, and Ender Dragons flying (MCPE-153725, MCPE-154055)
  • 幽匿感测体现在能够侦测到蜜蜂,鸡,悦灵,幻翼和末影龙的飞行了 (MCPE-153725MCPE-154055)
  • Sculk Sensors can now emit the whole range of Redstone signal strengths, based on the distance a vibration has been emitted at. Previously, the output was either 1, 15 or even
  • 幽匿感测体现在可基于接受到的振动距离产生所有强度的红石信号,先前只能产生 1,15 或偶数
  • Sculk Sensors no longer detect Boats staying still in water (MCPE-155368)
  • 幽匿感测体无法侦测到水中静止的船了 (MCPE-155368)
  • Reduced Sculk Catalyst experience drop from 20 to 5
  • 将幽匿催发体掉落的经验值由 20 减少到了 5
  • Sculk Patch Features can now be placed on additional block types (MCPE-156669)
  • 幽匿斑块地物现在可放置在额外的方块类型上了 (MCPE-156669)


  • Fixed bug causing FOV to stutter when sprinting while the player has a speed effect applied
  • 修复了玩家带有速度效果疾跑时视角卡顿的问题
  • With data-driven block tessellation, geometry box pivot-base rotation now rotates around the correct pivot point
  • 数据驱动方块的几何箱枢轴会围绕正确的枢轴点进行旋转
  • Fixed x-ray vision when Top Snow falls on top of player so it now behaves as a solid block when Top Snow covers player’s vision (MCPE-150709)
  • 修复了顶层雪覆盖玩家头顶时产生的透视视野。现在覆盖时会表现为固态方块 (MCPE-150709)
  • Fixed an issue with RTX on Windows where point lights were unintentionally accumulated for emissive blocks (MCPE-159485, MCPE-159488)
  • 修复了在 Windows 上的 RTX 启用时,发光方块的点光源无意中积累的问题 (MCPE-159485MCPE-159488)

User Interface

  • The Toggle Perspective hint now shows the player’s assignment instead of the default assignment
  • 切换视角选项会显示与玩家当前选项相对应的提示,而非默认选项的提示
  • Saddled Pig’s tooltip changed to “Ride” instead of “Mount”
  • 将骑猪的工具按钮提示改为了”Ride” ,先前是”Mount”
  • Added content warnings for large icons for texture tessellation (e.g. objects in hand)
  • 添加了纹理中大图标的内容警告(例如手持的物品)
  • Fixed an issue where players were not able to hover over UI elements inside a scroll view if a portion of it fell outside of the view when using mouse + keyboard on iOS. This was a result of the scroll view auto focusing onto the nearest non-clipped element
  • 修正了在 iOS 平台上同时使用键鼠时,若滚动视图的一部分落在视图外,玩家无法将光标悬停在 UI 元素上的问题。这是滚动视图自动聚焦到最近的非剪切元素的原因
  • Hover text for can_place_on blocks for items in inventory is now in a consistent order between game saves (MCPE-153516)
  • can_place_on 方块的背包中物品的悬停文本现在不同存档间也会保持恒定顺序展示了(MCPE-153516)
  • Removed the controller settings tab for Oculus
  • 移除了 Oculus 的控制器设置选项卡
  • Goat Horn sound is now placed in the Jukebox/Note Blocks sound category in Settings (MCPE-154885)
  • 山羊角的音效控制现在放在设置中的唱片机/音符盒类别里 (MCPE-154885)
  • Fixed the Add Server feature not saving IPV6 addresses (MCPE-66233)
  • 修复了添加服务器功能无法保存 IPV6 地址的问题 (MCPE-66233)


  • Updated the Realms Plus FAQ to clarify that all Bedrock platforms can purchase Realms Plus (MCPE-157869)
  • 更新了 Realms Plus 常见问题,阐明了所有平台的基岩版均可购买 Realms Plus (MCPE-157869)
  • Fixed an error where creating a new Realm would navigate out to the Play screen instead of returning to the Create New World screen
  • 修复了退出创建新 Realms 界面后回到游玩界面而非创建新世界界面的问题
  • The Realms feed screenshot button is now available for VR platforms
  • Realms 的截图键可在 VR 平台上使用了

Spectator Mode (Experimental)
旁观者模式 (实验性)

  • Removed emotes functionality while in Spectator Mode
  • 移除了处于旁观者模式时的表情功能
  • Player can now place blocks where spectator is hovering
  • 玩家可在旁观者玩家悬停的位置放置方块了
  • Players now have their hands back when they are holding a map when they have one item in offhand and one in main hand, curious how they held it without hands…
  • 玩家持有地图时,若双手均持有物品,现在可以正常展示手了。很好奇没有手是怎么拿东西的…(我也很好奇这条为什么在旁观者模式里,译注)
  • Spectators’ heads are now properly rendered as semi-transparent
  • 旁观者的头现在正确渲染为半透明
  • Character Creator head items (hats, hoods, helmets, etc.) are now properly rendered semi-transparent while in Spectator mode
  • 角色创建器的头部物品(如帽子兜帽披风等等)在玩家处于旁观者模式时会正确的被渲染为半透明
  • Capes and animated back items are no longer rendered while in Spectator mode (MCPE-156929)
  • 处于旁观者模式时,披风和动画物件不会被渲染了 (MCPE-156929)
  • Spectators can no longer use or get affected by portals (MCPE-156684)

  • 旁观者无法使用,也不受传送门影响了 (MCPE-156684)

Technical Updates:

Updated Add-On Template Packs
更新的 Add-On 模板包

  • Updated Add-On templates for19.20 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation, are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks
  • 19.20 版本更新的 Add_On 模板包带来了新的资源,行为和文档。可在 aka.ms/MCAddonPacks 下载


  • Fixed a Disconnect Packet vulnerability used to crash Bedrock Server
  • 修复了先前会导致基岩版服务器崩溃的断开连接网络包漏洞
  • Blocks with their render_method component set to double_sided now have their back faces properly rendered
  • render_method 组件设为 double_sided 的方块背面能够正确渲染了
  • Limit the number of elements in the conditionsfield of the minecraft:part_visibility to 64
  • 将 minecraft:part_visibility 的条件字段元素数量设为 64
  • Renamed minecraft:aim_collisionblock component to minecraft:selection_box
  • 将 minecraft:aim_collisionblock 组件重命名为 minecraft:selection_box
  • renamed the ‘minecraft:block_light_emission’ component to ‘minecraft:light_emission’ and changed its accepted value type from float to int
  • 将 ‘minecraft:block_light_emission’ 组件重命名为 ‘minecraft:light_emission’ 并将其可接受的数值类型由浮点型更改为整型
  • Renamed ‘minecraft:destroy_time’ to ‘minecraft:destructible_by_mining’ and restructured the component to be either defined as a boolean or as an object
  • 将 ‘minecraft:destroy_time’ 重命名为 ‘minecraft:destructible_by_mining’ 并重构了其组件,可设为布尔值或一个对象
  • Setting the component to true will give the block the default destroy time and setting it to false will make the block indestructible by mining
  • 将该组件设置为 true 将给此方块默认的破坏时间,设置为 false 将导致此方块无法通过挖掘破坏
  • Setting the component as an object will let users define the number of seconds needed to destroy the block with base equipment
  • 将该组件设为对象可使得用户定义使用基础工具挖掘此方块的时间
  • Changed the minecraft:frictioncomponent to represent friction of block instead of movement
  • 修改了 minecraft:frictioncomponent 以代表方块的摩擦,而非运动的
  • Removed the component minecraft:unwalkable
  • 移除了组件 minecraft:unwalkable
  • Renamed ‘minecraft:explosion_resistance’ to ‘minecraft:destructible_by_explosion’ and restructured the component to be either defined as a boolean or as an object
  • 将 ‘minecraft:explosion_resistance’ 重命名为 ‘minecraft:destructible_by_explosion’ 并重构了其组件,可设为布尔值或一个对象
    • Setting the component to true will give the block the default explosion_resistance and setting it to false will make the block indestructible by explosion
    • 将该组件设为 true 会给予此方块默认的 explosion_resistance(爆炸抗性) ,设为 false 会使得此方块无法通过爆炸破坏
    • Setting the component as an object will let users define the resistance of the block to a base explosion
    • 将该组件设为对象可使得用户定义此方块对基本爆炸的抗性
  • Added /tagsfromitem and /itemswithtag commands which output the tags associated with an item and vice versa
  • 添加了 /tagsfromitem 和 /itemswithtag 指令, 会输出与一个物品相关的标签,反之亦然
  • The Client can now generate its own LevelChunks, saving the Server from having to generate and stream over every chunks in view. Server will be limited to generating LevelChunks that are in ticking range and saved on disk
  • 客户端现在可以生成自己的 LevelChunks,从而让服务器不必生成并遍历视图中的每个区块。服务器将限制生成时间刻范围内的 LevelChunks,并保存在硬盘上
    • Created a new ChunkSource and ChunkViewSource for Client to generate chunks with
    • 创建了新的 ChunkSource 和 ChunkViewSource 供客户端创建区块时附加
    • Added new FeatureRegistryPacket to send contents of FeatureRegistry to Client
    • 添加了新的 FeatureRegistryPacket 以将 FeatureRegistry 发送到客户端
    • Added most BiomeComponents into BiomeDefinitionListPacket for proper Client Biome post-processing
    • 将绝大多数的 BiomeComponents 添加到了 BiomeDefinitionListPacket 以合理的在客户端后处理生物群系
    • Added FeatureToggle ‘Client Side Generation’
    • 添加了 FeatureToggle ‘Client Side Generation’
    • Modified existing telemetry to split between Server and Client side LevelChunk generation
    • 修改了现有的遥测技术,分离了服务端和客户端生成的 LevelChunk
    • Added code to fix up client-side lighting so it matches Server side
    • 添加了代码修复客户端的光照以与服务端相匹配
    • Added IMGUI tools for validating Server/Client generation determinism and lighting
    • 添加了 IMGUI 工具来验证服务器/客户端生成的一致性及光照
    • Added IMGUI tools for logging and tracking lifetime events of a particular LevelChunk/SubChunk
    • 添加了 IMGUI 工具来记录并跟踪特定的 LevelChunk/SubChunk 的生命周期事件
  • Added a new dedicated server property, “chat-restriction”, that can be modified in the “server.properties” file to restrict the chat for all players connecting to the server. The property’s possible values are “None”, “Dropped”, and “Disabled”. See the default file for more information
  • 添加了新的专有服务器属性 “chat-restriction”, 可在 “server.properties” 文件中修改,来限制所有连接到服务器的玩家的聊天。此属性的可用值为 “None”, “Dropped” 和 “Disabled”. 参见默认文件取得更多信息
  • Server developers can now see checksums of the block registry from the server and client to check for mismatch (search “Block Registry Checksum” in the output logs and compare)
  • 服务器开发者现在可以看到服务端和客户端的方块注册的校验和来检查不匹配的情况 (在输出日志中搜索 “Block Registry Checksum” 并对比即可)
  • Added a server property disable-player-interaction which informs clients that they should ignore other players when interacting with the world
  • 添加了服务器属性 disable-player-interaction 告知客户端与世界交互时应忽略其他玩家
  • Modified the json entity file so that it also contains projectile damage in addition to the explosion and fire damage (MCPE-153740)
  • 修改了 json 实体文件,现在既包含了抛射物伤害,也包含了爆炸和火焰伤害 (MCPE-153740)
  • Items with the item_lock component can no longer be placed in Item Frames or Armor Stands (MCPE-138479)
  • 带有 item_lock 组件的物品无法放置在展示框或盔甲架上了 (MCPE-138479)

Actor Properties

  • Added Content Errors for when there are too many properties on the actor (more than 32) or when a string enum name is too long (more than 32 characters)
  • 添加了当活动对象上有太多属性(超过 32 个)时或当字符串枚举名称过长(超过 32 个字符)时的内容错误
  • Added new Molang had_component_group to allow calculating appropriate default values from previously saved entity data
  • 添加了新的 Molang had_component_group 以允许从先前保存的实体数据计算合适的默认值
  • Renamed ‘actor_property’ and ‘has_actor_property’ Molang queries to ‘property’ and ‘has_property’ . Also renamed ‘set_actor_property’ to ‘set_property’
  • 将 ‘actor_property’ 和 ‘has_actor_property’ Molang 查询项重命名为 ‘property’ 和 ‘has_property’ . 同时将 ‘set_actor_property’ 重命名为 ‘set_property’
  • Update ‘set_property’ to only allow changing properties on the local actor rather than some other target
  • 更新了 ‘set_property’ ,仅允许将属性变更为本地活动对象,而非其他目标
  • Restored ability to use a Molang expression string for default values of Actor Properties (These are primarily useful for random starting values)
  • 恢复了活动对象属性使用 Molang 表达式字符串作为默认值的能力(这些主要用于随机初始值)

GameTest Framework
GameTest 框架

  • Performance Watchdog
  • 性能监视器
    • Added a performance watchdog that monitors GameTests for slow-running scripts
    • 添加了监视 GameTest 慢运行脚本的性能监视器
    • Executing a slow-running script will result in content log warnings
    • 执行慢运行脚本会导致内容日志警告
    • Additionally, long script hangs (more than 3 seconds in a single tick) will result in an exception
    • 通常,脚本挂起时间过长(单个时间刻内超过 3 秒)会导致异常
    • Added new properties to propertiesfor watchdog configuration on Dedicated Server
    • 为专有服务器的监视器配置添加了新的属性
      • script-watchdog-enable- Enables the watchdog (default = true)
      • script-watchdog-enable- 启用监视器 (默认 = true)
      • script-watchdog-hang-threshold- Sets the watchdog threshold for single tick hangs (default = 3000 ms)
      • script-watchdog-hang-threshold- 设置监视器在单个时间刻内挂起时长的报警阈值 (默认 = 3000 ms)
      • script-watchdog-spike-threshold- Sets the watchdog threshold for single tick spikes (default = 100 ms)
      • script-watchdog-spike-threshold- 设置监视器单个时间刻峰值的阈值 (默认 = 100 ms)
      • script-watchdog-slow-threshold- Sets the watchdog threshold for slow scripts over multiple ticks (default = 2ms)
      • script-watchdog-slow-threshold- 设置监视器的慢脚本运行时间刻数阈值 (default = 2ms)
    • Updated mojang-minecraft-uiforms to respond when the client was unable to show a modal form
    • 更新了 mojang-minecraft-uiforms,在客户端无法展示 modal form 时进行响应
      • Renamed isCanceledfield to canceled
      • 将 isCanceledfield 重命名为 canceled
      • Added cancelationReasonfield
      • 添加了 cancelationReasonfield
      • Added FormCancelationReasonenum
      • 添加了 FormCancelationReasonenum
    • ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions
    • ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions
      • Added ‘ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions’ class
      • 添加了 ‘ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions’ 类
      • Added read-only property ‘Objective: objective’
      • 添加了只读属性 ‘Objective: objective’
      • Added read-only property ‘ObjectiveSortOrder: sortOrder’
      • 添加了只读属性 ‘ObjectiveSortOrder: sortOrder’
    • Scoreboard
    • 记分板
      • Added function ‘removeObjective(objectiveId: string | Objective): void’ – Untracks an objective
      • 添加了方法 ‘removeObjective(objectiveId: string | Objective): void’ – 取消跟踪目标
      • Added function ‘addObjective(objectiveId: string, displayName: string): Objective’ – Creates and objective to be tracked, identified with objectiveId and displayed on the screen with displayName
      • 添加了方法 ‘addObjective(objectiveId: string, displayName: string): Objective’ – 创建要跟踪的目标,标识为 objectiveId,并将 displayName 显示在屏幕上
      • Added function ‘getObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(displaySlotId: string): ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions’ – Gets objective and sort order contained in the DisplayObjective slot specified by displaySlotId
      • 添加了方法 ‘getObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(displaySlotId: string): ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions’ – 获取由 displaySlotId 指定的 DisplayObjective 槽位中包含的目标和排序顺序
      • Added function ‘setObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(displaySlotId: string, ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions: scoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions): Objective’ – Sets the objective and sort order of the display slot, as specified by displaySlotId
      • 添加了方法 ‘setObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(displaySlotId: string, ScoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions: scoreboardObjectiveDisplayOptions): Objective’ – 设置展示槽位的目标和排序顺序,由 displaySlotId 指定
      • Added function ‘clearObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(displaySlotId: string): Objective’ – Clear’s the DisplayObjective of the objective it is currently displaying
      • 添加了方法 ‘clearObjectiveAtDisplaySlot(displaySlotId: string): Objective’ – 清楚当前展示目标的 DisplayObjective
    • Block
    • 方块
      • Added Block SignComponent that allows for retrieving of the value of sign text – Accessible from getComponent(“sign”)on sign blocks
      • 添加了方块 SignComponent 组件,允许检索告示牌文本的值 – 可通过对告示牌使用 getComponent(“sign”)
    • BlockSignComponent
    • BlockSignComponent
      • Added read-only property text: string- Gets the sign text
      • 添加只读属性 text: string- 获取告示牌文本
    • System Events
    • 系统事件
      • Added event beforeWatchdogTerminate – Shuts down the server when a critical scripting exception occurs (e.g. script hang). Can be canceled to prevent shutdown
      • 添加了事件 beforeWatchdogTerminate – 当发生重要的脚本异常(例如脚本挂起)时,关闭服务器。可以取消以防止宕机
      • Added enum WatchdogTerminateReason – Specifies the reason for watchdog termination
      • 添加了枚举 WatchdogTerminateReason – 指定监视器终止的原因
      • Added new properties to properties for watchdog configuration on Bedrock Dedicated Server
      • 为基岩版专有服务器的 properties 添加了新的属性以配置监视器
        • script-watchdog-enable-exception-handling – Enables watchdog exception handling via the events.beforeWatchdogTerminate event (default = true)
        • script-watchdog-enable-exception-handling – 通过 events.beforeWatchdogTerminate 事件启用监视器异常处理 (默认 = true)
        • script-watchdog-enable-shutdown – Enables server shutdown in the case of an unhandled watchdog exception (default = true)
        • script-watchdog-enable-shutdown – 出现无法处理的监视器异常时,关闭服务器 (默认 = true)
        • script-watchdog-hang-exception – Throws a critical exception when a hang occurs (default = true)
        • script-watchdog-hang-exception – 发生挂起时抛出重要异常(默认 = true)


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