我的世界基岩版 1.19.0 发布

New Features:

Deep Dark

  • In the depths of the Overworld, you will find one of the scariest biomes in all of Minecraft. Buried undergound, especially at the bottom of mountainous regions, this area is filled with sculk blocks, ancient structures, loot chests, and one, single, solitary mob. To navigate the deep dark, you need to sneak, use Silk Touch, and above all else – don’t wake the warden!
  • 在主世界的深处,你将会找到的Minecraft中最可怕的生物群系之一。它们深藏于地下,在山地区块下尤为常见。这个地方布满了幽匿块,古老的建筑,战利品宝箱以及一个形单影只的生物。想要探索深暗之域,你需要保持潜行状态,以及带上精准采集。最重要的是——不要惊醒监守者!


  • The only mob that spawns in the deep dark is none other than the warden. The warden will only make an appearance if its slumber is disturbed, which means that brave explorers must sneak around very quietly. Quick movements risk setting off a sculk sensor that trigger a sculk shrieker. If you have the misfortune of hearing it pierce through the silent shroud of the deep dark, it’s time to get out. Even though the warden can’t see, this doesn’t slow it down but works to its advantage. The warden can sniff out any intruders and uses vibrations to detect their exact location.
  • 在深暗之域生成的仅有的生物不是别的,正是监守者。它们只有在沉睡时被打扰了才会出现,这意味着勇敢的探险家们四处溜达的时候必须潜行着。快速奔跑时可能会触发幽匿感测体,从而激活幽匿尖啸体。如果你不小心听到它的尖叫撕破了深暗之域的宁静,那就快跑吧!尽管监守者看不见任何东西,但是这不仅不能拖慢他们的速度,还对他们有一定帮助。监守者可以通过嗅觉感知到任何入侵者的存在,并利用振动探测到他们的具体位置。

Sculk Blocks

  • There are five different types of sculk blocks to be found in the deep dark. If you want to mine them, you will need to stay stealthy and use Silk Touch. The sculk block is a great decorative block thanks to its atmospheric glow. The sculk sensor is a redstone block that detects vibrations, so walk carefully or use a wool block to muffle your steps. The sculk catalyst spreads sculk around it and sculk veins generate around patches of sculk that spawn from the sculk catalyst. Finally, the sculk shrieker is possibly the most dangerous block of all since it will summon the warden if you’re not careful!
  • 深暗之域中一共有五种不同种类的幽匿块。如果你想挖掉它们,你需要保持潜行并准备好精准采集。得益于它们那令人激动的光辉,幽匿块很适合拿来做装饰。幽匿感测体是一个可以探测出振动的红石方块,所以要小心的从旁边经过,或者用羊毛来减轻你的脚步声。幽匿催发体会在它的周围催发出幽匿块,而幽匿脉络会围绕着幽匿催发体催生出来的幽匿块。最后,幽匿尖啸体可能是最危险的方块,因为你一不小心,它就会召唤出监守者!

Recovery Compass and Echo Shards

  • The recovery compass is the solution for finding the way back to the last location you died. Loot chests in ancient cities to discover echo shards and craft one for yourself!
  • 追溯指针是用来寻找返回你最后的死亡地点方向的工具。而远古城市中的战利品箱子中可以找到回响碎片来给你自己做一个(追溯指针)!

Mangrove Swamp Biome

  • Towering trees, wide roots, small saplings, and muddy terrain make up the new mangrove swamps. Found in areas with high temperatures and high humidity, this new swamp also introduces mangrove trees and mud blocks, bringing a wide range of new materials to craft builds inspired by the beauty of the Overworld!
  • 高耸的树木,宽大的树根,小小的树苗以及泥泞的地形构成了最新的红树林沼泽。你可以在高温高湿的地区找到它,而且这个新沼泽的出现还带来了红树林以及泥巴方块,给灵感来自于世界之美的建筑提供了广泛的新材料!

Mangrove Trees/Wood

  • Mangrove trees introduce a brand-new type of wood block to build with, the logs can be crafted into planks, stairs, buttons, slabs, fences, doors, signs, and pressure plates. You can also craft with the mangrove tree’s leaves, roots, and small saplings called propagules!
  • 红树林的出现带来了一种全新的木头方块用来建筑,它的原木可以制成木板、楼梯、按钮、台阶、栅栏、门、告示牌以及压力板。你也可以用红树树叶,树根和被称作为胎生苗的小树苗来制作(?

Mud Blocks

  • Mud can be found all over mangrove swamps and crafted with wheat into packed mud! Use it to craft a variety of mud brick blocks including stairs, slabs, and walls. This block is also renewable by using a water bottle on dirt, so there is no risk of running out of mud. Placing Mud above a block that has pointed dripstone underneath will eventually turn the mud block into clay!
  • 泥巴可以在红树林沼泽的任何地方找到,你还可以将它与小麦合成泥坯!用它来制作各种泥砖方块,例如楼梯、台阶或者墙。这个方块也可以通过在泥土上使用水瓶来制作,所以完全没有把泥巴用完的风险。如果把泥巴放在下面有滴水石笋的方块上,那么泥巴将会变成黏土!

Frogs and Tadpoles

  • Frogs feed on small slimes, breathe on land and in water, and lay eggs called frogspawn. The eggs will hatch and turn into tadpoles, making this the first mob that isn’t bred from a smaller version of itself! There are three different types to discover – temperate frogs, warm frogs, and cold frogs – so getting your hands on all three means that you will need to travel through the Overworld!
  • 青蛙以小型史莱姆为食,在陆地和水中都可以呼吸,产的卵称为青蛙卵。青蛙卵会孵化成蝌蚪,这也是第一个不是不是从自身的小号模型中繁殖出来的生物!一共有三种不同种类的青蛙 – 橙色青蛙、白色青蛙和绿色青蛙 – 这意味着如果你想找到他们的话就要在主世界四处探索。

Froglight Blocks

  • These luminous blocks come in three different variants depending on which frog type produces it. If you want to light up your base with ochre, verdant, or pearlescent froglights, you will need to figure out a way to feed a frog a very small magma cube!
  • 这些发光方块一共有三种不同的版本,具体取决于是哪种青蛙产生的。如果你想用青翠、赭黄和珠光蛙明灯点亮你的营地,你就需要给青蛙喂一个超级小的岩浆怪!


  • The winner of the Minecraft Live 2021 Mob Vote is flying into Minecraft! Instantly recognizable by its luminous blue sheen, you won’t lose this mob once you find it. Hand it an item and it will pick up matching items it finds in the world. It loves music and will drop items if it hears a note block playing nearby. The allay spawns in pillager outposts and woodland mansions and is waiting for you to set it free!
  • Minecraft Live 2021 生物投票的获胜者现在飞到Minecraft中来了!它那亮眼的蓝色的光泽很容易识别出来,一旦你找到了这个生物,你就不会再失去它了。塞给它一个物品,它就会在整个世界中寻找并捡起同样的物品。它很喜欢音乐,如果它听到了听到附近有正在播放的音符盒,它就会把手中的物品丢到音符盒附近。悦灵会在掠夺者前哨站和林地府邸中生成,并等待着你让它重获自由!

Boat in Chest

  • The Wild Update makes it possible for you to craft a boat with a chest on it, which is convenient since there are plenty of new blocks to bring back from your new adventures!
  • 荒野更新让你可以制作一艘带箱子的船,这让你可以很方便的让你把新的冒险中众多新方块带回来!

Goat Horn

  • Dropped by goats that ram into hard blocks and can be used to make a variety of sounds! Can you find all eight variants?
  • 山羊角由撞击坚硬方块的山羊掉落,它可以发出各种各样的声音!你能集齐全部的八种山羊角变体吗?

New Music

  • Added new music by Lena Raine and Samuel Åberg
  • 添加了由 Lena Raine 和 Samuel Åberg 创作的新音乐
  • Music Disc 5
  • 音乐唱片 “5”
    • Unlike other discs, it can only be obtained by finding and crafting nine disc fragments together
    • 与其他的唱片不同,它只能通过9个唱片残片来合成。
    • These disc fragments can be found rarely in ancient city chests
    • 这些唱片残片在远古城市中有很低的概率找到
  • Mobile players: To hear the new music, you will need to download the updated Minecraft Original Music Pack, available FREE from Marketplace
  • 手机版玩家:如果你想听新的音乐,你需要从市场中免费下载新的Minecraft原创音乐包。

Updated Mobile Touch Controls

  • Updated the visual style of the touch control joystick
  • 更新了触摸控制摇杆的视觉样式
  • Players can now continuously jump while holding down the jump button (MCPE-117045)
  • 玩家现在可以按住跳跃键连续跳跃 (MCPE-117045)

New Achievements

  • It Spreads – Kill a mob next to a catalyst
  • It Spreads – 在幽匿催发体边上杀死一个生物
  • Birthday Song – Have an Allay drop a cake at a note block
  • Birthday Song – 吃掉一个悦灵丢在音符盒边上的蛋糕
  • With Our Powers Combined! – Have all 3 froglights in your inventory
  • With Our Powers Combined! – 在你的背包里同时塞下三种不同的蛙明灯
  • Sneak 100 – Sneaking next to a Sculk Sensor without triggering it
  • Sneak 100 – 潜行到幽匿感测体边上而不触发它

Vanilla Parity:


  • Fixed an issue causing baby Llamas to fire llama spit from above their head (MCPE-144948)
  • 修复了幼年骆驼从头顶吐出唾沫的问题 (MCPE-144948)
  • Mirrored the Spider’s left legs (MCPE-152927)
  • 镜像翻转了蜘蛛的左脚的纹理 (MCPE-152927)


  • Updated Boat item icon textures to make them consistent with Java Edition (MCPE-153353)
  • 更新了船和运输船的物品栏图标材质,以匹配Java 版 (MCPE-153353)


  • Fences and Walls no longer connect to Bells and Brewing Stands (MCPE-152757)
  • 栅栏和墙不再能连接到钟(村庄里的那个,不是显示时间的)上 (MCPE-152757)
  • Fixed a bug where the Brewing Stand’s arms textures did not touch the base (MCPE-152932)
  • 修复了酿造台支架纹理与底座不接触的问题修复了酿造台支架纹理与底座不接触的问题 (MCPE-152932)
  • Moved the Brewing Stand’s base UVs and updated the base texture
  • 移除了酿造台的基础UV,更新了基础材质
  • Fixed the Brewing Stand’s arms rotation
  • 修复了酿造台的支架旋转问题
  • Created a better transition between the End Portal Frame side texture and the End Stone (MCPE-152930)
  • 末地传送门框架的传送门和末地石部分之间有了更好的过渡 (MCPE-152930)
  • Removed unused pixels in the End Rod texture (MCPE-152929)
  • 移除了末地烛纹理中未使用的像素 (MCPE-152929)
  • Updated the Mycelium’s side texture to match other dirt-based textures (MCPE-152928)
  • 更新了菌丝的侧边纹理,更好地和其他泥土类方块融合 (MCPE-152928)
  • Fixed Light Blocks being destroyable from within while underwater (MCPE-148393)
  • 修复了光源方块可以在水下从内部破坏的问题 (MCPE-148393)

Wandering Trader

  • The Wandering Trader no longer opens or closes doors (MCPE-113452)
  • 流浪商人不再能开门 (MCPE-113452)
  • The Wandering Trader now randomly moves around (MCPE-45756)
  • 流浪商人现在会随机四处移动 (MCPE-45756)
  • The Wandering Trader now matches Java Edition’s drinking sounds (MCPE-47057)
  • 流浪商人现在使用 Java 版的饮用音效 (MCPE-47057)
  • The Wandering Trader now has disappear/reappear sound effects when gaining/losing Invisibility
  • 流浪商人在进入/退出隐身状态时有消失/出现音效。
  • The Wandering Trader can now be named with a Name Tag (this will not prevent it from despawning)
  • 流浪商人现在可以被命名牌命名(不能阻止它消失)


  • Shulkers are now fire immune (MCPE-33236)
  • 潜影贝现在免疫火焰 (MCPE-33236)
  • Shulkers now remain in upright position in vehicles (MCPE-115269)
  • 潜影贝现在在载具中保持直立状态 (MCPE-115269)
  • Shulkers no longer fail to spawn when there’s another Shulker at relative negative y and x axis
  • 当在相对负 y 轴和 x 轴有另一个潜影贝时,潜影贝不再无法生成

Spectator Mode (Experimental):

Our initial implementation of Spectator Mode will not include every feature available in the Java Edition (such as “mob view”, speed control, etc.), we have chosen to focus on the parts of spectator mode that we hope will be most useful. We would like to hear about bugs you have found with the features that are included currently, and you may now report these at bugs.mojang.com if they have not been reported already. Any additional parity breaks, feature requests, or suggestions for what to add next should be made through feedback.minecraft.net .
我们最开始做出的旁观模式并不包括java版中的每一项功能(例如“生物视角”,速度控制等)我们选择将开发重点放在我们希望最有用的旁观模式部分上。我们希望听到你提出目前包括的所有功能中可以发现的错误,并在 bugs.mojang.com 报告这些错误,如果他们还没有被报告过的话。关于任何特性问题、功能要求或者关于接下来该添加什么的建议,请访问 feedback.minecraft.net .

What’s Currently in Scope

Enabling and Disabling

Players can switch to and from Spectator using the Settings Menu and the ‘/gamemode spectator’ command, if cheats are enabled. Player inventory, health, held items etc are unchanged when switching into spectator mode and then out again
如果启用了作弊的话,玩家可以在设置里面或者“/gamemode spectator”指令来切换成旁观模式。当切换成旁观模式后,玩家的背包、生命值、手持物品都不会改变


  • Spectators are always flying and cannot become grounded
  • 旁观模式的玩家将会一直保持飞行状态,而不可以着陆
    • (For this version we will not attempt movement parity with Java edition, but may do more in this area later)
    • (在当前版本中我们不会尝试将移动特性与java版同步,但是以后可能会)

World Interactions

  • Spectators pass through solid blocks and entities without any collisions
  • 旁观模式的玩家会穿过固体方块和实体而不发生任何碰撞
  • Spectators can see out of solid objects
  • 旁观模式的玩家可以看到固体方块外的东西
  • Spectators are not affected by any in-game blocks, mobs, items, portals, or effects and cannot take damage
  • 旁观模式的玩家不会受到游戏中任何方块,怪物,物品,传送门或者药水效果的影响,也不会受到伤害
  • Portals currently affect spectators, but this is a bug we intend to fix in the future
  • 传送门现在会影响到旁观模式的玩家,但是这是个bug,我们打算在之后修复
  • Spectators cannot use items or interact with blocks or mobs (for example, they cannot attack, feed, mount, or trade with mobs)
  • 旁观模式的玩家不能使用物品或者方块与生物互动(例如他们不能攻击、喂食、骑乘或者与生物交易)
  • Spectators cannot open their inventory or interact with block UIs like chests (This is not in parity with Java yet)
  • 旁观模式的玩家不能打开他们的背包或者与箱子等方块互动(这点还没和java版同步)
    • Currently spectators that die drop their inventory, this is a known issue that we want to address
    • 目前,旁观模式的玩家死亡后会掉落他们的物品,这是一个已知的问题,我们打算解决掉这个问题。

User Interface

  • Spectators have a reduced HUD that does not show the crosshair, hotbar, XP, health, hunger or armor
  • 旁观模式的玩家现在有一个缩水的HUD,不会显示十字准心,快捷键,经验,生命值,饥饿值或者盔甲值

Visibility and Rendering

  • Spectators cannot be seen by mobs or other players except other spectators
  • 除了其他旁观模式的玩家,其他生物或者玩家都看不到旁观者
  • Spectators appear as a transparent floating head (to those who can see them). The body, arms, legs, armor and held items are not rendered.
  • 旁观模式的玩家显示为一个透明的头(对于那些能够看到他们的人来说)。身体、胳膊、腿、盔甲和持有的物品都不会渲染
    • Currently the transparency does not work correctly for all skin selection types, this is a known issue
    • 目前对于所有的皮肤类型,透明度不会正常工作,这也是一个已知问题
  • When playing in first person, spectators do not see their arm or held item
  • 当以第一人称玩的时候,旁观模式的玩家看不到自己的手或者拿的东西


  • Spectators generate chunks as normal (This is not in parity with Java yet)
  • 旁观模式的玩家会正常加载区块(这和java版暂时还不一样)
  • Spectators don’t cause mobs to spawn
  • 旁观模式的玩家不会导致生物生成

Spectator Bug Fixes:

  • Custom input mapping for Spectator Mode added
  • 向旁观模式中加入了自定义输入映射
  • Spectators are now unable to attack
  • 现在旁观模式下玩家无法攻击
  • Spectators are now unable to build
  • 现在旁观模式下玩家不可放置方块
  • Spectators are now unable to drop items
  • 现在旁观模式下玩家无法捡起掉落物
  • Spectators are now unable to use items
  • 现在旁观模式下玩家不可使用物品
  • Spectators are now unable to open inventory
  • 现在旁观模式下玩家不可打开物品栏
  • Spectators are now unable to interact with the world through input
  • 现在旁观模式下玩家无法通过操作输入与世界进行交互
  • Spectators are now unable to interact with chests or other container UI
  • 现在旁观模式下玩家不可与箱子或其他容器(如潜影箱)的界面进行交互
  • Spectators no longer fly slowly when entering Spectator Mode from ground
  • 当玩家在地面进入旁观模式时,飞行速度不会变慢
  • Players enter noclip and flying when enabling Spectator Mode
  • 在进入旁观模式时玩家可以穿墙和飞行
  • Players stop riding, using items, sleeping, and gliding when entering Spectator Mode
  • 在进入旁观模式时玩家将立刻停止骑乘/使用物品/睡觉/滑翔操作
  • Double-jump no longer breaks Spectator Mode
  • 连续按下两次跳跃按键不再导致旁观模式出现问题


Performance / Stability
性能 / 稳定性

  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • 修复了数个会导致游戏崩溃的bug
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during splitscreen play
  • 修复了分屏游玩期间发生的崩溃问题
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when lightning hits a Lightning Rod in certain scenarios
  • 修正了在某些场景下闪电击中避雷针时可能引发的崩溃问题
  • Fixed several crashes that could occur on some Marketplace worlds
  • 修复了大量市场中的世界可能导致崩溃问题
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when players are battling each other and both players are wearing Thorns enchanted Armor (MCPE-153593)
  • 修复了当两名持有荆棘附魔盔甲的玩家进行战斗时发生的崩溃问题 (MCPE-153593)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when players died while affected by Wither
  • 修复了玩家在死于凋零效果时可能导致的崩溃问题
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when trading with a Villager that last traded with a disconnected player
  • 修复了当一位村民最后一次交易是与一位断开连接的玩家进行的时候,另一位玩家与其交易会导致崩溃的问题
  • Fixed a crash that would occasionally occur in Villages on iOS
  • 修复了在 iOS 版本的村庄中偶尔会发生崩溃的问题
  • Cleaned up leftover biome/block/light memory when leaving a world
  • 现在离开世界时会清理生物群系/方块/光照的剩余内存
  • Fixed an issue that caused Marketplace downloads to get stuck in queue (MCPE-54531)
  • 修复了下载项目卡在下载队列中的问题 (MCPE-54531)
  • Fixed being unable to edit characters in the Dressing Room on Nintendo Switch (MCPE-156209)
  • 修复了在任天堂switch上无法在更衣室编辑角色的问题 (MCPE-156209)


  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to take fall damage after getting into a Bed while falling (MCPE-153122)
  • 修复了玩家在降落时上床仍然会收到跌落伤害的问题 (MCPE-153122)
  • Fixed issue where the Invert Y Axis setting was not working correctly with touch controls
  • 修复了反转 Y 轴选项在移动端不能正常工作的问题
  • The player can now slide from movement directions to jump and not get interrupted when jump and sneak are swapped on ‘Classic’ touch controls (MCPE-151149)
  • 当触控设置内的“交换跳跃与潜行”选项开启时,玩家从方向键划动到跳跃键可以不被打断 (MCPE-151149)

World Generation

  • Several improvements to level chunk blending
  • 数个关于区块糅合功能的优化


  • Mobs do not get stuck into open Trapdoors anymore (MCPE-154106)
  • 生物现在不会被卡在打开的活板门中 (MCPE-154106)
  • Fixed an issue causing the Parrot’s head to always face the player while riding the player. We couldn’t handle the constant staring (MCPE-152510)
  • 修复了鹦鹉骑在玩家肩膀上时总是朝向玩家的问题。谁都受不了被一直盯着对吧 (MCPE-152510)
  • Villagers will no longer begin sleeping while riding something near a Bed
  • 村民在骑乘床附近的实体时,将不会进入睡眠状态
  • Illagers are now allowed to migrate to other villages and progress raids (MCPE-151310)
  • 灾厄村民现在可以转移至其他村庄进行袭击 (MCPE-151310)
  • Trader Llamas can now breed after being fed Hay Bales
  • 现在行商羊驼可以通过喂食干草快来繁殖
  • Trader Llamas will no longer be persistent after being unleashed from the Wandering Trader (MCPE-102302)
  • 流浪商人放下拴绳后,行商羊驼不会再处于隐身状态 (MCPE-102302)


  • Fixed a bug where End Crystal beams would point far above their target blocks
  • 修复了末地水晶柱会指向比目标方块更远的地方的问题
  • Blocks affected by gravity now fall correctly on replaceable blocks (MCPE-152937)
  • 将受重力影响的方块放在其可以落下并替换的方块上时,重力方块将会正常落下并替换该方块 (MCPE-152937)
  • Slabs can once again be placed continuously (MCPE-151887)
  • 现在可以连续放置台阶 (MCPE-151887)
  • Torches can no longer be placed on Bells
  • 火把不再能被插在钟上了


  • Fixed incorrect names for White Dye, Black Dye, Brown Dye, and Blue Dye (MCPE-153522)
  • 修复了白色、黑色、棕色与蓝色染料物品名称异常的问题 (MCPE-153522)
  • Fixed a bug where an undamaged tool, such as Pickaxe, when name-changed on an Anvil, would fail to work correctly when used for the first time (MCPE-152637)
  • 修复了未破损的工具,例如镐子,被铁砧命名会导致首次无法正常使用的问题 (MCPE-152637)
  • The recipes for Minecart with Chest/Hopper/TNT are now shapeless
  • 运输/漏斗/TNT矿车的合成配方现在是无序的
  • Fixed a bug where the Trident, Bow, Spyglass and Crossbow would not render when picked up by a Fox (MCPE-135346)
  • 修复了狐狸捡起三叉戟,弓、望远镜、弩与盾牌时无法渲染物品的问题 (MCPE-135346)
  • Fixed a bug causing z-fighting to occur on bottom of player’s head while wearing a Skull (MCPE-149125)
  • 修复了玩家穿着生物头颅时导致玩家头部底面纹理的深度冲突的问题 (MCPE-149125)
  • Each Minecart variant (Chest/Hopper/TNT) drops itself as a single item when broken, instead of splitting into two items (such as Chest and Minecart)
  • 当破坏矿车的变体(如运输矿车/发射器矿车/TNT矿车等)时,掉落物不再拆开(比如运输矿车被破坏会掉落矿车和箱子),而是掉落其本身


  • Fixed an issue that caused Leads to render on top of Glass (MCPE-145764)
  • 修复了拴绳在玻璃顶部渲染的问题 (MCPE-145764)
  • Fixed a bug causing the fire animation to flicker when the player is standing in a Lava Cauldron while in Creative mode (MCPE-148999)
  • 修复了创造模式玩家站在装了岩浆的炼药锅中火焰动画发生异常的问题 (MCPE-148999)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause severe visual glitches when using emotes more than once (MCPE-155049)
  • 修复了多次使用表情符号引起的视觉故障问题 (MCPE-155049)
  • Fixed graphical corruption issues on Android devices (MCPE-155509)
  • 修复了安卓设备上的图像崩溃问题 (MCPE-155509)

User Interface

  • Minor changes have been made for Xbox players when switching accounts while the game is open. See this article for details
  • 对Xbox玩家在游戏打开时切换账户做了一点点修改. 详情请看 这篇文章
  • Shift-clicking items will once again combine items of same type into a stack (MCPE-153992)
  • 现在按下 Shift 键并点击物品将再次能够将相同物品合并进同一槽位了 (MCPE-153992)
  • Added settings to change duration of notifications
  • 添加了修改通知持续时间的设置项
  • The “Submit Feedback” button is now described as a link by Text-To-Speech
  • 文本语音转换程序现在会将“Submit Feedback(提交反馈)”按钮描述为一个链接
  • Added appropriate messaging when there is no internet connection on Xbox devices
  • 在Xbox设备上添加了有关没有互联网连接时的消息
  • Fixed enchantment option on Pocket UI Profile not being displayed
  • 修复了Pocket UI下的附魔选项不会正确显示的问题
  • Fixed a bug where items could be dropped by clicking in the dark gray area of the left side of player inventory when using Furnace, Blast Furnace, Smoker, Enchant Table, Grindstone, Brewing Stand, Anvil, Beacon, and Smithing Table
  • 修复了使用熔炉,高炉,烟熏炉,附魔台,砂轮,酿造台,铁砧,信标以及锻造台时,点击玩家物品栏旁边的深灰色区域会扔出物品的问题
  • Players can now sign in with a QR code on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation consoles
  • 任天堂switch和PlayStation上的玩家可以用二维码登录了
  • Featured Servers message text is no longer centered
  • 特色服务器消息文本不再居中
  • “Controller lost connection” prompt will now be shown after the world generation screen if a controller was disconnected while on that screen
  • “控制器失去连接 “的提示现在将在控制器在世界生成屏幕上被断开连接后显示。

Technical Updates:

Updated Add-On Template Packs

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.19.0 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation, are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks
  • 为1.19.0添加了Add-on 模板。包含新的材质、行为和文档,可以在 aka.ms/MCAddonPacks 下载

Performance / Stability
性能 / 稳定性

  • Fixed a crash when loading a Behavior Pack with non-JSON object in entity components, component_groups, and “add”/”remove” events (MCPE-151377, MCPE-151380)
  • 修复了加载包含非 JSON 元素,component_groups,“add”/”remove”事件的实体组件的行为包时发生的崩溃 (MCPE-151377MCPE-151380)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to render blocks that rely on biome data
  • 修复了渲染拥有群系数据的方块所导致的游戏崩溃
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to access a null entity
  • 修复了当试图方位一个空白实体时导致的崩溃问题
  • Fixed a crash in variant related to thrown potions and invalid potion IDs
  • 修复了variant中与丢出的药水和无效的药水ID相关的崩溃
  • Avoid crashes on certain devices when parsing Molang expressions with many OR or AND operators
  • 在解析带有大量OR或AND运算符的Molang表达式时,避免在某些设备上出现的崩溃


  • Volume instances are now stored in the world, persisting between play sessions
  • 音量实例现在存储在世界中,在不同的游戏会话中会保持不变
  • Limit path strings and localized ID strings in data-driven blocks to 256 characters
  • 将数据驱动方块中的path字符串和loc ID字符串的长度限制为256个字符
  • Limit the length of crafting tag strings in CraftingTableComponent to 64 characters
  • 将CraftingTableComponent中的crafting标签字符串的长度限制为64个字符
  • Limit the number of elements in the material_instances field of the BlockMaterialInstancesComponent to 64
  • 将BlockMaterialInstancesComponent中material_instancesfield字段的元素数量限制为64。
  • Limit the number of elements in the conditionsand block_filter fields of the BlockPlacementFieldComponent to 64
  • 将BlockPlacementFieldComponent中conditionsand block_filter字段的元素数量限制为64。
  • Updated documentation for originand size fields of the minecraft:block_collision and minecraft:aim_collision components
  • 更新了 minecraft:block_collision 和 minecraft:aim_collision 组件的 origin 和 size 字段的文档
  • Set stack limit for brewing station result slot to 1, as to avoid getting input stacks being overwritten when the brew is complete
  • 将酿造台中放置酿造完毕的药水的物品槽的堆栈上限设为1,来避免在酿造完成时获得的输入堆栈被覆盖
  • Tied consume animation to consume duration
  • 将消耗动画与持续消耗时间联系起来
  • Content errors for data-driven blocks improved to log resource pack, file, and block identifier
  • 改进了数据驱动块的内容错误,以记录资源包、文件和方块标识符
  • Limit length of the minecraft:geometry field of BlockGeometryComponent to 256 characters
  • 限制 BlockGeometryComponent 的 minecraft:geometryfield 至256个字符
  • Updated documentation for specific string types “Localization String”, “Path String”, and “Identifier String”
  • 对特定的字符串类型的文档进行了更新: “Localization String”, “Path String”, “Identifier String”


  • The ‘/spreadplayers’ command will now avoid more hazardous locations
  • /spreadplayers命令现在会避开更危险的位置
  • Reload command will now discover new function and script files
  • Reload命令现在会发现新的函数和脚本文件
  • When a Command Block clones itself twice with the ‘/clone’ command, the cloned Command Block will now activate on the first try (MCPE-122188)
  • 使用/clone命令复制命令方块,在命令方块被复制完成的同时,被复制的命令方块在第一次激活尝试时会被正常触发 (MCPE-122188)
  • Command selectors now correctly identify players by name instead of their name tag
  • 命令选择器现在可以正确地通过玩家名而不是命名标签来识别玩家
  • Title commands fired before a client was done joining will now show instead of being ignored
  • 在客户端加入前发送的 Title 指令现在将会被展示。
  • Added the ‘replace entity’ overload to the ‘/loot’ command
  • 为’loot’ 命令加入了 ‘replace entity’ 重载
  • Fixed an issue with teleporting an entity to a chunk that has not been loaded since before 1.18.30 would result in the loss of that entity
  • 修复了在1.18.30之后将实体传送到还未在1.18.30加载过的区块时实体消失的问题

Dedicated Server

  • Enabled the Windows Dedicated Server console to read UTF-16 encoded Unicode input (BDS-3791)
  • 启用Windows专用服务器控制台来读取UTF-16编码的unicode输入 (BDS-3791)


  • Entities that use KnockbackRoarGoal can once again properly use entity filters to determine damage
  • 使用KnockbackRoarGoal的实体可以再次正确地使用实体分类器来决定伤害
  • Actor properties can now be applied to player entities. Updated network protocol version to support this (MCPE-129628)
  • 活动对象属性现在可以应用于玩家实体。升级了网络协议版本以对此进行支持 (MCPE-129628)
  • Actors using movement prediction will once again teleport smoothly
  • 使用移动预测的 Actor 现在将再次被平滑传送
  • Added in a check to prevent an actor that is a passenger from being ridden by the vehicle it is on, preventing an infinite loop looking for the root vehicle (MCPE-133774)
  • 增加了检查功能,以防止作为乘客的活动对象被其所在的运载工具骑乘,出现寻找根载具的死循环。 (MCPE-133774)
  • Exposed new data parameter “can_sleep_while_riding” for “minecraft.behavior.sleep”. If set to false, the goal will not start if the mob is riding
  • 新增了“minecraft.behavior.sleep”中新的数据参数“can_sleep_while_riding”。如果设置为false,生物在处于骑乘状态时将不会睡觉
  • The is_moving filter now returns the correct value when an actor is moving
  • is_moving筛选器现在当活动对象移动时返回正确值
  • Added a target_block_filters to “behavior.move_to_block” and “is_waterlogged” filter test to prevent mobs from moving to blocks underwater (MCPE-153783)
  • 向”behavior.move_to_block“和”is_waterlogged“过滤器测试中加入了 target_block_filter 来防止生物移动到水下方块 (MCPE-153783)


  • Updated fog JSON schema to allow distance fog settings to use negative value as ‘fog_start’. Allowing nearby blocks to also be tinted with fog color
  • 更新了雾的 JSON 格式,允许雾影响范围值 ‘fog_start’ 使用负值,这样可以使附近的方块也被雾影响。
  • Added adjustable fog effect that can expand or shrink over time. Users will get the sense of eyes adjusting when going into water
  • 添加了可以随时间增强/减弱的雾效果。进入水下时的效果更加接近人眼。


  • Added new data-driven Item component minecraft:chargeable – Allows the item to be charged (like Apples or Bows) when the use action button is held on_complete – Trigger executed when the items use duration has been completed
  • 添加了新的数据驱动物品组件minecraft:chargeable——当使用动作按钮被按住时,允许物品被充能(如苹果或弓)——当物品被使用完毕时,触发器被执行。


  • Avoid clearing temp Molang variables during hand rendering
  • 避免在 hand rendering 时清除 Molang 的临时变量

GameTest Framework


GameTest module type changed from “javascript” to “script” in manifest.json. Added an optional attribute “language” which has only one supported value – javascript.
manifest.json中,GameTest 模块类型已从”javascript”修改为”script”。同时添加了可选属性“language”,虽然它目前只有一个有效值——javascript

New JavaScript modules in manifest.json should look as follows:

“modules”: [
“description”: “JavaScript module code”,
“language”: “javascript”,
“type”: “script”,
“uuid”: “<your UUID>”,
“version”: [0, 0, 1],
“entry”: “scripts/main.js”

“modules”: [
“description”: “JavaScript module code”,
“language”: “javascript”,
“type”: “script”,
“uuid”: “<your UUID>”,
“version”: [0,0,1],
“entry”: “scripts/main.js”

mojang-gametest module: Test
mojang-gametest 模块: Test

  • Added function rotateVector – Rotates a vector relative to the GameTest structure rotation
  • 增加了函数rotateVector——相对于GameTest结构转动旋转一个向量。
  • Removed constraint on maximum travel distance from GameTest structure for SimulatedPlayer.
  • 移除了 GameTest 结构中,针对 SimulatedPlayer 的最大移动距离的常数

mojang-minecraft module
mojang-minecraft 模块

  • Entity
  • 实体
    • Added function setRotation(degreesX: number, degreesY: number) – Sets the rotation of the Entity
    • 加入了函数 setRotation(degreesX: number, degreesY: number)- 设定实体方向
    • Added read-only property rotation: XYRotation – Gets the rotation of the Entity
    • 加入了只读的方向参数: XYRotation- 获取实体的方向
    • Removed property bodyRotation – Note: Use rotation.y instead
    • 移除了 bodyRotation- 注意: 用 Entity.rotation.y 替代
  • XYRotation
  • XYRotation
    • Renamed class PitchYawRotation to XYRotation
    • 重命名类 PitchYawRotation 至 XYRotation
    • Renamed property pitch to x
    • 重命名参数 pitch 至 x
    • Renamed property yaw to y
    • 重命名参数 yaw 至 y
  • New events:
  • 新事件:
    • Added event buttonPushEvent – fires when a button is pushed
    • 加入了事件 ‘buttonPushEvent’ – 按下按钮时激活
    • Added event events.projectileHit – Fires when a projectile hits a Block or Entity
    • 添加事件events.projectileHit——当投掷物击中方块或实体时触发
    • Added event events.itemStartUseOn – Sent when the player first interacts with a block
    • 添加事件events.itemStartUseOn——当玩家第一次与一个方块互动时发送
    • Added event events.itemStopUseOn – Sent when fire if the block is successfully interacted with and the block has changed – such as when grass is turned to a path with a Shovel
    • 添加事件events.itemStopUseOn——在触发时发送,如果(玩家)与方块成功互动,并且方块发生了变化——例如用铲子将草方块变成了土径
    • Added event events.itemStartCharge– Sent when the player first starts using a charging/animated item
    • 添加事件events.itemStartCharge——当玩家第一次开始使用一个充能/活动的物品时发送
    • Added event events.itemCompleteCharge – Sent when the item has completed its charge action
    • 添加事件events.itemCompleteCharge——当物品完成其充能动作时发送
    • Added event events.itemReleaseCharge – Sent when the user has finished using the item and released the build action
    • 添加事件events.itemReleaseCharge——当使用者使用完毕物品并发送构建动作时发送
    • Added event events.itemStopCharge – Sent either when the player has finished an items use cycle or when the player has released the use action with the item
    • 添加事件events.itemStopCharge——当玩家完成一个物品使用周期或玩家释放物品的使用动作时发送
    • ItemStartUseOnEvent Added read only property buildBlockLocation – The result build block position. Useful for determining where a block was placed
    • 为ItemStartUseOnEvent添加了只读属性buildBlockLocation——放置方块的位置。对于确定一个方块的放置位置很有用
    • Added member player?: Player to the LeverActivate event – The player that activated the lever
    • 添加了成员player?: Playerto the LeverActivate event——激活拉杆的玩家

New property on Player : onScreenDisplay : ScreenDisplay – exposes a new interface to trigger on screen content.
Player的新属性:onScreenDisplay : ScreenDisplay——添加了一个新的接口来触发屏幕上的内容。

  • ScreenDisplay Type
  • ScreenDisplay 类型
    • setTitle(title : String, options? : TitleDisplayOptions) – cause a title to show up on the player’s HUD, optionally specifying the subtitle and fade in, stay and fade out times
    • setTitle(title : String, options? : TitleDisplayOptions)——使得一个标题显示在玩家的HUD上,可选择指定副标题以及淡入、停留和淡出的时间。
    • clearTitle() – clear title and subtitle
    • clearTitle()——清除标题和副标题
    • updateSubtitle(subtitle : String) – update the subtitle (but not the title)
    • updateSubtitle(subtitle : String)——更新副标题 (而不是标题)
    • setActionBar(text : String) – set the action bar text
    • setActionBar(text : String)——设置使用按钮文本
  • TitleDisplayOptions object
  • TitleDisplayOptions 对象
    • subtitle? : String – optional subtitle
    • subtitle? : String——可选的副标题
    • fadeInSeconds : Int – number of seconds to fade in new title and subtitle
    • fadeInSeconds : Int——淡入新的标题与副标题的秒数
    • staySeconds : Int – number of seconds to have the title and subtitle stay on screen
    • staySeconds : Int——新的标题与副标题持续的秒数
    • fadeOutSeconds : Int – number of seconds to fade out title and subtitle
    • fadeOutSeconds : Int——淡出新的标题与副标题的秒数

Support of dynamic properties that script can use to persist data per-World or per-Entity. Note that properties must be registered using the propertyRegistry in the new WorldInitialize event.

  • DynamicPropertiesDefinition
  • 动态属性定义
    • Added function defineNumber(identifier: string): void – Defines a dynamic number property
    • 添加函数defineNumber(identifier: string): void——定义一个动态数字属性
    • Added function defineString(identifier: string, maxLength: number): void – Defines a dynamic string property
    • 添加函数defineString(identifier: string, maxLength: number): void——定义一个动态字符串属性
    • Added function defineBoolean(identifier: string): void – Defines a dynamic boolean property
    • 添加函数defineBoolean(identifier: string): void——定义一个动态布尔型属性
    • Added event worldInitialize(worldInitializeEvent: WorldInitializeEvent) – Fires during world load and contains the property registry used for declaring dynamic properties
    • 添加事件worldInitialize(worldInitializeEvent: WorldInitializeEvent)——在加载世界时触发,包含用于声明动态属性的属性注册表
  • PropertyRegistry
  • 属性注册表
    • Added function registerEntityTypeDynamicProperties(propertiesDefinition: DynamicPropertiesDefinition, entityType: EntityType) – Registers dynamic property definitions for the given EntityType
    • 添加函数registerEntityTypeDynamicProperties(propertiesDefinition: DynamicPropertiesDefinition, entityType: EntityType)——为给定的 EntityType注册动态属性定义
    • Added function registerWorldDynamicProperties(propertiesDefinition: DynamicPropertiesDefinition) – Registers property definitions for the world
    • 添加函数registerWorldDynamicProperties(propertiesDefinition: DynamicPropertiesDefinition)——为世界注册属性定义
  • World object/Entity object additions:
  • 世界对象/实体对象 补充内容:
    • Added function setDynamicProperty(identifier: string, value: boolean | string | number) – Adds a dynamic property to the world/entity
    • 添加函数setDynamicProperty(identifier: string, value: boolean | string | number)——为世界/实体添加一个动态属性
    • Added function getDynamicProperty(identifier: string): boolean | string | number – Gets a dynamic property from the world/entity if it exists, otherwise returns undefined
    • 添加函数getDynamicProperty(identifier: string): boolean | string | number ——如果存在,则从世界/实体中获取一个动态属性,否则返回undefined
    • Added function removeDynamicProperty(identifier: string): boolean – Removes a dynamic property value from the world/entity
    • 添加函数removeDynamicProperty(identifier: string): boolean ——从世界/实体中删除一个动态属性值

Updated the GameTest Framework interface to add read-only scoreboard support.

  • World
  • 世界
    • scoreboard : Scoreboard – Access world’s scoreboard
    • scoreboard : Scoreboard – 获取世界的计分板
  • Entity
  • 实体
    • scoreboard : ScoreboardIdentity – Access the entities scoreboard identity
    • scoreboard : ScoreboardIdentity – 获取实体计分板身份
  • Scoreboard – Object representing the scoreboard data
  • Scoreboard – 表示计分板数据的对象
    • getObjective(objectiveId : String) : ScoreboardObjective – Method to get a specific objective (by id)
    • getObjective(objectiveId : String) : ScoreboardObjective – 获取特定目标的方法(通过ID)
    • getObjectives : ScoreboardObjective[] – Method to get all objectives
    • getObjectives : ScoreboardObjective[] – 获取所有目标的方法
    • getParticipants : ScoreboardIdentity[] – Method to get all scoreboard identities
    • getParticipants : ScoreboardIdentity[] – 获取所有实体计分板身份的方法
  • ScoreboardObjective – Object representing a scoreboard objective
  • ScoreboardObjective – 表示一个计分板目标的对象
    • id : String – (read-only) scoreboard identifier
    • id : String – (只读) 计分板标识符
    • displayName : String – (read-only) scoreboard display name
    • displayName : String – (只读) 计分板显示名称
    • getParticipants : ScoreboardIdentity[] – Method to get all objective participant identities
    • getParticipants : ScoreboardIdentity[] – 获取所有对象参与者身份的方法
    • getScores : ScoreboardScoreInfo[] – Method to get the score info for all participants
    • getScores : ScoreboardScoreInfo[] – 获取所有参与者的分数信息的方法
    • getScore(participant : ScoreboardIdentity) : Int – Method to get the score value of a participant
    • getScore(participant : ScoreboardIdentity) : Int – 获取一个参与者的分值的方法
  • ScoreboardIdentity – Object representing a scoreboard participant
  • ScoreboardIdentity – 表示一个计分板参与者的对象
    • type : ScoreboardIdentityType – (read-only) enum representing the type of identity
    • type : ScoreboardIdentityType – (只读) 代表身份的类型的枚举
    • id : Int – (read-only) Unique identifier for the identity
    • id : Int – (只读) 身份的唯一标识符
    • displayName : String – (read-only) display name for the identity
    • displayName : String – (只读) 身份显示的名称
    • getEntity : Entity – get the Entity handle associated with the identity
    • getEntity : ScriptActor – 获取与身份相关的ScriptActor句柄
  • ScoreboardIdentityType – Enum representing identity types : .Entity – An entity .FakePlayer – A fake identity .Player – A player
  • ScoreboardIdentityType – 代表身份类型的枚举 : .Entity – 一个实体 .FakePlayer – 一个假的身份 .Player – 一个玩家
  • ScoreboardScoreInfo – Score-Identity pair for an objective
  • ScoreboardScoreInfo – 对象的分数-特征配对
    • participant : ScoreboardIdentity – (read-only) The participant
    • participant : ScoreboardIdentity – (只读) 参与者
    • score : Int – (read-only) The score
    • score : Int – (只读) 分数
  • Commands
  • 指令
    • Added /script profiler command to create GameTest script performance traces. Script profiles should be written to the Minecraft logging folder. See this article for more information on the Script Profiler.
    • 添加了用于创建 GameTest 框架脚本性能跟踪器的 /script profiler 指令。脚本的配置文件会被写入到Minecraft的日志文件夹。阅读 这篇文章 来了解更多关于script profiler的信息
  • Dedicated Server has been updated to allow servers to explicitly list which script modules they want loaded when running scripts. A default configuration file is located at /config/default/permissions.json . Without this new file, all script modules are disabled by default. See this article for more information on usage of scripts plus servers.
  • 专用服务器已经更新,现在允许服务器在运行脚本时显式列出他们想要加载的脚本模块。默认配置文件位于/config/default/permissions.json。如果没有这个新文件,默认情况下将禁用所有脚本模块。阅读 这篇文章 来了解更多关于脚本和服务器的使用信息


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