
PC JAVA版&基岩版捆绑包将在6月7日上线

No more picking and choosing, Java and Bedrock will be sold together!

When it comes to iconic duos, I’m going to just go ahead and say that Java & Bedrock are up there with the greats: flint and steel, marinara and mozzarella, comically large dogs and smol kittens… I really could go on forever. Is that a threat to turn this post into a listicle? I would never.
说到标志性的组合,除去 Minecraft Java 版与基岩版,我还想到了下面这些绝配: 燧石和打火棒,马瑞那拉调味汁和莫泽雷勒干酪[注],滑稽透顶的大狗和臭哄哄的小猫…你要是不拦着我,我能一直说下去。这是要把这篇文章一直写下去的一种威胁吗?我可永远不会这样干。

Today is not the day I will reveal my comprehensive list of perfect pairings,because I have important news: as of June 7, Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition for PC will bring the two games together in one purchase – I guess the rest of Mojang Studios also shares my opinion on this dream duo. As its name suggests, this package gives you both editions in one purchase, and it will become the standard and only offering of vanilla Minecraft on Windows PC. Of course, you will be able to cross-play with either Java or Bedrock players by launching whichever edition your friends are playing – but not at the same time, mind you. We tried that and now part of our office is in a time warp.
显然今天不是我展示这个完美配对列表的日子, 因为我搞了个大新闻要告诉各位: 在6月7日,Minecraft Java版&基岩版捆绑包 就要把两个版本的游戏放在一起卖了– 我猜 Mojang 的其他员工也分享了有关这个绝妙组合的点子。物如其名,一次购买,你将能够通过这个捆绑包一起获得两个游戏,这也将会成为 Windows PC 上的标准版,且是唯一可用的原版 Minecraft。当然啦,这样一来,你就可以通过启动不同版本的游戏,来和你使用不同版本游戏的朋友交叉游玩啦(不论他们使用什么版本都没问题) – 不过请注意,我是说“交叉游玩”,不是“同时游玩”。我们在办公室里尝试了一下同时启动两个版本的游戏,结果居然出现了时空扭曲。

You might be immediately wondering: What happens if you enter the time warp What if I already own one of the two editions? Do I need to buy Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition if I want to have both? The answer is a big, resounding NOOO. Sorry, that was louder than I intended. Starting June 7, all players that have either Java Edition or Bedrock Edition will receive the edition they do not currently own for free, right in the Minecraft Launcher. So if you own Java, you’ll get Bedrock – and vice versa. You don’t need to do anything to claim this, but please keep in mind that it might take 2 to 3 days for the game to show up as we roll it out to all eligible players.
或许你已经满脸问号了: 如果你走进那个时空扭曲会发生什么 如果我已经有了其中一个版本该如何是好呢? 我还需要额外购买才能同时拥有这两个版本吗?答案是一个大大的,响亮的“不”。抱歉,这声音比我想的要响的多。从6月7日起,所有已拥有 Java 版或基岩版任一版本的玩家 将会免费收到一份当前没有的版本,直接发到你的 Minecraft 启动器里。也就是说,如果你有了 Java 版,你就能免费拿到一份基岩版 – 反之亦然。我们会主动发放,因此你无需证明你拥有其中一份,但请记住,在我们核验所有玩家信息的同时,你可能需要两到三天的时间才能看到你获得的另一份游戏。

To be clear, Java and Bedrock will remain separate games with their own distinctive features. The only difference is that now you get both by default when buying Minecraft for your Windows PC, and access them both from the same launcher.
清楚地说,Java 版和基岩版仍将会是拥有不同特性的两个版本。唯一不同是在你购买 Minecraft Windows PC 版时,你会同时获得这两款游戏,而且都可以在启动器里直接游玩。

Ridiculously indecisive Windows gamers, rejoice! You now have one less choice to make. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get out of the office before I start Benjamin Buttoning.
Windows 平台上可笑的选择困难症玩家们,快起来欢呼吧!你现在可以少作一个选择了。如果你不介意的话,我得在这时空扭曲把我吞噬,整个人都返老还童之前,赶快逃出我的办公室了。


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