我的世界Java版 22w17a 发布

22W17A 的新增特性

  • Added Goat Horn!
  • 加入了山羊角!


  • A Goat Horn drops when a Goat rams a tree or any other hard block that occurs naturally where Goats spawn (Logs, Stone, Packed Ice, Iron Ore, Copper Ore, or Emerald Ore)
  • 当山羊冲撞一棵树,或者其它山羊生成地点中自然出现的硬物时,就会掉落山羊角。(硬物包括原木,石头,浮冰,铁矿石,铜矿石和绿宝石矿石)
    • Other solid blocks are unfamiliar to the Goat, so it won’t ram them
    • 山羊和别的固体方块不熟,所以不会冲撞它们
  • Use the horn to play a loud sound that can be heard from afar
  • 使用山羊角可以发出很大的响声,从很远的地方也能听到
  • Each horn has its own sound based on the Goat it originated from
  • 山羊角有着不同声音,取决于来源的山羊
  • There are 8 Goat Horn variants, 4 of them exclusive to screaming Goats
  • 山羊角共有8种,其中4种为尖叫山羊独有
  • Goat Horns can sometimes be found in Pillager Outposts
  • 山羊角有时候也会出现在掠夺者前哨站

22W17A 的修改内容

  • The Allay connecting with Note Blocks is now better visualized by the vibration particle
  • 与音符盒连接的悦灵现在会有振动粒子,以提升视觉效果
  • The Allay connecting with Note Blocks can now be blocked by Wool Blocks again
  • 与音符盒连接的悦灵又可以被羊毛方块阻挡了
  • Replaced realms subtle selected world highlight with a clear green checkmark
  • 将Reamls微弱的世界选择高亮替换成了清晰的绿色对钩
  • Updated the Brewing Stand’s base UVs and texture to match a graphical fix in Bedrock Edition
  • 更新了酿造台的基础UV和贴图,以匹配基岩版中的一处图像修复
  • Warden balancing
  • 监守者的强度平衡


  • Their ranged attack will now:
  • 它们的范围攻击现在:
    • Bypass shields and armor
    • 会穿透盾牌和盔甲
    • Deal 10 damage instead of 30 damage, and the cooldown has been reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds
    • 造成的伤害从30改为10,冷却从5秒改为2秒
    • Display a custom death message
    • 会显示特有的死亡信息
  • Wardens now drop a single Sculk Catalyst upon death
  • 监守者现在在死亡时会掉落一个幽匿催发体

22W17A 的技术性修改

  • Signed Chat
  • 聊天签名
  • Removed dampenable_vibrations game event tag
  • 移除了dampenable_vibrations 游戏事件标签


This is the first step in a process to provide more security and player safety features for in-game chat. We’d love to hear your thoughts, but keep in mind that many features such as server-driven styling of chat messages are still missing.


  • Chat messages between players are now cryptographically signed
  • 玩家之间的聊天信息现在是加密签名的了
  • Players are given a Mojang provided key-pair on startup
  • 在开始的时候,玩家会得到Mojang提供的密钥组
  • Servers can require players to have a Mojang-signed public key by setting enforce-secure-profile=true in server.properties
  • 服务器可以通过设置server.properties中的 enforce-secure-profile=true 来强制玩家提供Mojang签名过的公钥
    • Enforcing secure profiles will prevent players without a Mojang-signed public key from connecting
    • 开启之后,没有Mojang签名公钥的玩家将无法连接到服务器
    • By default this is set to false, allowing players to connect without a Mojang-signed public key
    • 默认值为 false, 使得没有Mojang签名公钥的玩家也能连接
  • Chat styling is now handled via server resource packs with the translation key chat.type.text
  • 聊天样式现在由服务器资源包处理,翻译键为 chat.type.text

22W17A 修复的漏洞

  • MC-13103 – Texture Z-Fighting at Wolf/Dog/Cat snout
  • MC-13103 – 狼、狗、猫的鼻子存在深度冲突
  • MC-53312 – Illager/(zombie) villager/witch robes don’t render the last two rows of pixels
  • MC-53312 – 灾厄村民、村民、僵尸村民和女巫的长袍的最后两行像素未渲染
  • MC-106627 – Leather cap texture overlay doesn’t align correctly
  • MC-106627 – 皮革帽子的覆盖纹理没有正确对齐
  • MC-141064 – Cleric collar z-fighting
  • MC-141064 – 牧师村民的衣领存在深度冲突
  • MC-176840 – Ores no longer drop experience when blown up
  • MC-176840 – 矿石被爆炸摧毁时不再掉落经验
  • MC-207309 – Landing entities such as minecarts and armor stands trigger sculk sensors but boats do not
  • MC-207309 – 矿车、盔甲架等实体落地会被幽匿感测体检测到,但是船却不会
  • MC-208597 – Boats ridden over wool are detected by sculk sensor
  • MC-208597 – 幽匿感测体会检测在羊毛上的船
  • MC-208771 – Projectiles landing on wool trigger sculk sensors
  • MC-208771 – 着落在羊毛上的弹射物会触发幽匿感测体
  • MC-210712 – Sculk sensors are not activated upon backwards movement in a boat
  • MC-210712 – 幽匿感测体不会受向后移动的船影响而激活
  • MC-210901 – Sculk sensors are not activated upon entities sliding on ice
  • MC-210901 – 幽匿感测体不会受冰面上的实体滑行影响而激活
  • MC-248161 – Weaponsmith zombie villager texture has leftover pixels from the regular weaponsmith texture
  • MC-248161 – 盔甲匠僵尸村民的纹理残留有盔甲匠村民的纹理像素
  • MC-248292 – Llama uses pre-1.14 chest texture
  • MC-248292 – 羊驼的箱子仍在使用 1.14 前的纹理
  • MC-248555 – Mismatches within (zombie) villager textures
  • MC-248555 – 村民、僵尸村民的纹理匹配错误
  • MC-248556 – Savanna Zombie Villager missing a body texture
  • MC-248556 – 热带草原变种的僵尸村民缺少躯体纹理
  • MC-248557 – Savanna villager body defines pixels identical to base villager texture
  • MC-248557 – 热带草原村民身体的纹理含有与基础村民身体纹理相同的像素
  • MC-248561 – Vindicator’s crossed arms element has miscolored pixels on the faces touching the other arm elements
  • MC-248561 – 卫道士的“交叉手臂”模型元素中,和手臂相交的两个面存在纹理绘制错误
  • MC-248562 – Iron golem has unused pixels in the texture
  • MC-248562 – 铁傀儡的纹理中有未使用的像素
  • MC-249032 – Fence item model’s bars inconsistent with placed block
  • MC-249032 – 栅栏物品模型的横杆与放置的方块不一致
  • MC-249039 – “Half” armor bar icon texture is incorrect
  • MC-249039 – 盔甲条的「半个盔甲」图标的纹理不正确
  • MC-249190 – Sculk blocks don’t drop experience orbs when blown up
  • MC-249190 – 幽匿块被爆炸摧毁时不再掉落经验球
  • MC-249262 – Sculk cannot replace soul sand or mud when mobs die on top of them
  • MC-249262 – 当有生物在灵魂沙和泥巴上死亡时,生成的幽匿块不会替换掉它们
  • MC-249669 – tadpole.png has unused frog egg texture
  • MC-249669 – tadpole.png 有未使用的青蛙卵纹理
  • MC-249745 – If allay is holding an item, it can be equipped with armor using a dispenser
  • MC-249745 – 悦灵持有物品时可被发射器装备上盔甲
  • MC-249780 – Blocks that require support can generate floating in ancient cities
  • MC-249780 – 在远古城市中,需支撑的方块可浮空生成
  • MC-249919 – Pillar in Ancient City can generate with waterlogged stairs
  • MC-249919 – 远古城市的柱子会生成出含水的楼梯
  • MC-250000 – Allays and villagers create ghost items when they take items from a stack and cannot fit the whole stack in their inventory
  • MC-250000 – 悦灵和村民试图捡起超过其物品栏剩余空间的数量的物品堆时会创造幽灵物品
  • MC-250027 – Allays ignore the dimension when checking for liked note blocks
  • MC-250027 – 悦灵在检测 liked 的音符盒时会忽略维度
  • MC-250075 – The inner two planes in mangrove roots are smaller than they should be
  • MC-250075 – 红树根的两个内表面纹理比应有的要小
  • MC-250076 – Shading is disabled for the two inner planes in mangrove roots, even though it isn’t for all the other planes
  • MC-250076 – 不同于红树根的其他面,其两个内表面的阴影被禁用
  • MC-250165 – Doing /locate stronghold in some single biomes causes an unexpected error
  • MC-250165 – 在某些单一生物群系世界里使用/locate stronghold会产生意外错误
  • MC-250240 – Z-fighting can be seen around the backs of frogs when they open their mouths
  • MC-250240 – 青蛙张开嘴时,其后背周围存在深度冲突
  • MC-250288 – Some blocks in Ancient City structures can only be covered by sculk veins and can’t be converted into a sculk block
  • MC-250288 – 远古城市建筑的一些方块只能被幽匿脉络覆盖,而不能转换成幽匿块
  • MC-250321 – Flying and aquatic mobs pathfinding in certain blocks cause crash || The game crashed whilst ticking entity Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “dnm.a()” because “$$1” is null
  • MC-250321 – 飞行生物和水生生物在某些方块上的寻路会导致崩溃 || 错误提示:The game crashed whilst ticking entityError: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “dnm.a()” because “$$1” is null
  • MC-250331 – Chunk rendering is glitchy / incorrect when redrawing
  • MC-250331 – 在重新绘制的时候,区块渲染出现问题
  • MC-250339 – Paintings are off-centered in multiplayer servers
  • MC-250339 – 多人游戏服务器中画的位置错位了
  • MC-250379 – Teleporting armor stands results in visual desync and abnormal behavior
  • MC-250379 – 传送盔甲架会导致视觉上的不同步和异常行为
  • MC-250400 – Blocks and items can cause the world to render invisibly
  • MC-250400 – 部分方块和物品会使渲染产生透视效果
  • MC-250411 – Sculk can spread in ancient city structures and replace soul sand with fire on top, extinguishing fires
  • MC-250411 – 幽匿块可以蔓延到远古城市的建筑结构上并替换被点燃的灵魂沙,导致火熄灭
  • MC-250429 – Narrator improperly narrates chat
  • MC-250429 – 复述功能以不正确的方式读出聊天内容
  • MC-250460 – The rendering of players is delayed for others
  • MC-250460 – 多人游戏中其他玩家的渲染会有延迟


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