我的世界基岩版 1.18.31 发布


  • Introducing Spectator Mode experimental toggle. Players can now try out an early development version of Spectator Mode
  • 实验性功能——旁观模式加入。现在玩家们可以开启开发中的旁观模式
    • For now, we will not be accepting bug reports related to Spectator Mode since its current implementation is very early in development and subject to change
    • 现阶段,我们不会接受旁观模式相关的bug反馈,因为它正处于早期开发阶段


  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • 修复了导致游戏过程中崩溃的一些问题
  • Fixed an exploit with improperly gaining XP through Furnaces (MCPE-152227)
  • 修复了通过熔炉过量获取经验的bug (MCPE-152227)
  • Fixed the screen turning black when reloading RTX worlds (MCPE-152645)
  • 修复了重载RTX世界时黑屏的问题 (MCPE-152645)
  • Fixed textures of distant blocks appearing grainy, warped, and distorted when playing on Android devices (MCPE-141316)
  • 修复了在安卓设备上游玩时远处方块的纹理发绿,颠倒或扭曲的问题 (MCPE-141316)
  • Fixed flowing water and lava textures not appearing correctly on iOS devices
  • 修复了流动的水和岩浆的纹理在iOS设备上不正确的问题
  • Fixed various framerate hitches, particularly impacting less powerful mobile devices (MCPE-142934)
  • 修复了一些帧率造成的错误,可能会影响到低端设备 (MCPE-142934)
  • Mobs can no longer spawn on Buttons (MCPE-153897)
  • 生物不再可以在按钮上生成 (MCPE-153897)
  • Fixed an issue where repeatedly saving and reloading specific chunks would result in delayed chunk loading, performance issues, and game instability (MCPE-154110, MCPE-154278)
  • 修复了重复保存和重新加载特定区块会导致区块加载延迟,性能问题和游戏不稳定的问题 (MCPE-154110MCPE-154278)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented worlds from being opened after updating to version 1.18.30
  • 修复了更新至1.18.30后导致的不能打开世界的问题
  • The “Sound of Music” achievement now unlocks when requirements are met
  • “Sound of Music”成就现在在条件达成时会解锁
  • Fixed issues with Marketplace not opening on Nintendo Switch (MCPE-154120)
  • 修复了Nintendo Switch上可能无法打开市场的问题 (MCPE-154120)
  • Fixed an infinite loading screen that could occur when making purchases in Marketplace
  • 修复了在市场上购买时可能无限卡在加载屏幕的问题


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