Deathdusk 整合包由作者“TheButterbrotMan”所制作。
- legoatoom’s Golden Berries(by legoatoom)
- Crooked Crooks(by EnnuiLangeweile)
- Blanket(by KosmX)
- Simple Voice Chat(by henkelmax)
- Midas Hunger[Fabric](by Accieo)
- ValleyCraft(by llnkle)
- Difficulty+(by SkylorBeck)
- Vanilla Degus(by minet6759_)
- Foodables(by TruthSt)
- Situational Crosshair(by zaorlando)
- Spoorn Dual Wield(by spoorn)
- Reload Audio Driver(RAD)[Fabric](by CJMinecraft01)
- Amethyst Equipment(by exlinegames)
- Camp Fires Cook Mobs(by supersaiyansubtlety)
- Modern Glass Doors(by Kyrptonaught)
- MegaParrot(by SkylorBeck)
- FTB Library(Fabric)(by FTB)
- FTB Quests(Fabric)(by FTB)
- FTB Teams(Fabric)(by FTB)
- Rat’s Mischief?(by doctor4t)
- Item Filters(Fabric)(by LatvianModder)
- Alternate Current(by SpaceWalkerRS)
- Bedspreads(Fabric)(by TheIllusiveC4)
- The Veggie Way[FABRIC](by kwpugh)
- Merchant Markers[Fabric](by Grend_G)
- Fabric Language Kotlin(by modmuss50)
- Lava Java(by TigerOfTroy)
- Chat Heads(by dzwdz)
- Additional Bars[FABRIC](by Gamma1772)
- Map Atlases[Fabric](by Pepperoni__Jabroni__)
- Ottercraft(by webdragon444)
- Damage Tilt(by Charles445)
- Jicklus(by Jicklus)
- BFAPI(by bradbot_1)
- Towers of the Wild:Reworked(Fabric)(by xPand_4B)
- Better Spawner Control(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Snowballs Freeze Mobs(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Fabric Furnaces(by Draylar1)
- Numismatic Overhaul(by gliscowo)
- Villager Leads(by exlinegames)
- TenshiLib(Fabric)(by flemmli97)
- Smaller Nether Portals(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- FoxGlow(by Emafire003)
- Creeper Overhaul(by joosh_7889)
- Goat Shearing(by KaloyanKYS)
- Llama Steeds//FABRIC(by Jusanov)
- Simple XP Bottler(by DrewChase)
- Awesome Dungeon-Fabric(by Jtorleon)
- Stemaria[FORGE/FABRIC](by Dalarion01)
- Fabric API(by modmuss50)
- Bits And Chisels(by cool_mineman)
- Diamond Glass[Fabric](by Kreezxil)
- ExtraSounds(by stashymane)
- Enhanced Block Entities(by FoundationGames)
- Husks drop sand(by 1_block_microwave)
- MC Dungeons Weapons(by chronos_sacaria)
- Forgotten Graves(by Syhlo)
- Smoke Extender(by AfterRebelion)
- Left Hanging(by AbsolemJackdaw)
- Slime Sling(by Flytre7)
- Anthropophagy(by MoriyaShiine)
- Mbembe(by arathaindiexruxio)
- Dank Storage Fabric(by tfarecnim)
- Golems Galore(by ffrannny)
- Bundles Unlocked(by exlinegames)
- Biome Particle Weather(by shadowmaster404)
- This Rocks!(by Motschen)
- [Fabric]Expanded Storage(by NinjaPhenix)
- Incapacitated(by CartoonishVillain)
- oωo(owo-lib)(by gliscowo)
- CIT Resewn(by SHsuperCM)
- Nether Chest(Fabric)(by Kir_Antipov)
- Craftable Spawn Eggs(Fabric)(by unrealxela)
- Rhino(by LatvianModder)
- Mo’Structures(Fabric)(by ffrannny)
- Soaring Structures 2-Forge/Fabric(by STGMC)
- Sulfur And Potassium-More Gunpowder(by BR4NDER5)
- Data Attributes(by clevernucleus)
- XP Obelisk(by Meridanus)
- Improved Stations(Fabric)(by shedaniel)
- Custom Stars[Fabric](by b3spectacled)
- Immortuos Calyx(by CartoonishVillain)
- Trapper Pelts(by CartoonishVillain)
- Puzzle(by Motschen)
- Chirpy’s Wildlife(by chirpycricket__)
- Skin Layers 3D(Fabric/Forge)(by tr9zw)
- Iceberg[Fabric](by Grend_G)
- Visual Overhaul(by Motschen)
- Dirtmonds(by dmcpacks)
- Ambient Environment(by Jaredlll08)
- Sodium Extra(by FlashyReese)
- Enriched(by CamoMano_)
- Pink(by spoorn)
- Armor Sound Tweak(by HeckinChloe)
- Lithium(Fabric)(by jellysquid3_)
- Florist Mod-Valentines Day Update(by exlinegames)
- SpoornPacks(by spoorn)
- Twigs(by ninnih_)
- MC Dungeons Artifacts(by chronos_sacaria)
- The Guild(by fulmineo64)
- Cherished Worlds(Fabric)(by TheIllusiveC4)
- Library Ferret-Fabric(by Jtorleon)
- Adorn(by Juicebus)
- More Berries(by MCrafterzz)
- Womp’s Crayfish Mod(by Womp6)
- Mobs Attempt Parkour(by Barribob)
- Blossom(by yurisuika)
- Soft Drinks(by lilypuree)
- Armor Chroma for Fabric(by Neecko5b84)
- Fire arrows start fire(by 1_block_microwave)
- Fabric Shield Lib(by CrimsonDawn45)
- Variant Crafting Tables[Fabric](by XanthianZ)
- AntiGhost(by Giselbaer)
- Entity Texture Features(Random&Emissive Mob Textures!)-[FABRIC](by traben_0)
- Villager Hats Mod(by PinkGoosik)
- Fabric Craftable Enchanted Golden Apple(by SmushyTaco)
- Drink Beer(Fabric)(by Lekavar)
- Advancement Plaques[Fabric](by Grend_G)
- Wavey Capes(by tr9zw)
- [FABRIC]Sculk Worm(by dinohunter0727)
- Grizzly bear Mod(by AqUpd)
- More dumb items(MDI)(by NickName_73)
- Login Protection[Forge/Fabric](by someaddon)
- Consulars’Extra Music Discs(by ConsularAtol)
- Greater Eye of Ender[FABRIC](by kwpugh)
- MidnightLib(by TeamMidnightDust)
- Slabby(by TheMojoMonkey)
- BetterNether(by paulevs)
- Flonters(by yoghurt4c)
- Squirting syringe(by imexoodeex)
- Powershot(by qolq)
- Crimson’s Crate(by CrimsonFluff)
- Cosmetic Armor[FABRIC](by Apace100)
- Not Enough Crashes(Fabric)(by NatanFudge)
- Fall Through Slime(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Extract Poison(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Eroding Stone Entities(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Bountiful(Fabric)(by ejektaflex)
- Random Sheep Colours(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Columns(by haykam)
- Elytra Bombing[Fabric](by mikhailtapio)
- Dwarf Coal(Fabric)(by traverse_joe)
- Food+[Fabric](by theone_ss)
- Crimson Slimes(by CrimsonFluff)
- AppleSkin(by squeek502)
- Random Shulker Colours(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- More Banner Features(by KxmischesDomi)
- Random Bone Meal Flowers(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Obsidian Equipment(by exlinegames)
- Let Sleeping Dogs Lie-Fabric(Unofficial)(by IMS21)
- NinjaPhenix’s Container Library(by NinjaPhenix)
- Grass Bypass(by Flytre7)
- Revamped Phantoms(by lukebemish)
- No Hostiles Around Campfire(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Eldritch Mobs(by cyborg_pigeon)
- Fabric Tree Chopper(by magneticflux_)
- More Axolotls(by KxmischesDomi)
- Bone Equipment(by exlinegames)
- Truly Treasures(Fabric/Forge)(by Snugzyyy)
- Wandering Collector(by Siphalor)
- Screenshot to Clipboard(Fabric)(by comp500)
- Emerald Apple(by zeton54)
- Buried Barrels(by Aureljz)
- Starlight(Fabric)(by Spottedstar)
- Sandwichable(by FoundationGames)
- Lovely Snails(by LambdAurora)
- Biome Makeover(by Lemonszz)
- Boat Container(by KxmischesDomi)
- Custom Entity Models(CEM)(by dorianpb)
- Immersive Weathering(by ordanahoneybee)
- Plushie Mod(by Link_911)
- Harvest Scythes(by LordDeatHunter)
- FleshZ(by Globox_Z)
- Tiny Skeletons[Fabric](by Fuzs_)
- SlimyFloor(by Pouille)
- Extended Noteblock-Fabric(by Jtorleon)
- Player Roles(Fabric)(by gegy1000)
- Delete Worlds To Trash[Fabric](by Fuzs_)
- More Villagers[Fabric](by SameDifferent)
- Ksyxis(by VidTu)
- Cobbled Paths(by lukebemish)
- Stained Wood Mod[FABRIC](by itsgreenfire)
- Animal Feeding Trough[Fabric|Forge](by Slexom)
- the void mod(by robloxianere)
- Hyper Lighting[Fabric](by hypherionsa)
- Motschen’s Better Leaves(by Motschen)
- Awesome Dungeon Edition Nether-Fabric(by Jtorleon)
- Extra Sponges(by UltrusBot)
- lazy-language-loader(Fabric)(by chachylmao)
- Trap Expansion(Fabric)(by Lemonszz)
- Kelp Fertilizer(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Medieval Music[Forge/Fabric](by someaddon)
- FancyMenu[Fabric](by Keksuccino)
- Yummy(by cosmic_crafter)
- Enchantment Lore(by supersaiyansubtlety)
- Konkrete[Fabric](by Keksuccino)
- Endemic(by yurisuika)
- Ingredient Extension API(by Jaredlll08)
- Dark Waters(by AzureDoomC)
- Fixed Waterlogging(by KxmischesDomi)
- Vnubik Cakes(by Vnubik)
- TimeOutOut(Fabric)(by Megastary)
- Hedgehogs(Fabric)(by orcinus73)
- NiceMod-New blocks(by miunodevel)
- The Wild Mod[Fabric](by lukebattle04)
- Sodium(by jellysquid3_)
- Additional Additions(by dqu1jjj)
- Eden Ring(by paulevs)
- Enhanced Celestials(Fabric)-Blood Moons&Harvest Moons(by Corgi_Taco)
- End Goblin Traders(Fabric)(by jab125twitchy)
- Crimson Chickens(by CrimsonFluff)
- Craftable Chainmail Armor[FORGE&FABRIC](by 00theblackwolf00)
- Cardinal Components(by UpcraftLP)
- BCLib(by paulevs)
- I Know What I’m Doing(IKWID)(by HeckinChloe)
- Better Azalea(by SameDifferent)
- ChickensShed(by holmraven)
- Entity Culling Fabric/Forge(by tr9zw)
- Better Dogs(by mrblueyeti)
- Archeology Mod(by CapsLockey)
- Towers of the Wild:Additions(by Aureljz)
- Sound Physics Remastered(by henkelmax)
- Magic Fungi(by Luligabi12)
- EnvironmentZ(by Globox_Z)
- ?Direbats(Fabric)(by andantet)
- Better Beds(by Motschen)
- Oxidized(by safrodev)
- Hollow Woods(by Costamiri)
- Customizable Elytra(Fabric)(by Hidoni)
- Tom’s Simple Storage Mod(Fabric)(by tom54541)
- Cartoonish Horde Library(by CartoonishVillain)
- [FABRIC]Skeleton Aiming Fix(by Xiaolin2_)
- Icarus(Fabric)(by Camellias_)
- AttributeFix(by DarkhaxDev)
- Crapping Copper(by puppyguarb)
- Pling(by haykam)
- Asbestos Removal(by AgathaSorceress)
- Chalk(Fabric)(by DaFuqsy)
- Mythic Mounts(by chirpycricket__)
- Oh The Biomes You’ll Go Plus(by chuunkyz)
- Wilder World(by KaloyanKYS)
- Artifality(by PinkGoosik)
- Quicksand(Fabric)(by Shnupbups)
- Collective(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Indium(by comp500)
- Drip Sounds(Fabric)(by PieKing1215)
- Medieval Entity-Fabric(by Jtorleon)
- Malus Phaethusa(by ZestyBlaze)
- XL Packets Fabric(by tfarecnim)
- [Forge/Fabric]BeehiveTooltips(by EDToaster)
- Interactic(by gliscowo)
- Consistency+(by Cart3r1234)
- Nether Wart Block to Nether Warts(by 1_block_microwave)
- VariableKnockback(by DeflatedPickle)
- Colorful Armor(by Torquebolt20)
- Compostable Rotten Flesh(Fabric)(by TeaJ4y)
- Auth Me(by Axieum)
- Capybara[Fabric](by ZestyBlaze)
- CompleteConfig(by Lortseam_)
- No Sneaking Over Magma!(by supersaiyansubtlety)
- Cold Snap Horde(by CartoonishVillain)
- Exline’s Awnings(by exlinegames)
- MobZ(by Globox_Z)
- Cake Chomps(Fabric)(by TheIllusiveC4)
- Croptopia’s Chocolaterie(by slomax907)
- No Null Processors(by telepathicgrunt)
- Bow Infinity Fix(Forge/Fabric)(by Parker8283)
- Dungeon Clusters-Fabric(by Jtorleon)
- Disc holders&Dj(Fabric)(by DmitryKenza)
- Armor Poser(by Mrbysco)
- Castle Dungeons[Forge&Fabric](by PufferfishPL)
- Companion?(Fabric)(by Snownee_)
- Complete Bone Meal(by Pepperoni__Jabroni__)
- Mystical Index(by nickmesserr)
- Golemancy(by emirik0l)
- Farsighted Mobs(Fabric)(by Sindarin27)
- Friends&Foes[Fabric](by faboslav)
- Better Third Person(by Socolio)
- Guard Villagers(Fabric)(by MrSterner_)
- Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone(by telepathicgrunt)
- Basic Nether Ores[Forge/Fabric](by cScotPlay)
- Axolotl Bucket Fix(by colderlavalamp)
- Caracal Mod(by AqUpd)
- Arcanus(by Camellias_)
- IndustrialTNT(Fabric)(1.16-1.18)(by DmitryKenza)
- Better Biome Blend(by FionaTheMortal)
- Northern Compass(by LX_Gaming)
- Dismount Entity(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Dark Loading Screen(by Neecko5b84)
- Crying Ghasts(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- The Big Bench Theory(by whangd00dle)
- Inventory Sorting(by Kyrptonaught)
- Ost Overhaul(by glowsand)
- Better Mount HUD(by Lortseam_)
- Cauldrons(by Shnupbups)
- Disenchanter(by gliscowo)
- Compact Help Command(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Dawn API(by Hugman_76)
- Legendary Tooltips[Fabric](by Grend_G)
- Cave Tweaks(by Starmute)
- FindMe(by Buuz135)
- Bottled Air(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Basic Shields[Fabric](by CrimsonDawn45)
- Magical Forest(by DenisMasterHerobrine)
- Craftable Horse Armour&Saddle[CHA&S](by EwyBoy)
- Carry the Nametag(by CartoonishVillain)
- Gloopy(by 0xJoeMama)
- simple dog meat(by leepichammy)
- GeckoLib(by ThanosGecko)
- MC Dungeons Armors(by chronos_sacaria)
- Exline’s Sandwich Mod(by exlinegames)
- Crimson Goats(by CrimsonFluff)
- War Hammers(by exlinegames)
- Reasonable Sorting(by SolidBlock_)
- Exline’s Baking Mod(by exlinegames)
- Immersive Portals(by qouteall)
- BedrockIfy-Bedrock Features on Java!(by Im_JC52)
- Bewitchment(by MoriyaShiine)
- Pet Transfer(by emirik0l)
- Better Fps-Render Distance[Forge/Fabric](by someaddon)
- Alaska Native Craft(by whangd00dle)
- Why Am I on Fire?(by Ellivers)
- Better Sodium Video Settings Button(by LimeShulkerBox)
- InvMove(Fabric)(by PieKing1215)
- More Music Discs+(by 1_block_microwave)
- Ledger(by potatoboy99999)
- Eternal Eats(by sfort__)
- Neutrino(by FrostWizard5)
- Wooden Armors(+Stone Armor)(by exlinegames)
- Notes Fabric(by reeve567)
- Red Bits(by magistermaks)
- Block Of…[FABRIC](by space_goat3)
- Exline’s Sushi Mod(by exlinegames)
- Trinkets(Fabric)(by EmilyPloszaj)
- Roughly Enough Resources(by theorbagain)
- FerriteCore(Fabric)(by malte0811)
- Botania(Fabric)(by williewillus)
- Extra Alchemy(by zabi94)
- ?Floral Flair?(by ibex80)
- AutoReconnect(by bstn02)
- Better Hoppers(Hopper+){FABRIC|FORGE}(by Flytre7)
- Crusade(by cool_mineman)
- Dynamic Music(by LudoCrypt)
- bobbin’s mod(by b0bb1n)
- Firework Frenzy(by Camellias_)
- Secret Rooms Fabric(by lostquasar9)
- Vanish(by 123456687548)
- Reroll(by Draylar1)
- CleanCut(by Rongmario)
- Round Trees(by Motschen)
- Croptosis(by LordDeatHunter)
- Kiwi?(Fabric)(by Snownee_)
- Cats Expanded(by xipit7)
- Blockus(by Brandcraft_)
- Fabric Capes(by VictorKohler)
- Dense Ores:Refabricated(by Luligabi12)
- Eat All the Eggs[Fabric](by XanthianZ)
- Platypuses(by nikittta_)
- Cake Mod[Fabric](by Link_911)
- Architectury API(Fabric)(by shedaniel)
- Iris Shaders(by coderbot)
- Crawl(Fabric)(by fewizz_)
- Cloth Config API(Fabric)(by shedaniel)
- Inventory close fix(by KosmX)
- Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge(REI)(by shedaniel)
- Mob Scarecrows(by ProbabilityPigeon)
- Sheep Consistency(by IMS21)
- ArmouredAnimals(by DeflatedPickle)
- Windchimes(by hibiscvs)
- More Ore Stones[FABRIC](by ordanahoneybee)
- Terralith 2.0~Overworld Evolved(by Starmute)
- Smooth Swapping(Fabric)(by Schauweg)
- spark(by Iucko)
- Crafting Tweaks(Fabric Edition)(by BlayTheNinth)
- Falling Leaves(Fabric)(by RandomMcSomethin)
- GamemodeOverhaul(by marcus_8448)
- Culinaire(by Hugman_76)
- Actually Glow Berries(by ZestyBlaze)
- Better Ping Display[Fabric](by Quintinity)
- Clear Skies(by GrondagTheBarbarian)
- Talking Villagers(Fabric)(by TeaJ4y)
- Pettable(by Ellivers)
- Dehydration(by Globox_Z)
- Promenade(by Hugman_76)
- Dark Paintings(by DarkhaxDev)
- Perfect Accuracy(by Fourmisain)
- Kambrik(by ejektaflex)
- Trajectory preview[Fabric](by Alexiy_Orlov)
- Polymorph(Fabric)(by TheIllusiveC4)
- Emerald Geodes(+now with Quartz!)(by TheDeathlyCow)
- Borderless Mining(by comp500)
- Grim’s Transportables(by TheGrimsey)
- Creatures From The Snow
- Origins:Umbrellas(by Fusion_Flux)
- Grisha(by the_nikidemus)
- Disc-bound[FABRIC](by xWindowsLogicx)
- Deepslate From Lava[Fabric](by jingshen_sn2)
- SmoothCoasters(by m56738)
- Fabric Waystones(by LordDeatHunter)
- Double-Tap Dash(by valoeghese)
- FabricSit(by bradbot_1)
- Pigsteel[Fabric](by DigitalPear_11)
- VoidZ(by Globox_Z)
- Dark Enchanting(by ffrannny)
- The Bumblezone(Fabric)(by telepathicgrunt)
- [FABRIC]Disable Custom Worlds Advice(by rdvdev2)
- Better Animals Plus(by cybercat5555)
- Dimension Fix(Some Forge Patches Ported)(by shedaniel)
- FastOpenLinksAndFolders(by altrisi)
- Mighty Mangoes(by cosmicparticl)
- Exline’s Diamond Shards(by exlinegames)
- Awesome Plates(by TheButterbrotMan)
- Villagers Drop Emeralds on Death(by exlinegames)
- Flytre Lib(FlytreLib)(by Flytre7)
- DeepslateCutting(by NoComment1105)
- Attack On Christmas(by safrodev)
- Better Wandering Traders(by cyborg_pigeon)
- Better Compatibility Checker(by Gaz_)
- Croptopia[FABRIC/FORGE](by thethonk)
- Exline’s Furniture Mod(by exlinegames)
- Puzzles Lib[Fabric](by Fuzs_)
- Exline’s Bark Carpets(by exlinegames)
- Forge Config API Port[Fabric](by Fuzs_)
- Better Safe Bed(Forge/Fabric)(by frankv_)
- Item Model Fix(Fabric)(by Pepper_Bell)
- Infusion Table(by jptrzy)
- Milk Plus(by tropheusj)
- Go Fish(by Draylar1)
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks(by Rynnavinx)
- Name Pain(by naqaden)
- Easy Magic[Fabric](by Fuzs_)
- NoChatLag[Fabric&Forge][1.16-1.18](by NoahvdAa)
- Gromov’s Paintings-Forge/Fabric(by STGMC)
- Rain Be Gone Ritual(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- CloseQuartersConcoctions(by DeflatedPickle)
- Nears[Fabric](by DigitalPear_11)
- Balm(Fabric Edition)(by BlayTheNinth)
- Llamarama(by 0xJoeMama)
- DragonLoot(by pois1xlive)
- HorseInBoat(by legosteenjaap)
- True Darkness(by GrondagTheBarbarian)
- Grimm’s:Block Variants[FORGE/FABRIC](by Hollogrimm)
- Simple Shelves(by Pinaz993)
- Unvoted&Shelved(by dopadreaming)
- Discerning Furnace(by supersaiyansubtlety)
- Public Gui Announcement(by AbsolemJackdaw)
- Cloth API(Fabric)(by shedaniel)
- TieFix(by j_t_a_i)
- Awesome Dungeon Edition Ocean-Fabric(by Jtorleon)
- Multiplayer Server Pause(Fabric)(by ohaiiChun)
- MoreAchievements[Fabric](by elaterna)
- Ore Tree:Reborn[FABRIC](by mikhailtapio)
- Visual Workbench[Fabric](by Fuzs_)
- Earthbounds(by Klyser_)
- Nether Portal Spread(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Copper Golem for Fabric(by MrJoshuaT)
- Vanilla Excavators(by Draylar1)
- TacoCraft(by ffrannny)
- Stoneholm,Underground Villages(Fabric)(by TheGrimsey)
- AdventureZ(by Globox_Z)
- Conjuring[Fabric/Forge](by gliscowo)
- CraftPresence(by CDAGaming_)
- Patchouli(Fabric)(by williewillus)
- Imperishable Items(Fabric)(by ShaksterNano)
- Golden Steak[Forge/Fabric](by chronos_sacaria)
- Mob Catcher[FABRIC](by kwpugh)
- When Dungeons Arise-Fabric!(by Aureljz)
- LazyDFU(by tuxed)
- Crafted!(Fabric)(by redy1aye)
- Loud Leads[Fabric](by TurtleArmyMc)
- Diagonal Panes(by magneticflux_)
- Comforts(Fabric)(by TheIllusiveC4)
- Don’t Run With Scissors(Fabric)(by Sindarin27)
- Connectible Chains[Fabric](by legoatoom)
- Basic AIOTs(by Luligabi12)
- Placeable Blaze Rods(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Fabric Enchantments(by safrodev)
- Variant Barrels[Fabric](by XanthianZ)
- Inventory HUD+(by dmitrylovin)
- Emotecraft(Fabric)(by KosmX)
- Economical Villager Trading(by supersaiyansubtlety)
- Keybinds Galore(by VictorKohler)
- KleeSlabs(Fabric Edition)(by BlayTheNinth)
- NetherPortalFix(Fabric Edition)(by BlayTheNinth)
- Amplified Nether(by Starmute)
- Farmer’s Delight[Fabric](by NewHoryzon)
- Immersive Travel Overhaul(by joper333)
- Invisible Frames(by sfort__)
- Sky Villages[Fabric](by Aureljz)
- Weaker Spiderwebs(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- MCDoom(by AzureDoomC)
- ToroHealth Damage Indicators(by ToroCraft)
- WorldEdit(by sk89q)
- Better Taskbar[Forge/Fabric](by morimori0317)
- Expert Weapons&Tools[Fabric](by XanthianZ)
- BoatCam(by bstn02)
- Dinocraft:Extinction[Fabric](by Bonkersboy2017)
- Villainous Fish AI(by CartoonishVillain)
- Mouse Tweaks(by YaLTeR)
- Unearthed[FORGE&FABRIC](by lilypuree)
- Croparia v3[FORGE/FABRIC](by Dalarion01)
- Wooled Boots(by Jackbusters1)
- Pehkui(by Virtuoel)
- Villager Names(Fabric Version)(by Serilum)
- Durability Notifier(by Mrbysco)
- Dracomelette(by MoriyaShiine)
- [FABRIC]Smooth Blocks(by GGCrosby)
- Saplanting(by muyu_twilighter)
- NPC Variety-Port(Fabric)(by YumatanGames)
- VanillaTweaks[Fabric&Forge](by StrikerRocker)
- Cooler Shields(by coolboilk)
- LambDynamicLights(by LambdAurora)
- Goblin Traders(Fabric)(by RobertHatterson)
- Skinned Lanterns(Fabric)(by nuxthefox)
- Atlantis(by mysticpasta1)
- Consulars’Extra Weapons&Armor(by ConsularAtol)
- Lush Forests(by albertsmods)
- Naturally Charged Creepers(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- BetterEnd(by paulevs)
- Pelmen[Fabric](by theone_ss)
- Oops!All Armor(Fabric)(by therealcyborgcabbage)
- Dual Riders(by Flytre7)
- Shadew’s Foxes(by FoxShadew)
- Taverns(Fabric)(by StevenPaw)
- Day Dream(by SmushyTaco)
- Urns(by bernardozomer)
- Wandering Trapper(by lilypuree)
- Just Player Heads(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- A Cute Little Crock Pot(by nosrick_the_elder)
- Kanzashi(by DeflatedPickle)
- Just Mob Heads(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Not Enough Animations(by tr9zw)
- Nimble(Fabric)(by Snownee_)
- Therrassium(by codeman1o1)
- MedievalWeapons(by Globox_Z)
- Full Slabs(by micalobia)
- Crying Portals(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- MmmMmmMmmMmm(Target Dummy)(by MehVahdJukaar)
- Charcoal+[Fabric](by Apis035)
- Grindstone Is Made Of Stone(by Kir_Antipov)
- Things[Fabric](by gliscowo)
- Farming for Blockheads(Fabric Edition)(by BlayTheNinth)
- Carrier(by GabrielHOlv)
- Mo’Carpets(by exlinegames)
- Big Beautiful Buttons Fabric(by Kreezxil)
- Snow Pig[Fabric](by uraneptus)
- So I heard you were talking crap about Minecraft’s difficulty?(by sfinc)
- Player Succ(by Draylar1)
- Giant Spawn(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Icy Incitement(by AmyMialee)
- Earth2Java(by Slexom)
- Tree Hollows(by Reoseah)
- [FABRIC]Launchpads(by ZimonIsHim)
- Extended Bone Meal(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Victus-Custom Hearts(by gliscowo)
- PlayerEx(by clevernucleus)
- Blur(Fabric)(by Motschen)
- Controlling(by Jaredlll08)
- End Portal Recipe(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Illuminations?(by doctor4t)
- Healing Campfire(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Better Command Block Editor-Fabric(by Jtorleon)
- ChonkySheep(by suppergerrie2)
- Enchantment Descriptions(by DarkhaxDev)
- Exline’s Candy Mod(by exlinegames)
- HerdsPanic(by Globox_Z)
- Enchant the Rainbow(by Pepperoni__Jabroni__)
- Repurposed Structures(Fabric)(by telepathicgrunt)
- Despawning Eggs Hatch(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Observed(by CartoonishVillain)
- FastBench for Fabric(by tfarecnim)
- Oh The Biomes You’ll Go Refabricated(by AOCAWOL)
- Conduits Prevent Drowned(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Visuality(by PinkGoosik)
- Fast Furnace for Fabric(by tfarecnim)
- Gobber[FABRIC](by kwpugh)
- SleepWarp(by thegiggitybyte)
- Bosses of Mass Destruction(by Barribob)
- KubeJS(Fabric)(by shedaniel)
- Awesome Flooring-Fabric(by Jtorleon)
- Diamond Nuggets(by SamL_2020)
- Breedable Killer Rabbit(Fabric)(by Serilum)
- Help Wanted(Forge and Fabric)(by captaintenneal81)
- MAmbience(by andre111_)
- Extra TNT(by Flytre7)
- Whimerald[Fabric](by elaterna)
- Dynamic FPS(by juliand665)
- Slime Mimic(by jptrzy)
- More Axolotl Variants Mod(by Akashii_Kun_)
- ToolTipFix(by Kyrptonaught)
- Spectrum(by DaFuqsy)
- The Graveyard(FABRIC)(by finallion_13)
- Lemon’s Equivalence(Fabric)(by The_Lemon_Juiced)
- BlockTuner(by xwjcool123)
- Copper Equipment(Fabric)(by redy1aye)
- Wildfire’s Female Gender Mod(Fabric)(by WildfireRomeo)
- First-person Model(Forge/Fabric)(by tr9zw)
- Elemental Creepers:Refabricated(by Luligabi12)
- Equipment Compare[Fabric](by Grend_G)
- Wooden Horse Armor(by exlinegames)
- Mo Glass(by alexander9892)
- Universal Ores(Fabric)(by Hugman_76)
- DefaultSettings Fabric(by PT400C)
- ChatLagRemover(by fantahund99)
- TerraBlender(Fabric)(by TheAdubbz)
- Mod Menu(by ProspectorDev)
- 如发现网盘资源被吞,或者网盘资源不存在,请在下方评论中说明,我们将会尽快进行修复。