我的世界基岩版 1.18.10 发布 更新了更加符合JAVA版的一些特性

It’s time for a new Minecraft game update! This time around, we’re bringing a boat load of fixes and quality of life changes. With well over 100 fixes, there’s a lot to cover. Let’s dive into the highlights!

  • Added Globe Banner Pattern
  • 添加了“地球”旗帜花纹。
  • Iron Golems now show different degrees of cracking depending on their health
  • 铁傀儡现在根据自己的生命值表现出裂纹。
  • Updated several more textures to match Java Edition
  • 更新了更加符合JAVA版的一些特性。
  • New experimental features with Frogs and Tadpoles
  • 全新的青蛙与蝌蚪的实验性特性。
  • A huge amount of bug fixes and parity changes
  • 大量的错误修复和兼容性修改。

Please continue to upvote and report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and leave us your feedback at feedback.minecraft.net . Happy crafting!
别忘了继续在 bugs.mojang.com 反馈你所遇见的bug 以及在 feedback.minecraft.net 留下你的反馈。祝大家镐的开心!


  • World settings can now be changed directly on Realms, just like local worlds
  • 在Realm中的世界属性将可以像本地世界一样修改。
  • If you’re playing in South Korea, we added gameplay timers and notices in compliance with gaming laws to help remind players to take occasional breaks from gameplay
  • 如果你在韩国游玩,我们添加了符合法规的防沉迷系统,以帮助提醒玩家在游戏中偶尔休息。

Vanilla Parity:

  • Added the Globe Banner Pattern on Bedrock
  • 在基岩版添加了“地球”旗帜花纹。
  • Raid boss bar says now displays “Raid – Victory” and Fireworks are launched from the ground after a raid is defeated (MCPE-51267)
  • 当袭击被成功击败之后,袭击条现在会显示 “袭击——胜利” ,并且地面上会生成烟花 (MCPE-51267)。
  • Villagers now make a “No” sound when attempting to make a trade that they are out of stock
  • 村民现在会在玩家尝试购买已卖完的物品时发出拒绝的声音。
  • Players no longer gain a particle effect when obtaining Bad Omen from Pillager Captains
  • 玩家不再会在从掠夺者小队长那里获取不祥之兆时产生粒子效果。
  • Iron Golems now show different degrees of cracking depending on their health. Iron Ingots can be used on damaged Iron Golems to repair them (MCPE-74081)
  • 铁傀儡现在会根据生命值显示不同的开裂纹理,并且可以使用铁锭来修复它们。 (MCPE-74081)
  • Removed the emerald icon above a Villager’s head when trading
  • 移除了和村民交易时出现在村民头顶的绿宝石图标。
  • Iron Golems now only attack players that have very bad standing in a village after attacking a Villager
  • 铁傀儡现在会根据玩家的声望值来决定是否攻击玩家,而不是在玩家攻击村民后总是和玩家敌对。
  • Glow Lichen now has similar brightness as Java Edition
  • 发光地衣有了和Java版相似的光照。
  • Foxes now aim downwards when they pounce (MCPE-143664)
  • 狐狸现在会在猛扑时向下瞄准。 (MCPE-143664)
  • Updated trade tables for Butchers, Cartographers, Librarians, and Wandering Traders
  • 更新了屠夫,制图师,图书管理员和流浪商人的交易选项。
  • Biome decoration features in cave biomes now have similar frequency as Java Edition
  • 洞穴生物群落中的生物群落装饰结构现在与Java Edition中出现的频率相似。
  • Adjusted the “otherside” music disc to give off a redstone signal of 14 to match Java Edition (MCPE-145751)
  • 调整“otherside” 唱片产生的红石信号为14以符合Java版的相关特性。(MCPE-145751)
  • Adjusted the “Pigstep” music disc to give off a redstone signal of 13 to match Java Edition (MCPE-74030)
  • 调整“Pigstep” 唱片产生的红石信号为13以符合Java版的相关特性。 (MCPE-74030)

  • 更新了多种方块与物品的纹理以移除bug以及与Java版本同步。(MCPE-127539)
    • Lodestone Compass
    • 磁石指针。
    • Oak Door,Dark Oak Door,Birch Door,Spruce Door,Acacia Door,and Jungle Door
    • 橡木门、深色橡木门、白桦木门、云杉木门、金合欢木门以及丛林木门。
    • Oak Sign,Dark Oak Sign,Birch Sign,Spruce Sign,Acacia Sign,Jungle Sign,Warped Sign,and Crimson Sign
    • 橡木告示牌、深色橡木告示牌、白桦木告示牌、云杉木告示牌、金合欢木告示牌、丛林木告示牌、诡异木告示牌以及绯红木告示牌。
    • Campfire and Soul Campfire
    • 营火以及灵魂营火。
    • Item Frame and Glow Item Frame
    • 物品展示框与荧光物品展示框。
    • Glow Berry Vines
    • 发光浆果藤蔓。
    • Comparator (On)
    • 激活的红石比较器。
    • Wither
    • 凋灵。

  • 附加纹理更新
    • Updated Glass Pane top to match the new texture on Java Edition (MCPE-148572)
    • 更新了玻璃板的上方纹理,以符合Java版的新纹理。 (MCPE-148572)
    • Fixed the top texture of Dark Oak Logs (MCPE-148577)
    • 修复了深色橡木原木上方的纹理。 (MCPE-148577)
    • Updated Stripped Dark Oak side texture to match the new texture on Java Edition (MCPE-148576)
    • 更新了去皮深色橡木原木的纹理以符合JAVA版中的新纹理。(MCPE-148576)
    • Updated Dirt Path side texture (MCPE-148568)
    • 更新了土径的侧面纹理(MCPE-148568)
    • Changed ‘door_oak’ texture filename back to ‘door_wood’ (MCPE-148502)
    • 将 ‘door_oak’ 的纹理名称改回了’door_wood’ 。(MCPE-148502)
    • Reversed Parrot head and wing bottom textures (MCPE-148573)
    • 反转了鹦鹉头和翅膀底部的纹理。 (MCPE-148573)
    • Moved Beetroot and Melon Seed textures 1 pixel row down to match Java Edition (MCPE-148561)
    • 将甜菜根和瓜子纹理向下移动1像素以匹配Java版的纹理。 (MCPE-148561)
    • Removed unused pixels in Cocoa Beans stage 0 and stage 1 textures to match Java Edition
    • 删除可可豆生长阶段0和阶段1纹理中未使用的像素以匹配Java版。
    • Updated Smooth Stone texture in Armor Stand base (MCPE-148565)
    • 更新了盔甲架底座的光滑石头纹理。 (MCPE-148565)
    • Removed horizontal lines in Oak and Iron upper Door textures (MCPE-148566)
    • 去除橡木和铁质上半门纹理中的水平线。 (MCPE-148566)
    • Removed hood in Witch,Evoker,and Vindicator textures to match Java Edition
    • 移除了女巫、唤魔者和卫道士纹理中的帽子,以匹配Java版。
    • Changed alpha values of Red and Blue Stained Glass textures to match Java Edition (待同步特性)
    • 更改了红色和蓝色彩色玻璃纹理的alpha值,以匹配Java 版。 (待同步特性)
    • Fixed the hammer icon’s color palette on the Anvil screen (MCPE-148575)
    • 修复了铁砧界面上锤子图标的调色板。 (MCPE-148575)
    • Updated Dark Oak Planks on the Cartography table textures (MCPE-148562)
    • 更新了制图台上深色橡木木板的纹理。 (MCPE-148562)
    • Updated Spruce Planks on the Barrel bottom texture
    • 更新了木桶底部云杉木板的纹理。
    • Updated Planks on the Lectern base texture (MCPE-148567)
    • 更新了讲台底座上的木板纹理。(MCPE-148567)
    • Fixed highlight inconsistencies in Gold and Diamond Armor textures (MCPE-148591)
    • 修复了黄金和钻石护甲纹理中高光不一致的问题。 (MCPE-148591)
    • Removed wandering pixel in the Carrot stage 3 texture (MCPE-148563)
    • 去除胡萝卜在第三生长阶段纹理中流浪的像素。 (MCPE-148563)
    • Centered the back texture of Axolotls (MCPE-148571)
    • 将美西螈的背部纹理居中。 (MCPE-148571)
    • Boat oars now have the same color as the Boat (MCPE-150492)
    • 船桨现在与船的颜色相同。 (MCPE-150492)

Experimental Features:

Reminder: Remember to make regular backup copies of your favorite worlds before enabling experimental features!
温馨提示: 在启用实验性特性之前,请一定记住给你喜欢的世界们定 期 做 好 备 份

Please keep in mind that these features are work in progress, still under in development, and subject to change. If you activate them, your world might crash, break, or not work with future updates. Experimental features cannot be turned off after world creation.

For more information, please see the article about enabling experimental features at aka.ms/MCExperimentalFeatures .

More experimental features will become available in future releases. This is only the beginning of new content for The Wild Update!

Frogs and Tadpoles

  • Frogs will spawn in Swamp biomes
  • 青蛙会在沼泽生物群系生成。
  • Frogs can croak, jump, swim, and walk on land
  • 青蛙会呱呱叫、跳跃、游泳和在陆地上行走。
  • Frogs can eat small Slimes, causing a Slime Ball to drop
  • 青蛙可以吃小的史莱姆,并且会掉落粘液球。
  • Frogs can be tempted and bred using Seagrass, but this is just a placeholder food for now
  • 青蛙可以用海草来引诱和繁殖,但这只是暂时的解决方案。
  • Frogs lay eggs after mating
  • 青蛙交配后产卵。
  • Frog eggs that hatch spawn Tadpoles
  • 孵化出的蛙卵产生蝌蚪。
  • Tadpoles that grow up will turn into a Frog
  • 蝌蚪长大后会变成青蛙。
  • Tadpoles can swim in water
  • 蝌蚪能在水中游泳。
  • Tadpoles “jump around” like fishes when on land, and eventually die
  • 蝌蚪在陆地上会像鱼一样四处扑棱,最终死亡
  • Tadpoles grow into a different type of Frog based on the biome they are born in
  • 根据蝌蚪出生地的生物群系,它们会成长为不同类型的青蛙。
  • Tadpoles can be caught in a Bucket
  • 蝌蚪可以用桶捕捉。


  • Three new Froglight blocks have been added (Pearlescent, Verdant, and Ochre)
  • 加入了三种新的蛙光灯方块(珍珠、翠绿和赭石)。
  • The Froglight blocks emit light
  • 蛙光灯会发光。
  • The blocks are obtained by luring a Frog close to a small Magma Cube. The Frog will eat the Magma Cube and a Froglight block will drop. Each Frog variant will cause a different Froglight block to drop
  • 可以通过引诱青蛙到小型岩浆怪附近获得。青蛙在捕食小型岩浆怪后掉落蛙光灯。不同变种的青蛙会掉落不同种类的蛙光灯。


  • Sculk block features are now accessible by enabling this toggle
  • 现在可以通过启用此切换来体验Sculk 方块功能


Performance / Stability
性能 / 稳定性

  • Fixed an issue that could cause entities in a chunk to not save when exiting a world (MCPE-144208)
  • 修复了退出世界时可能会导致区块内的实体不会被保存的漏洞。(MCPE-144208)
  • The game now loads certain seeds and worlds around Mesa biomes without crashing (MCPE-149659)
  • 加载出生点附近有恶地生物群系生成的特定种子世界时游戏不再崩溃。 (MCPE-149659)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trading Maps with Cartographer Villagers (MCPE-142388)
  • 修复了一个与制图师交易时偶尔崩溃的bug。 (MCPE-142388)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when shift-clicking Armor in the Crafting Table while using Pocket UI (MCPE-144863)
  • 修复了使用Pocket UI时,按住shift键单击工作台中的护甲时可能发生崩溃的问题。 (MCPE-144863)
  • Fixed issue where breaking blocks, opening chests, and entering portals would be delayed/not work when there are lots of mobs nearby (MCPE-149214)
  • 修复了在附近生物众多的情况下破坏方块,打开箱子和进入传送门时会出现延迟的问题。 (MCPE-149214)
  • Optimized the placement of geode features in the world
  • 优化了世界中紫晶洞结构的生成。
  • Reduced the amount of network packets sent with the subchunk request system and packet optimizations
  • 减少了通过subchunk请求系统发送的网络数据包数量,并对数据包进行了优化。


  • Boats no longer disappear when getting out of them after a long ride (MCPE-108568)
  • 船只不再在长途旅行后下船时消失。(MCPE-108568)
  • Players can now use emotes while standing on Scaffolding (MCPE-147624)
  • 玩家现在可以站在脚手架上使用表情。 (MCPE-147624)
  • Capped the freezing range of the Frost Walker enchantment to 8 blocks to avoid server unresponsiveness
  • 将冰霜行者附魔的作用范围限制为8格,以防止服务器出现问题。
  • The ‘Iron Belly’ achievement can once again be unlocked (MCPE-146036)
  • ‘Iron Belly’成就再一次能被解锁。 (MCPE-146036)
  • Players can no longer be hurt by their own armor enchantments such as Thorns
  • 玩家不再被自己的装备附魔所伤害。(荆棘之类的)
  • Fixed a camera issue when entering a Bed while still in glide mode (MCPE-117339)
  • 修复了一个能够一边滑翔一边睡觉的bug。 (MCPE-117339)
  • Pillager Outposts now spawn the correct number of Pillagers and Iron Golems (MCPE-141499)
  • 掠夺者前哨站现在生成正确数量的掠夺者和铁傀儡。 (MCPE-141499)

World Generation

  • Large Dripstone feature does not generate floating on top of lava anymore (MCPE-141131)
  • 大型滴水石锥不再悬空在熔岩上面。 (MCPE-141131)
  • Pointed Dripstone clusters no longer have a chance of spawning only stalagmites of height one (MCPE-148588)
  • 滴水石锥不再只生成一格高的石笋。 (MCPE-148588)
  • Pointed Dripstone now sometimes generate on large stalactites and stalagmites (MCPE-128128)
  • 滴水石锥现在有几率生成为大的钟乳石和石笋。 (MCPE-128128)
  • Lava pools now only generate in positive Y coordinates (MCPE-146459)
  • 熔岩池现在只会生成在Y大于0的地方。 (MCPE-146459)
    • Lava pools that generate close to Y=0 will have Deepslate and Stone 方块 casing
    • 熔岩池在接近Y=0的地方会生成交叉的石头和深板岩外边。
  • Coral now generates in the deeper depths of Warm Oceans (MCPE-147399)
  • 珊瑚现在会生成在暖水海洋的更深处。 (MCPE-147399)
  • The Grove biome now has more variety of Spruce Trees (MCPE-148361)
  • 雪林生物群系现在会有更多种类的树。(MCPE-148361)
  • Fixed Mesa and Frozen Ocean biomes having inconsistent generation on Realms
  • 修复了恶地与冻洋生物群系在Realms中生成不一致的问题。
  • The Bedrock layer in old world chunks is now replaced with Deepslate between y=0 and y=8 (MCPE-147373)
  • 旧世界区块的基岩将会被 y=0 到 y=8 的深板岩代替。(MCPE-147373)
  • Copper Ore can now generate in Deepslate variant in Dripstone Caves (MCPE-144800)
  • 铜矿现在会在深板岩变种的滴水石窟生成。 (MCPE-144800)
  • Ruined Portals under Ocean and Swamp biomes are no longer waterlogged and will spawn dry
  • 海洋与沼泽群系的废弃传送门将不再被水填满。
  • Chests and Monster Spawners once again generate correctly in structures (MCPE-23416, MCPE-48622, MCPE-97295)
  • 箱子与刷怪笼将在结构中正确生成。(MCPE-23416MCPE-48622MCPE-97295)
  • The bottoms of hoodoos in Eroded Badlands biomes no longer make flat ceilings in caves underneath (MCPE-146984)
  • 在被风蚀的恶地群落中,hoodoos的底部不再在下面的洞穴中形成平坦的天花板(MCPE-146984)
  • Lily Pads no longer generate in aquifers under Swamp biomes (MCPE-125913)
  • 睡莲不再在沼泽生物群系的含水层中生成。(MCPE-125913)
  • Fossils can now be generate below Y=0, with Deepslate Diamond Ore Blocks instead of Coal Ore Blocks (MCPE-144065)
  • 化石现在可以在Y=0以下生成,生成深层钻石矿方块而不是煤矿石。 (MCPE-144065)
  • Fossils will no longer generate floating in caves or water
  • 化石将不再在洞穴或水中漂浮。
  • Mineshafts now always generate above the Bedrock layer (MCPE-147575)
  • 废弃矿道现在只在基岩层上方生成。 (MCPE-147575)
  • Iceberg features no longer replace Snow Blocks of Igloo structures (MCPE-147690)
  • 冰山不再替代组成雪屋的雪块而生成。(MCPE-147690)
  • Water in open air mountain caves no longer generates unevenly (MCPE-149417)
  • 露天的山洞中的水不再会不均衡地生成。(MCPE-149417)
  • Aquifers no longer generate with missing water blocks (MCPE-146452)
  • 含水层生成时不再出现遗漏的水方块。(MCPE-146452)


  • Villagers, Rabbits, and Foxes spawned in the Frozen and Jagged Peaks biomes now spawn as their respective snowy variants (MCPE-119561)
  • 在冰封/尖峭山峰生物群落中生成的村民、兔子和狐狸现在生成为各自的雪地变种。 (MCPE-119561)
  • Goats now spawn in the Jagged Peaks and Frozen Peaks biomes (MCPE-146886)
  • 山羊现在会在尖峭山峰与冰封山峰生成。 (MCPE-146886)
  • Axolotl walk animations are now affected by speed (MCPE-131322)
  • 美西螈的行走动画现在与速度有关。(MCPE-131322)
  • Slimes are once again aggressive towards Snow Golems (MCPE-146651)
  • 史莱姆现在再次与雪傀儡敌对。 (MCPE-146651)
  • Fixed a bug where the Ender Dragon would become invisible when flying towards the portal fountain after dying (MCPE-149119)
  • 修正了末影龙死后飞向传送门时隐形的错误。(MCPE-149119)
  • When using the Education Edition toggle, Axolotls, Bees, Boats, Cats, Dolphins, Glow Squids, Goats, Hoglins, Iron Golems, Ocelots, Pandas, Parrots, Pigs, Polar Bears, Squids, Striders, Wolves, and Zoglins can now have Balloons attached to them. Wow, that’s a lot of mobs!
  • 当使用教育版开关时,美西螈、蜜蜂、船、猫、海豚、发光鱿鱼、山羊、猪、铁傀儡、豹子、熊猫、鹦鹉、猪、北极熊、乌贼、炽足兽、狼和僵尸疣猪兽现在身上都挂有气球。哇,好多生物啊!
  • Skeleton Horsemen now pathfind correctly (MCPE-147521)
  • 骷髅骑士现在可以正确寻路。 (MCPE-147521)
  • Farmer Villagers no longer pick up more than 8 stacks of items (MCPE-123412)
  • 农夫村民现在不再捡起8组以上的物品。 (MCPE-123412)
  • Untamed Cats can now be leashed
  • 野生的猫现在可以被栓住。
  • Guardians and Elder Guardians no longer sink while targeting an enemy or the player
  • 当瞄准敌人或玩家时,守卫者与远古守卫者不再下沉。


  • Fire can no longer be placed on top of Lightning Rods
  • 避雷针上面不再能点火。
  • The width of Walls connecting to Candles is now correct (MCPE-141156)
  • 连接到蜡烛的墙现在拥有正确的宽度。 (MCPE-141156)
  • Improved the animation of falling block entities (e.g. Sand and Gravel) (MCPE-142010)
  • 优化了掉落方块的实体动画 。(比如沙子和沙砾。) (MCPE-142010)
  • Amethyst Clusters are now properly destroyed when the supporting block is destroyed (MCPE-126076)
  • 紫水晶簇现在会在支撑方块被破坏时正确被破坏。(MCPE-126076)
  • Copper Blocks and variants now oxidize in the Nether (MCPE-134954)
  • 铜块以及它的变种现在在下界也会氧化。 (MCPE-134954)
  • Big Dripleaf placement has been restricted to Clay, Grass, Dirt, Farmland, Moss, Rooted Dirt, Podzol, and Mycelium (MCPE-123392)
  • 大型垂滴叶现在只能放在粘土,草方块,泥土,耕地,苔藓,

    ,灰化土以及菌丝上方。 (MCPE-123392)

  • Water blocks near edges should now flow properly
  • 方块边角上的水现在会正确流动。
  • Fixed Monster Spawners that sometimes stopped spawning mobs when the chunks they were placed in were reloaded (MCPE-142285)
  • 修复了有时当区块被重载时刷怪笼不刷怪的问题。 (MCPE-142285)
  • Fixed End Crystal beams not rendering when an End Crystal was out of the players sight (MCPE-149159)
  • 修复了末影水晶的光束在玩家看不到水晶时不渲染的问题。 (MCPE-149159)
  • Fixed Structure Blocks infinitely spawning the same entities when loading a structure (MCPE-137617)
  • 修复了结构方块在加载结构的时候无限生成同一种实体的bug。 (MCPE-137617)
  • Structure Block structures now correctly transform (rotate and/or mirror) multiface blocks, like Glow Lichen
  • 结构方块现在能够正确的转换(旋转或镜像)拥有多个面的方块,比如发光的地衣。
  • Big Dripleaf, Amethyst Buds, and Amethyst Clusters no longer break in Structure Blocks
  • 大型垂滴叶,紫晶芽,以及紫水晶簇将不再被结构方块破坏。
  • Pointed Dripstone can now only be placed on full faces of blocks
  • 滴水石锥现在只能被放在完整的方块表面上。
  • Glow Lichen is now oriented the correct way when placed
  • 发光地衣现在会朝向他们放置时的正确方向。
  • Magma Blocks no longer deal damage when the Fire Damage game rule is disabled (MCPE-99718)
  • 当游戏规则中火焰伤害被禁止时,岩浆块将不再造成伤害。 (MCPE-99718)
  • Flower blocks are now properly destroyed by explosions when inside snow layers (MCPE-146492)
  • 雪层中的花方块现在将被爆炸正确的破坏。(MCPE-146492)
  • Portal blocks are no longer obtainable in Survival mode (MCPE-138819)
  • 传送门方块现在在生存中无法获得。 (MCPE-138819)
  • Primed TNT will no longer explode when spawned using ‘/summon’ and the TNT Explodes game rule is disabled (MCPE-49044)
  • 使用 ‘/summon’ 指令生成的TNT不再会在游戏规则中禁用TNT爆炸时爆炸。(MCPE-49044)
  • Cocoa Pods placed on chunk borders no longer break upon reloading a world (MCPE-67479)
  • 放在区块边界上的可可豆不再在重载世界时掉落。 (MCPE-67479)
  • Fixed Observer Block retaining its lit state while in the inventory if destroyed while blinking (MCPE-114173)
  • 修复了侦测器方块在被点亮时破坏会在物品栏里面保持点亮状态的bug (MCPE-114173)
  • Fixed an issue where Paintings could overlap with Glow Item Frames, Signs, Banners, and Torches
  • 修复了一个画可以覆盖发光的物品展示框、告示牌、旗帜以及火把的问题。
  • Light Block light intensity can now be incremented periodically while holding right-click/interact (MCPE-137647)
  • 光源方块的亮度现在可以通过长按使用键进行调节。 (MCPE-137647)
  • Light Block light intensity can now be changed on touch-input devices
  • 光源方块的亮度现在可以使用触屏设备进行调节。
  • Light Blocks can now be placed on other Light Blocks while sneaking (MCPE-137744)
  • 光源方块现在可以被潜行放在另一个光源方块上面。(MCPE-137744)
  • Fixed Light Block’s brightness not being adjustable when playing in VR
  • 修复了在VR模式下光源方块的亮度不可调的问题。
  • Fixed Light Block not being continuously placed while holding the ‘Place’ button (MCPE-135669)
  • 修复了光源方块在长按放置键时不能被连续放置的问题。 (MCPE-135669)
  • Light Blocks can now be waterlogged (MCPE-148391)
  • 光源方块现在可以含水。 (MCPE-148391)


  • Furnaces now consistently output the expected number of items after completing a smelt (MCPE-126004)
  • 熔炉现在可以稳定的在烧制完成之后输出确定数量的物品。(MCPE-126004)
  • Stored experience in a Furnace can no longer be duplicated (MCPE-71777)
  • 存储在熔炉里的经验将不再能够被复制。 (MCPE-71777)
  • The Bow’s shaking animation now only appears when the Bow is fully drawn
  • 弓的摇晃动画将仅在弓被拉满时出现。
  • Food once again applies status effects when eaten
  • 食物再一次能够在被吃掉的时候提供状态效果。
  • Offset the position of Maps held in hand relative to the screen’s aspect ratio so they always stay close to the screen’s edge and remain fully visible
  • 手持地图位置的偏移将与屏幕的长宽比有关。这样的话地图就可以在尽量放大的情况下被完整的观看。
  • Item data no longer gets corrupted when items are placed in mobs’ hands (MCPE-145034)
  • 当物品被放在生物的手中时,物品数据不再被破坏。 (MCPE-145034)
  • Fixed first person off-hand Shield blocking animation (MCPE-125340)
  • 修复了第一人称下的副手格挡动画。 (MCPE-125340)


  • Fixed an issue with Screen Reader on the “Save purchase to a Microsoft Account” screen
  • 修复了屏幕阅读器在“保存消费到微软账户”界面时产生的bug。
  • Screen Reader now correctly reads the names of experimental toggles
  • 屏幕阅读器现在可以正确读出实验性内容的物品名称了。

User Interface

  • Added appropriate padding to the “Item Text Name” box on the user interface for when players have Armor equipped in Survival mode and select items via the hotbar (MCPE-143928)
  • 在用户界面上的“物品文本名称”框中添加了适当的填充,以便玩家在生存模式下装备盔甲并通过快捷栏选择物品。(MCPE-143928)
  • Fixed an issue where text shadows had a reduced offset when text message contains button glyph
  • 修正了当文本消息包含按钮图示符时,文本阴影的偏移量减小的问题。
  • Fixed an issue with getting a faulty purchase page for Realms when the maximum number of Realms are already owned on the current platform
  • 修复了一个导致在当前平台的Realms数量已经达到上限时出现的错误购买界面。
  • Fixed the Achievements button not being accessible when scrolling up on the Pause Screen
  • 修复了成就按钮在暂停界面中向上滚动时点不了的bug。
  • Fixed the food cooldown visual not being semi-transparent on the HUD (MCPE-55206)
  • 修复了食物冷却在界面中不是半透明的bug。 (MCPE-55206)
  • The “Invite to game” and player role buttons on the Pause Screen now have a white border when focused with custom resolution
  • 邀请进入游戏和玩家角色按钮将会在自定义分辨率下添加白色边框。
  • The “Invite to Game” button on the pause screen now disables correctly when a server is full
  • 暂停界面上的邀请进入游戏按钮将会在服务器满员的时候被禁用。
  • Fixed tab order on the Settings menu when navigating with gamepad bumpers
  • 修复了使用游戏手柄时设置菜单的选项顺序。
  • Fixed the height of the scrolling content panel on the Marketplace sidebar navigation to display the scrolling bar for varying device resolutions
  • 修复了Marketplace侧栏导航上滚动内容面板的高度,以显示适配不同设备分辨率的滚动条。
  • Fixed a redundant ” – ” beside player usernames after adding them to the friends list (MCPE-105464)
  • 修复了玩家名称旁边多余的“ —— ” ,这以前曾经在好友列表里的玩家名称里出现。 (MCPE-105464)
  • Fixed item tooltip freezing in place on the Creative menu when switching between gaze selection and controller selection on PS VR
  • 修复了在PS VR上切换凝视选择和控制器选择时,创造模式菜单上的工具提示冻结的问题。
  • Fixed player camera perspective not being respected when changing from Immersive Mode to Living Room Mode in PS VR
  • 修正了在PS VR中从沉浸式模式切换到客厅模式摄像头视角不变的问题。
  • Boss bar info no longer disappears after changing VR display mode on PS VR
  • Boss栏的描述将不再在PS VR的VR模式切换后消失。
  • Fixed coin purchases not updating displayed coin amount until after relaunching the game
  • 修复了硬币在消费后不会更新数量直到游戏重启的问题。
  • Removed double space spelling issues on several screens, including the Feedback prompt (MCPE-104037)
  • 修复了连续两个空格的拼写错误,包括反馈界面。 (MCPE-104037)
  • Fixed the player visual on the inventory screen while gliding. It was previously off-center and could hide elements of the interface
  • 修复了玩家在滑翔时的物品栏视觉效果。它以前是偏心的,可能会挡住界面的元素。
  • Fixed issue where up and down arrow buttons in the Resource Pack Settings screen became bigger when highlighted (MCPE-147708)
  • 修复了资源包设定界面中上下箭头被高亮时会变大的问题。 (MCPE-147708)
  • Fixed Realms buttons disappearing after the Minecraft window lost and regained focus on the Create World on Realm screen
  • 修复了Realms按钮在游戏界面失去又获得焦点时消失的问题。

Technical Updates:

Updated Add-On Template Packs
全新的Add-On 模板包

  • Updated Add-On templates for 1.18.10 with new resources, behaviors, and documentation, are available to download at aka.ms/MCAddonPacks
  • 更新了为1.18.10准备的Add-On 模板。它具有全新的资源,行为以及文档。你可以在这里下载它:aka.ms/MCAddonPacks

Performance / Stability Fixes
性能 / 稳定性修复

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when setting the width or height of a mob’s hitbox to a negative value
  • 修复了一个当设置生物的碰撞箱大小为负数时产生的崩溃。
  • Fixed an issue where ticking areas would occasionally skip a tick
  • 修复了一个导致常加载区块有时会跳tick的现象。
  • Fixed a bug that caused performance drops when using the ‘/tag’ command (MCPE-139609)
  • 修复了一个当使用’/tag’指令的时候导致性能流失的问题。 (MCPE-139609)
  • The Content Log History panel is now accessible from the second player in split-screen without crashing the game
  • 内容日志历史面板现在可以从分屏游戏中的第二名玩家处访问,而不会使游戏崩溃
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when an animation controller referenced itself as one of its “animations”
  • 修复了一个当动画控制器把自己当“动画”时崩溃的bug。
  • The game no longer crashes when nesting schedule commands in functions (MCPE-144730)
  • 当在函数中嵌套调度命令时,游戏不再崩溃。(MCPE-144730)
  • Added log messages to help identify the cause of the BDS crash (BDS-12751)
  • 添加了可以帮助定位BDS崩溃的log信息。(BDS-12751)
  • Improved performance of RandomStrollGoal
  • 优化了RandomStrollGoal的性能。
  • Reduced memory and load times for ticking areas
  • 减少了常加载区块的内存占用和加载时间。


  • Android’s target API has been updated to API 30 for Google Play Store
  • Google Play上安卓版安装包的targetAPI已经被更新到了版本30。
  • Reapplied changes to use “allowlist” instead of “whitelist” (BDS-14119)
  • 重新应用了更改,现在使用“allowlist”而不是“whitelist”。(BDS-14119)


  • Added ‘/loot’ command – Drops the given loot table into the world
  • 添加了 ‘/loot’ 指令 —— 将给定的战利品表放入世界。
  • Added a new ‘/damage’ command to allow players to deal damage to entities。
  • 添加了全新的 ‘/damage’指令,从而允许玩家对实体直接造成伤害。
  • Placing Cocoa Beans with ‘/setblock’ or ‘/fill’ commands no longer results in an error
  • 使用 ‘/setblock’ 或者’/fill’指令来放置可可豆将不再造成错误。
  • The ‘/spreadplayers’ command no longer hangs when given a high spread range (MCPE-137793)
  • ‘/spreadplayers’指令将不再会在提供比较大的散布范围时卡死。(MCPE-137793)
  • Order of function calls triggered by ‘/execute’ inside a function are now consistent (MCPE-111849)
  • 函数中的 ‘/execute’ 指令的执行顺序现在更加稳定。 (MCPE-111849)
  • The ‘/effect’ command no longer has the redundant argument ’empty’ (MCPE-62903)
  • ‘/effect’指令不再存在冗余的变量’empty’ 。(MCPE-62903)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the ‘/kill’ command to not kill entities with the Absorption effect (MCPE-142763)
  • 修复了一个导致 ‘/kill’无法清除拥有伤害吸收效果的实体 的bug。(MCPE-142763)

Data-Driven Blocks
数据驱动 方块

  • Added support for blocks having the same name, as long as they belong to different namespaces
  • 添加了对名称相同,但是命名空间不同的方块的支持。


  • 对以下组件提供了新的支持:
    • BlockExplosionResistance
    • BlockFrictionComponent
    • BlockMaterialInstances
    • BlockBreathabilityComponent
    • CraftingTableComponent
    • BlockLightFilterComponent
  • Changed BlockLightDescription JSON name from “minecraft:block_light_absorption” to “Minecraft:block_light_filter” and field name from “block_light_absorption” to “block_light_filter”
  • 将 BlockLightDescription 的JSON 名称从 “minecraft:block_light_absorption” 改为“Minecraft:block_light_filter” ,以及命名空间名称“block_light_absorption”改为“block_light_filter”

Data-Driven Entities
数据驱动 实体

  • The random chance for a wild adult Ocelot to spawn with two children is now handled by components added in the entity JSON definition
  • 一只野生成年豹子随机生成的机会现在由实体JSON定义中添加的组件来处理
  • Fixed many missing “Description” entries in the documentation
  • 修复了文档中许多缺失的“描述”条目。
  • Added AI Goals documentation for “behavior.move_to_liquid” and “behavior.move_to_block”
  • 添加了 “behavior.move_to_liquid” 与 “behavior.move_to_block”的AI目标相关文档。
  • Added AI Goals documentation for missing parameters of “behavior.tempt”, “behavior.rise_to_liquid_level”, and “behavior.random_fly”
  • 添加了  “behavior.tempt”,“behavior.rise_to_liquid_level”,以及“behavior.random_fly”中缺失的AI目标相关文档。
  • Added Components documentation for missing parameters of “movement.sway”
  • 添加了 “movement.sway”中缺失参数的相关文档。
  • Fixed some typos and inconsistencies in the Entities documentation
  • 修复了实体文档中的一些错别字和不一致之处。

Data-Driven Items
数据驱动 物品

  • Added nine new shapeless recipe JSON files, replacing hard-coded Smithing Table crafting recipes
  • 添加了九种新的无序合成配方的 JSON文件,取代了硬编码的锻造台制作配方。
  • Updated documentation for BlockCollisionComponentDescription
  • 更新了 BlockCollisionComponentDescription 的文档。
  • Changed BlockCollisionComponentDescription JSON name from “entity_collision” to “block_collision”
  • 将 BlockCollisionComponentDescription 的JSON名称由 “entity_collision” 改为 “block_collision”。
  • Updated documentation for FuelItemComponent
  • 更新了关于 FuelItemComponent 的文档。
  • Renamed DamageableItemComponent to DurabilityItemComponent
  • 将 DamageableItemComponent 重命名为 DurabilityItemComponent。
  • Updated documentation for BlockRaycastComponent
  • 更新了关于 BlockRaycastComponent 的文档。
  • Updated documentation for FoodItemComponent
  • 更新了关于 FoodItemComponent 的文档。
  • Changed SaturationModifier in FoodItemComponent to take a float instead of a string
  • 将 FoodItemComponent 中的 SaturationModifier 更改为采用浮点数而非字符串。
  • Fixed custom food behaviours not being replicated to guest clients
  • 修复了定制的食物行为不被发送到客户端的问题。


  • The “controlling_seat” field on “minecraft:rideable” now works as intended for both Boats and Horses
  • “minecraft:ridable”上的“controlling_seat”字段现在既适用于船只,也适用于马匹。
  • Mobs riding other mobs and pathing towards a target will no longer wiggle back and forth along their path
  • 骑着其他怪物并向目标行进的怪物将不再沿着其路径来回踟蹰。
  • Match tool conditions now work on mobs (Experimental)
  • 匹配工具条件现在对生物有效。(实验性)
  • JumpToBlockGoal can no longer be used when the mob is in water
  • JumpToBlockGoal 不再能对水里的生物使用。
  • JumpToBlockGoal now correctly searches the same distance upwards and downwards when looking for jumpblockcandidates, allowing a mobs that use the goal to jump equally high as low
  • JumpToBlockGoal 现在会正确寻找相同上下距离的 jumpblockcandidates ,从而允许生物使用目标来跳跃相同的高度。
  • Fixed an issue where animation controller events defined in the default state would get skipped if the controller immediately transitioned to another state (This is a versioned change that will only be applied for animation controllers starting at format_version 1.18.10)
  • 修复了一个如果控制器立即转换到另一个状态,默认状态下定义的动画控制器事件将被跳过的问题。(这是一个版本化的更改,仅适用于从format_version 1.18.10开始的动画控制器)


  • Fixed an issue where animation events, sound effect events, and particle events would not trigger if the event time specified was equal to the total “animation_length”
  • 修复了指定的事件时间等于总“动画长度”时,动画事件、音效事件和粒子事件不会触发的问题。
  • Fixed an issue where event times were not considered within the animation length calculation that happens when “animation_length” is not explicitly specified
  • 修复了当未明确指定“animation_length”时,动画长度计算中未考虑事件时间的问题。


  • Fixed arrow operator to return 0 if the left side is not a valid entity or item,rather than causing the entire expression to return 0
  • 修复了箭头运算符在左侧没有有效的实体或物品时导致整个语句返回0的问题。
    • For example,if bis not valid variable.a = variable.b->variable.c will now assign 0 to variable.a
    • 比如,如果bis无效, variable.a = variable.b->variable.c 将会给variable.a赋值0.
    • This is not a Molang Versioned Changebecause no known content is currently using the arrow operator
    • 这不是Molang的版本化更改,因为已知目前没有内容使用arrow运算符。
  • Add non-experimental is_name_any, is_item_name_any, and is_owner_identifier_any queries
  • 添加非实验性的is_name_any、is_item_name_any和is_owner_identifier_any查询。
  • Fixed relative_block_has_all_tags block_neighbor_has_all_tags and biome_has_all_tags queries to require all tags rather than just any tags
  • 修复了relative_block_has_all_tags、block_neighbor_has_all_tags以及biome_has_all_tags queries查询需要所有tags,而不仅仅是任意tag的问题。
  • Fixed nested conditional (ternary) operator parsing to go right-to-left instead of left-to-right
  • 修复了嵌套条件(三元)运算符解析从右向左而不是从左向右的问题。
    • This is a Molang Versioned Change that only takes effect for Molang expressions in packs that use a min_engine_version of 1.18.10 or higher
    • 这是一个Molang版本化的更改,仅对使用min_engine_版本1.18.10或更高版本的包中的Molang表达式生效
    • Previously nested conditional expressions like ‘A?B:C?D:E’would evaluate as ‘ (A?B:C)?D:E’,now they evaluate as ‘A?B:(C?D:E’
    • 以前的类似 ‘A?B:C?D:E’ 的嵌套表达式会被作为 ‘ (A?B:C)?D:E’ 运算,现在会被作为 ‘A?B:(C?D:E’进行运算。
  • Access of missing public variables on other entities will return 0.0 and not cause an error
  • 对其他实体上缺少的公共变量的访问将返回0.0,并且不会导致错误。
  • Fix loading of public variables containing capital letters to not cause an error
  • 修复包含大写字母的公共变量的加载,以避免导致错误。
  • Added “slot.equippable” added as a slot option for WearableItemComponent and Molang
  • 添加了“slot.equipable”,作为 WearableItemComponent 和Molang的插槽选项。
  • Added alland query.any to check if a value matches all or any of the following values
  • 添加了方法 query.any 用于检查值是否与以下所有或任何值匹配。
  • Added in_rangeto check if a value is in the (inclusive) range between a min and max value
  • 添加了 in_rangeto 用于检查值是否在指定的最大/最小范围中。

Block Components (Experimental)
方块组件 (实验性)

  • Fixed BlockPartVisibilityComponent for multiplayer by adding network save/load tags (MCPE-141908)
  • 通过添加网络保存/加载标签,修复了多人游戏的 BlockPartVisibilityComponent 特性。 (MCPE-141908)

GameTest Framework (Experimental)
GameTest 框架 (实验性)

There are some important breaking changes in APIs creators should be aware of:
这里有一些关于APIs 的重大更改可能值得注意:

  • 将mojang-minecraft:Worldobject 重命名为 mojang-minecraft:world
    • In practice,this means “World.getDimension” code should now read “world.getDimension”
    • 在实际操作中,这也代表着 “World.getDimension” 语句现在写作 “world.getDimension”
  • 移除了 mojang-minecraft:command – 取而代之,我们添加了 runCommand 方法于维度、实体以及玩家之上。
    • In practice,this means that “command.run(“say Hello World”,dimension)” should now read “dimension.runCommand(“say Hello World”)”
    • 在实际操作中这代表着“command.run(“say Hello World”,dimension)” 现在写作“dimension.runCommand(“say Hello World”)”

Other major API adds and updates:

mojang-minecraft module
mojang-minecraft 模块


  • Replaced function getPlayers() : Player[] with function getPlayers(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- Returns an iterator to a collection containing all players in the dimension. Optionally, options can be used to filter the result
  • 将函数getplayers() : player[] 替换成了函数 getplayers(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- 返回一个包含维度中所有玩家的迭代器集合。可选的选项可用于过滤结果。


  • Added blockBreak and blockPlace events, which are called when a player breaks or places a block in the world
  • 添加了blockBreak 以及 blockPlace 事件,他们会在玩家放下/破坏方块的时候被触发。
  • Added optional argument to events.addEffect. This argument will limit the callback to only fire for specific entities (see EntityEventOptions)
  • 为events.addEffect添加了可选参数。此参数将回调限制为仅针对特定实体触发。(请参见EntityEventOptions)


  • 物品使用事件:
    • Added event events.beforeItemUse —— Fires before an item is used。Can be canceled
    • 添加了事件 events.beforeItemUse —— 在使用项之前触发。可以取消。
    • Added event events.itemUse —— Fires when an item is used and the before event is not cancelled
    • 添加了事件 events.itemUse —— 在物品使用且未取消上一个事件事件时触发。
    • Added event events.beforeItemUseOn —— Fires before an item is used on a block。Can be cancelled
    • 添加了事件 events.beforeItemUseOn —— 在物品被使用到一个方块上之前触发。可以取消。
    • Added event events.itemUseOn —— Fires when an item is used on a block and the before event is not cancelled
    • 添加了事件 events.itemUseOn —— 在物品被使用到一个方块上且未取消上一个事件事件时触发。
  • Note that the following definition events only function with data driven item created as part of the Holiday Creator Features experiment:
  • 请注意,以下定义事件仅适用于作为假日创建者功能实验的一部分创建的数据驱动项:
    • Added event events.beforeItemDefinitionEvent —— Fires before an Item definition event is processed。Can be canceled
    • 添加了事件 events.beforeItemDefinitionEvent —— 在处理项定义事件之前触发。可以取消。
    • Added event events.itemDefinitionEvent —— Fires when the Item definition event is processed and the before event is not canceled
    • 添加了事件 events.itemDefinitionEvent —— 在处理项定义事件且未取消上一个事件事件时触发。
    • Added method triggerEvent(eventName : String) —— Triggers an event on the itemstack if an event with the given eventName,as defined in the item JSON file
    • 添加了方法triggerEvent(eventName:String)——如果事件具有给定的eventName,则触发item JSON文件中定义的itemstack上的事件。


  • Added property brokenBlockPermutationto indicate which kind of block was broken
  • 添加了属性 BrokenBlockPermutation 以表示哪种方块被破坏。

Entity (note that derived types Player and mojang-gametest:SimulatedPlayer also added these APIs as well)

  • Added runCommandmethod to run a command as an entity
  • 添加了 runCommandmethod 以实体形式运行命令。
  • Added dimensionproperty to get the dimension the entity is in
  • 添加了 dimensionproperty 以获取实体所在的维度。
  • Added function addTag(tag: string): bool- Adds a tag to this entity. Returns true if the tag does not already exist
  • 添加了函数 addTag(tag: string): bool-向该实体添加Tag。如果Tag不存在,则返回true。
  • Added function hasTag(tag: string): bool- Returns true if the tag exists on this entity
  • 添加了函数 hasTag(tag:string):bool-如果此实体上存在Tag,则返回true。
  • Added function removeTag(tag: string): bool- Removes a tag from this entity. Returns true if the tag was removed
  • 添加了函数 removeTag(tag:string):bool-从此实体中删除Tag。如果Tag已删除,则返回true。
  • Added function getTags(): string[] – Returns all tags on this entity
  • 添加了函数 getTags():string[]-返回此实体上的所有Tag。
  • Added target property to Entity. targetrepresents the Entity that this Entity is currently targeting, for purposes such as AI targeting
  • 向实体添加了target属性。target代表着该实体当前针对的实体,用于AI目标等目的。
  • Added function getEntitiesFromViewVector(options: EntityRaycastOptions): Entity[] – Gets all entities that intersects the ray from the entities view vector
  • 添加了函数 getEntitiesFromViewVector(options:EntityRaycastOptions):Entity[] -获取与实体视线向量中的射线相交的所有实体。
  • Added function getBlockFromViewVector(options: BlockRaycastOptions): Block – Gets the first block that intersects the ray from the entities view vector
  • 添加函数 getBlockFromViewVector(options:BlockRaycastOptions):Block –获取与实体视线向量中的射线相交的第一个方块。
  • Added function setVelocity(velocity: Vector): bool- Sets the velocity of this entity
  • 新增函数 setVelocity(velocity:Vector):bool-设置此实体的速度
  • Added property viewVector: Vector- Represents the direction that the entity is looking, as a vector
  • 增加了属性 viewVector: Vector- 通过向量的形式代表实体视线的方向。
  • Added property headLocation: Location- Represents the location of the head of the entity
  • 增加了属性 headLocation: Location- 代表实体头部所在的位置。
  • Added property bodyRotation: number- Represents the body rotation of the entity as a float (in degrees)
  • 增加了属性 bodyRotation: number- 以浮点数代表实体的身体旋转的角度。(单位:度)
  • Added function teleport(location: Location, dimension: Dimension, xRotation (optional): float, yRotation (optional): float)
  • 添加了函数 teleport(location: Location,dimension: Dimension,xRotation (optional): float,yRotation (optional): float)
  • Added function teleportFacing(location: Location, dimension: Dimension, facingLocation: Location)
  • 添加了函数 teleportFacing(location: Location,dimension: Dimension,facingLocation: Location)


  • Added method startItemCooldown(itemCategory : string, durationTicks : int) – Starts or resets a cooldown on an item category (e.g., ender_pearl) for the given duration in ticks
  • 添加了方法 startItemCooldown(itemCategory:string,durationTicks:int)——在给定的持续时间内,以ticks为单位启动或重置某个项目类别(例如末影珍珠)的冷却。
  • Added method getItemCooldown(itemCategory : string) – Returns the remaining duration in ticks that this player has of the given item category. If no cooldown is present, returns 0
  • 添加了方法getItemCooldown(itemCategory:string)——返回玩家使用物品所需的剩余持续时间(以Tick为单位)。如果没有冷却时间,则返回0。


  • Added ItemCooldownComponent (item.getComponent(“minecraft:cooldown”))
  • 添加了 ItemCooldownComponent (item.getComponent(“minecraft:cooldown”))
  • Read-only property cooldownCategory : string – Represents the cooldown category of this item.
  • 添加了只读属性 cooldownCategory:string-表示此项的冷却类型。
  • Read-only property cooldownTicks : int – Represents the cooldown time in ticks for this item if cooldown is enabled
  • 添加了只读属性 cooldownTicks:int——如果启用了冷却,则表示此项的冷却时间。(以Tick为单位)
  • method startCooldown(player : Player) – Starts or resets a cooldown for this item on the given player if cooldown is enabled for this item
  • 添加了方法 StartColdDown(玩家:玩家)-如果该物品已启用冷却,则启动或重置指定玩家该物品的冷却。


  • Removed getName method and added read-only property .id
  • 删除了 getName 方法并添加了 property.id。


  • Added runCommandmethod to run a command in a dimension
  • 添加了 runCommandmethod 用于在指定维度运行命令。
  • Added function getEntitiesFromRay(pos: Location, direction: Location, options: EntityRaycastOptions): Entity[]- Gets all entities that intersects the ray starting at a location which extends in direction
  • 添加了函数 getEntitiesFromRay(pos: Location,direction: Location,options: EntityRaycastOptions): Entity[]- 获取从一个方向延伸的位置开始与射线相交的所有实体。
  • Added function getBlockFromRay(pos: Location, direction: Location, options: BlockRaycastOptions) : Block – Gets the first block that intersects the ray starting at a location which extends in direction
  • 添加了函数 getBlockFromRay(pos: Location,direction: Location,options: BlockRaycastOptions) : Block —— 获取与从指定位置指定方向延伸的射线相交的第一个方块。
  • Added function getPlayers(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- Returns an iterator to a collection containing all players. Optionally, options can be used to filter the result
  • 添加了函数 getPlayers(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- 返回一个包含维度中所有玩家的迭代器集合。可选的选项可用于过滤结果。
  • Added function getEntities(options: EntityQueryOptions = undefined) : EntityIterator- Returns an iterator to a collection containing all entities in the dimension. Optionally, options can be used to filter the result
  • 添加的函数getEntities(options:EntityQueryOptions=undefined):EntityIterator-返回一个包含维度中所有实体的迭代器集合。可选的选项可用于过滤结果。
  • Updated spawnEntityto take a Location or a BlockLocation
  • 更新了SpawnEntity以获取位置或方块位置。


  • Added class EntityQueryOptions- Provides additional filtering options when calling getEntities and getPlayers
  • 添加类 EntityQueryOptions-在调用getEntities和GetPlayers时提供额外的筛选选项


  • Added class EntityQueryScoreOptions- Used with EntityQueryOptions to provide scoreboard filtering
  • 添加了类 EntityQueryScoreOptions-与EntityQueryOptions一起使用,以提供记分板过滤。


  • Used to filter events that fire on entities to restrict the callback to only certain ones.
  • 用于过滤在实体上触发的事件,以将回调限制为仅限于某些实体。
  • Property entity: Entity[] – If specified, will restrict to just this entity
  • 添加了属性 entity: Entity[] —— 如果指定,将仅限于此实体。
  • Property entityTypes: string[] – If specified, will restrict to entities with the specified type (e.g., minecraft:creeper)
  • 添加了属性 entityTypes: string[] —— 如果指定,将仅限于此类实体。(比如:minecraft:creeper)


  • Renamed destroyedBlock to block
  • 将destroyedBlock重命名为block。

mojang-gametest module
mojang-gametest 模块

  • Added registerAsync method to register and properly track the state of GameTests using async functions
  • 添加了registerAsync方法,可以使用异步函数注册并正确跟踪GameTests的状态。


  • Added getDimensionto get the dimension in which the test is being ran
  • 添加了 GetDimension以获取运行测试的维度。
  • Added gameMode: GameMode parameter to spawnSimulatedPlayer method
  • 添加了 gameMode: GameMode 参数,用于生成SimulatedPlayer方法。


  • Added function giveItem(itemStack: ItemStack, selectSlot: boolean)
  • 添加了函数 giveItem(itemStack: ItemStack, selectSlot: boolean)
  • Added function setItem(itemStack:ItemStack, slot: number, selectSlot: boolean)
  • 添加了函数 setItem(itemStack:ItemStack, slot: number, selectSlot: boolean)
  • Renamed destroyBlockto breakBlock
  • 将 destroyBlock 重命名为 breakBlock
  • Renamed stopDestroyingBlockto stopBreakingBlock
  • 将 stopDestroyingBlock 重命名为 stopBreakingBlock
  • Removed selectSlot method
  • 移除了 selectSlot 方法
  • Added property selectedSlot: int – Gets or sets the currently selected hotbar slot for the player
  • 添加了属性 selectedSlot: int —— 获取或者设定玩家当前选定的快捷栏位。


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