
Lunar New Year has arrived at Minecraft Marketplace! Celebrated between January and April, this holiday marks the beginning of a new lunisolar year and ushers in luck for the months to come. To mark this important festival, between February 1 and February 7** 2022 we’re filling our own red packet for you and stuffing it with stripe-tastic content to commemorate the Year of the Tiger!
Minecraft 市场开启农历新年庆典啦!这个在公历一月到四月之间庆祝的节日标志着农历新的一年,引领着一年的好运。为了纪念这一重要的节日,在 2022 年 2 月 1 日至 2 月 7 日间**,我们将会包上红包,往里面塞满缤纷的内容,纪念虎年的到来!

People born in a tiger year are considered to be confident leaders. That’s why I’ll be looking at you tigers (and everyone else but myself) to gather your courage and take the lead as we explore a free and fantastic new map: the Legend of Nezha! Immerse yourself in an ancient tale of immortal heroes and battle as one of the world’s most beloved champions in this mesmeric world from Next Studio.
在虎年出生的人被认为是自信的领导者。因此,我将会看着你们这些虎宝(和其他所有人,除了我自己)来聚集勇气并带着你们探索一个免费且梦幻的新地图:哪吒传说 沉浸在不朽英雄的古老传说中,并在这一来自 Next Studio 且及其具有代入感的世界中,以世界上最受喜爱的冠军任务战斗吧!

Just as the Third Lotus Prince from Chinese folklore protects good and kindness, you’ll fight as Nezha against the evil Dragon King and put your wits to the test against the devious Stone Queen! This adventure-packed map is available for free* on Minecraft Marketplace for 12 months, so whether you’re celebrating Lunar New Year now or later in April, you have plenty of time to master your hero pose and dive on in. Speaking of diving, if you love immersing yourself in a map then you’ll want to check out the fantastic paid skin packs and curated content being released on Minecraft Marketplace as well! That way you can really look the part as you fight your foes.
就像中国神话中的莲花三**守护美好和善良一样,你将化身哪吒对抗邪恶的龙王,考验你的智慧对抗狡猾的石皇后!这一充满冒险的地图将在 Minecraft 市场上限免 12 个月,所以无论你是现在庆祝农历新年还是等到四月再庆祝,你都有足够的时间来掌握“英雄坐姿”,并潜入哪吒的世界。说到潜入,如果你喜欢潜入在这个地图中,那么你一定还会想要瞧瞧精彩的付费皮肤包和其他在 Minecraft 市场发布的特别企划内容!这样在战斗的时候你就能够真的穿着得体了。

If you prefer sweaters to shields and cozying it up to battling it out then you’re in luck too, friend! Between February 1 and February 7** 2022 you can also collect two free Character Creator items from Minecraft Marketplace: a free tiger mask and a free tiger sweater that are sure to make your characters look ready for a week of festivity and fun! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to download The Legend of Nezha and ** from King Zhou in my awesome new tiger sweater. Wish me luck! Because that’s what I wish you all: a lucky, prosperous, and happy year to come. Happy Lunar New Year!
如果你比起盾牌更喜欢与毛衣大战三百回合,那么你也很幸运,朋友!在 2022 年 2 月 1 日至 2 月 7 日间** 你可以在 Minecraft 市场收集两件免费的角色创建器物品 一件免费的老虎面具和一件免费的老虎毛衣。它们肯定会让你的角色看起来已经准备好庆祝一周的节日气氛和快乐了!不好意思,现在我要去下载哪吒传说然后从纣王手中拯救世界了。祝我好运吧!我也祝你们新年幸运、繁荣和快乐!新年快乐!

*Legend of Nezha by Next Studio remains free from 1 February 2022 until 8 February 2023
*哪吒传说 by Next Studio 将在 2022 年 2 月 1 日至 2023 年 2 月 8 日期间保持免费

**Free items require the latest version of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and access to Minecraft Marketplace (sold separately); available 2/1/22 at 10 a.m. PST until 2/8/22 at 10 a.m. PST.
**免费物品需要最新的 Minecraft 基岩版和 Minecraft 市场(另售);自 2022 年 2 月 2 日 2 时(UTC+8) 2022 年 2 月 9 日 2 时(UTC+8)可用。


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