我的世界Java版 1.18.1 发布 修复了Apache log4j致命漏洞

We’re now releasing Minecraft: Java Edition 1.18.1. This release fixes a critical security issue for multiplayer servers, changes how the world fog works to make more of the world visible, and fixes a couple of other bugs.
我们现在发布Java版1.18.1。此次更新修复了多人玩家服务器上的致命的安全漏洞(Apache log4j),并且更改了世界内的雾渲染机制以提高可见性和修复了一些漏洞。

If you are running a multiplayer server, we highly encourage you to upgrade to this version as soon as possible.


Technical Changes in 1.18.1
1.18.1 的技术性修改

  • Fixed an issue that would cause players on low-bandwidth connections to get timeout errors when connecting to a server
  • 修复了玩家在低带宽状态下连接服务器会导致超时的错误
  • World fog now starts further away from the player, to make distant terrain more visible
  • 世界的雾现在会在玩家距离更远的地方出现来提高远处地形的可见性
  • Instead of applying fog as a spherical volume it is now applied as a cylindrical volume
  • 雾现在渲染为圆柱形体积,而不是球形体积

Fixed bugs in 1.18.1
1.18.1 修复的漏洞

  • MC-152198 – Actual render distance is 2 chunks lower than render distance setting
  • MC-152198 – 实际的渲染距离比设置内的选项要少2个区块
  • MC-219507 – Beacon’s power reverts back to previous one on world reload
  • MC-219507 – 信标的能量在世界重载时回退到先前的设置
  • MC-229321 – Bees inside of bee hives / nests sometimes despawn when the world is reloaded
  • MC-229321 – 重新载入世界后,蜂箱/蜂巢内的蜜蜂偶尔会消失
  • MC-242729 – “Observer activating without any updates nearby, caused by /clone”
  • MC-242729 – /clone导致周围没有更新时侦测器被触发
  • MC-243216 – Chunk render distance on servers seems shorter than in 1.17.1
  • MC-243216 – 服务器上的区块渲染距离似乎比1.17.1版本中的近一些
  • MC-243796 – Random non fatal exceptions in console: Failed to store chunk ConcurrentModificationException
  • MC-243796 – 控制台中随机的非致命性错误:无法储存区块ConcurrentModificationException


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