我的世界 Spookyfest 万圣节活动来了

Embrace the creepy, in-game and IRL

Slowly but surely, the scorching rays of sun are becoming milder, and I can finally go outside without hissing involuntarily. Ironically, it’s also the season when hissing would be the most socially acceptable – because Halloween is almost here!

And do we have some creepy cute stuff in store for you! In October, we will be releasing all kinds of spooky surprises for Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons, witch be warned, I’m about to spoil below. That’s right, we’re even doing spoilers this year. Bet you’re already terrified.
我们还准备了一些毛骨悚然而又十分可爱的东西!这个十月,我们将会为 Minecraft 与 Minecraft Dungeons 发布一系列吓人的惊喜。不过谓言之不预,我现在就要剧透咯。没错,今年我们甚至要在搞事之前先放卫星。你一定已经开始感到毛骨悚然了吧。

Let’s start with Minecraft Dungeons since the special Halloween event is now an established tradition – only this year it’s an even… Spookier Fall . Get ready to fight through new, scarier adventures and earn some menacing gear! We’ll reveal more details throughout the month.
让我们先从 Minecraft Dungeons 下手——不过今年甚至是 更诡异秋季(译者注:去年万圣节的活动名称叫做诡异秋季)!做好准备,在全新且骇人的全新关卡中战斗,并获取险恶的新装备!我们会在这个月揭晓更多细节。

Throughout the Spookyfest, we’ll be showcasing some special Halloween Minecraft Marketplace items, including but not limited to:
在 Spookyfest 期间,我们将展示一些特殊的万圣节 Minecraft 市场物品,包括但不限于:

  • October 13: The Spooky Gourdian – a free Minecraft Dungeons-inspired Character Creator item based on the Jack-O-Lantern (free until November 2)
  • 10 月 13 日:骇人守卫 – 由 Minecraft Dungeons 启发的免费角色创建器物品,基于南瓜灯(限免截止至 11 月 2 日)
  • October 19: The Cauldron Cover – a paid Minecraft Dungeons-inspired Character Creator item based on the Cauldron
  • 10 月 19 日:锅釜盖 – 由 Minecraft Dungeons 启发的付费角色创建器物品,基于炼药锅
  • October 26: Halloween Fiends – a free skin pack (free until November 2)
  • 10 月 26 日:万圣节恶魔 – 免费皮肤包(限免截止至 11 月 2 日)

Planning on dazzling your friends or scoring some candy from your neighbors with your costume? Why not double down and do the rounds in Minecraft as well? If you buy select Minecraft items between October 1 and October 31 on the Micrafan Shop (Japan) or on HalloweenCostumes.com (worldwide), you get a special code for a free Minecraft Crafty Costumes Skin Pack with five spooky skins to use in Bedrock Edition.
打算穿着特别的服饰和朋友一起讨糖吗?来个超级加倍,在 Minecraft 中也来遛一遛吧!如果你在 10 月 1 日至 10 月 31 日期间在 Micrafan Shop(日本)或 HalloweenCostumes.com(全球)选购 Minecraft 物品,你可以获得包含五个吓人基岩版皮肤的 Minecraft 创意服饰皮肤包的兑换码。

And last but most certainly not least, I was shocked to find out that you can also craft IRL, not just in Minecraft. Who knew you could put things together to create other things? I guess that’s what they do at the pizza place I order from. Huh. After this groundbreaking revelation, we decided to prepare some fun activities for you – outside of Minecraft! Just click the two buttons below to get the materials you’ll need.
最后的最后,我很震惊,你甚至可以在现实中合成东西,不只是在 Minecraft 里。谁知道你可以把东西组合在一起合成新的东西呢?我猜这就是披萨店干的事。我们有感而发,并给你们准备了一些好玩有趣的活动——还是在游戏外的!点击下方链接来获取你需要的材料。


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