It’s time for the Minecraft 1.17.30 update! The team has been working hard on bug fixes and changes to the Caves & Cliffs: Part I experience. Those who are feeling adventurous can even check out experimental world generation to discover the highest peaks and deepest caves. Read all about it belsow!
是时候发布Minecraft 1.17.30更新了!我们的团队正在努力为洞穴与山崖第一部分做着改动与漏洞修复。冒险者们,快去看看新的实验性世界生成器吧,领略一下高耸入云的山峰和深不见底的洞穴。尽在下文!

New Features:
新特性:Respawn Blocks Explode Game Rule
- Added the “Respawn Blocks Explode” game rule, which can be used to prevent Respawn Anchors and Beds from exploding (MCPE-76687)
- 新增了“重生类方块爆炸”游戏规则, 你可以用这个游戏规则控制重生锚和床的爆炸 (MCPE-76687)
Structure Block: Corner Mode
结构方块: 角落模式
- Corner Mode is used with the Detect button in Save Mode to define the area to save. It will only detect Corner Blocks with the same name as the structure being saved
- 角落模式将与保存模式中的检测按钮一起使用,用于确定需要保存的区域。它将只检测与被保存的结构具有相同名称的角落方块
Experimental Features:
实验性特性:More experimental features from Caves & Cliffs: Part II are available in this update and can be enabled on the world creation screen!更多来自于洞穴与山崖第二部分的实验性特性已在该更新中实装,并且你可以在世界创建界面中启用!Please keep in mind that these features are work in progress, still under in development, and subject to change. If you activate them, your world might crash, break, or not work with future updates. Experimental features cannot be turned off after world creation.请注意:这些功能正处于开发中,随时可能会修改。如果你启用实验性特性,你的世界有可能崩溃,损坏,或者无法在未来的更新中启动。在世界创建成功后,实验性特性无法关闭。For more information, please see the article about enabling experimental features at .如需要更多信息,请查看这个页面了解如何启动实验性特性。Monster Spawning
- Monsters now only spawn in complete darkness
- 怪物现在只在完全黑暗的环境中生成
- This change is being made to balance the player’s ability to light up the new larger caves and make them safe from monster spawning
- 这一改动是为了平衡新的超大洞穴所做出的改动,玩家为防止怪物生成照亮超大洞穴的能力变强了
- Note that this change only affects block-light and not sky light
- 注意:这一改动只适用于方块所发出的亮度,而不适用于天空给予的亮度
- Please send us your feedback on this change at!
- 如果对于该项改动有反馈,请发至这个链接!
Multi Noise World Generation
- New and improved terrain and biome generation algorithm that creates more natural terrain and biome transitions
- 改进过的新型地形和生物群系生成算法能够使地形和生物群系间的过渡更加自然
- Improved surface decoration that detects the difference between when blocks are generated underwater and underground
- 升级过的表面渲染系统能够区分方块是否生成于地下或水下
- Introduces large ore veins to world generation adding more strategy to mining
- 将大型矿脉引入世界生成规则,为采矿增加更多策略性选择
- Introduces noodle caves to world generation, creating small pathways between bigger caves
- 将面条洞穴引入世界生成规则,用于在较大的洞穴之间创建小型通道
- Introduces the possibility of dry cave entrances that make it easier to access the new noise caves
- 引入生成干燥的洞穴入口的可能性,使玩家进入能够更轻松地进入新的噪声洞穴
- Introduces a new algorithm that finds suitable spawn positions closer to origin
- 引入了一种新算法,可以找到更接近坐标原点的合适出生点位置
- Added logic to save and load SubChunks by absolute Y index to support data-driven dimension height ranges
- 添加了按绝对Y指数保存和加载的副区块的逻辑,来支持数据驱动的尺寸高度范围
- Updated the Achievements button and moved from the Profile screen to the Main Menu and Pause screens
- 更新了成就按钮,并将其从个人资料界面移至主菜单和暂停界面
修复:Performance / Stability
性能 / 稳定性
- Optimised pasting Unicode text into Book & Quill (MCPE-119651)
- 优化了将Unicode文本粘贴至书与笔的性能 (MCPE-119651)
- Fixed a crash that could occur when crafting a Crafting Table with Gameplay Tips enabled
- 修复了在通过合成配方提示合成工作台可能导致的崩溃
- Fixed a crash that could occur after disconnecting from the internet while playing in an online session as the client on iOS
- 修复了在iOS客户端上游玩在线游戏断开互联网连接时可能导致的崩溃
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when downloading large Marketplace worlds
- 修复了有时在下载大型市场世界时可能导致的崩溃
- Worlds with the Caves & Cliffs experimental toggle enabled are now more likely to have the same default world spawn position as worlds without the experiment using the same seed (MCPE-127708)
- 对于无论是否启用了洞穴与山崖实验性选项的世界,只要使用了相同的种子,玩家的初始出生位置会尽可能相同 (MCPE-127708)
- Matched respawn from Bed behavior with Java Edition by attempting to avoid placing players on damage dealing blocks when waking up and attempting to place players on the side of the bed they entered from (MCPE-118654)
- 现在在床上重生的行为会与Java版保持一致,会避免玩家重生在会对其造成伤害的方块上,且当一侧有阻挡时会将玩家重生在床的一侧 (MCPE-118654)
- Nether Portals placed between chunks no longer break when leaving the Nether (MCPE-74333)
- 离开下界时,放置在区块之间的下界传送门不再会被破坏了 (MCPE-74333)
- Damaging buff effects no longer bypass absorption hearts (MCPE-62360)
- 伤害提升类药水效果不再无视伤害吸收提供的爱心了 (MCPE-62360)
- Enchanting Table’s enchantment probability is now weighted (MCPE-101588)
- 附魔台的附魔概率现在使用了加权算法 (MCPE-101588)
- Fixed incorrect position when dismounting at a negative world height (MCPE-136622)
- 修复了在世界高度为负的位置取消骑乘时位置错误的问题 (MCPE-136622)
- Abandoned villages are now far rarer, more closely matching the Java Edition (MCPE-71769)
- 僵尸村庄现在会更稀有,更接近于Java版 (MCPE-71769)
- Fixed emissive light propagation in ray tracing mode by increasing irradiance cache sample size (MCPE-135157)
- 增加了辐照度缓存的样本量,修复在光线追踪模式中辐照光传播问题 (MCPE-135157)
- Fall damage is no longer applied when falling into Scaffolding (MCPE-108459)
- 掉落在脚手架上不再会受到掉落伤害了 (MCPE-108459)
- Cartographers will now only give maps to undiscovered monuments (MCPE-29375)
- 制图师现在只会出售未被探索过的遗迹地图 (MCPE-29375)
- Tweaked Iron Golem spawning logic to better match Java Edition
- 调整了铁傀儡的生成机制,现在会更近似于Java版
- Axolotls now spawn only when there is stone up to 10 blocks under them, and not inside bubble columns
- 美西螈现在只会生成在10格内有石头且没有气泡柱的地方
- Collecting Fish or Axolotl with a Bucket no longer immediately releases them (MCPE-44320)
- 使用水桶装取鱼和美西螈时不再立即将其释放 (MCPE-44320)
- Armor Stands now drop equipped items when destroyed by fire or lava (MCPE-94603)
- 现在盔甲架被火或者熔岩摧毁时,会掉落装备在其上的物品 (MCPE-94603)
- Limited the maximum number of Phantom mobs that can spawn (MCPE-106557)
- 限制了幻翼的最大生成数量 (MCPE-106557)
- Goats now play their “impact 3” sound (MCPE-127757)
- 山羊现在会发出“impact 3”音效 (MCPE-127757)
- Grown up Goats no longer lose their Horns when reloading a world
- 成年山羊在重新加载世界后不再会失去它们的角
- Baby Goats no longer have horns (MCPE-123253)
- 幼年山羊现在不再会有角了 (MCPE-123253)
- Fixed an animation parity issue with Skeletons not using both arms to hold their Bows (MCPE-670)
- 修复了骷髅不用双手拉弓的动画同步问题 (MCPE-670)
- Undead mobs standing near Powder Snow now burn normally (MCPE-131005)
- 亡灵生物现在就算站在细雪附近也会自燃了 (MCPE-131005)
- Powder Snow above undead mobs now prevents burning effect
- 如果亡灵生物上方有细雪可以防止其自燃
- Multiple Shulkers are no longer able to spawn in the same position from spawn eggs or End City generation (MCPE-43972)
- 使用刷怪蛋生成的潜影贝和末地城自然生成的潜影贝现在不可以生成于同一位置 (MCPE-43972)
- Mobs can now pathfind correctly when standing on Amethyst Buds (MCPE-130010)
- 站在紫晶芽上的生物现在可以正确寻路了 (MCPE-130010)
- Lightning no longer randomly strikes mobs that are under blocks (MCPE-121688)
- 闪电不再会随机劈向方块下的生物 (MCPE-121688)
- Fixed mobs sometimes rendering with incorrect geometry when viewed from the Structure Block preview window (MCPE-95183)
- 修复了在结构方块的预览窗口里看生物时有时生物会呈现不规则的几何图形的问题 (MCPE-95183)
- Experimental Features: Wither can now be spawned at negative heights (MCPE-125270)
- 实验性特性: 凋灵现在可以在负的世界高度上生成了 (MCPE-125270)
- Ghasts no longer spawn in less than 5x4x5 areas (MCPE-133687)
- 恶魂不再会生成在小于5x4x5的区域 (MCPE-133687)
- Magma Cubes no longer spawn in less than 3x3x2 areas (MCPE-46540)
- 岩浆怪不再会生成在小于3x3x2的区域 (MCPE-46540)
- Medium Magma Cubes now have a larger hitbox (MCPE-132159)
- 中型岩浆怪现在拥有更大的碰撞体积 (MCPE-132159)
- The Thorns enchantment now does Knockback to mobs (MCPE-56212)
- 现在荆棘附魔会使攻击你的生物被击退 (MCPE-56212)
- Cave Vines can now be pollinated by Bees (MCPE-127821)
- 蜜蜂现在会为洞穴藤蔓授粉了 (MCPE-127821)
- Enchantment Tables now emit light level 7 (MCPE-130868)
- 附魔台现在会发出亮度等级为7的光 (MCPE-130868)
- The falling position of Pointed Dripstone is no longer slightly offset (MCPE-119548)
- 滴水石锥现在掉落时的位置不再会发生偏移了 (MCPE-119548)
- Disabled biome tinting for Spruce and Birch Leaves (MCPE-128996)
- 云杉树叶和白桦树叶的颜色现在不再随着生物群系的改变而改变了 (MCPE-128996)
- Bubble Columns are now placed properly when loaded with a Structure Block (MCPE-97027)
- 结构方块在加载时现在可以正常放置气泡柱了 (MCPE-97027)
- Vanilla Parity: Using Bone Meal on Moss Blocks now also replaces Tuff blocks (MCPE-125922)
- 与Java版保持一致: 对苔藓块使用骨粉现在会蔓延到凝灰岩上了 (MCPE-125922)
- Grass and water block tint colors are no longer slightly randomized with noise
- 草方块和水的颜色不再根据随机噪声变化
- Fixed Light Block not being displayed correctly when being held (MCPE-123249)
- 修复了手持光源方块时有时无法正确显示的问题 (MCPE-123249)
- Weeping and Twisting Vines now grow correctly after the player breaks them (MCPE-90932)
- 垂泪藤和缠怨藤现在再被玩家破坏后仍然能正常生长 (MCPE-90932)
- Minecart with Chest will now copy over its chest contents when advanced pick blocked
- 修复了运输矿车在使用高级选取时会复制其内物品的问题
- Crimson Roots now have a small chance of growing on Warped Nylium blocks when using Bone Meal (MCPE-83616)
- 现在对诡异菌岩使用骨粉时有小概率会使其上面长出绯红菌索 (MCPE-83616)
- Candle now drops when Candle Cake is pushed by a Piston (MCPE-130594)
- 现在插上蜡烛的蛋糕在被活塞推动时会掉落在其上的蜡烛 (MCPE-130594)
- Renamed Structure Blocks will no longer have the incorrect data mode on creation (MCPE-41625)
- 重命名后的结构方块在放置时不再会拥有错误的数据模式 (MCPE-41625)
- Unicode font now correctly highlights on Signs with glowing text (MCPE-130072)
- Unicode字体现在会在带有增亮的告示牌上正常高亮显示了 (MCPE-130072)
- Pumpkins placed facing South, East, or West now can now be used to trade with Villagers if they were mined with Silk Touch tools (MCPE-105540)
- 无论南瓜在放置时是朝向南,东,还是西,只要使用了精准采集工具采集,就可以与村民交易 (MCPE-105540)
- More Candles can no longer be added to Candles placed without any support block (MCPE-130810)
- 现在不能朝悬空的蜡烛堆里添加蜡烛 (MCPE-130810)
- Shulker Boxes now remain in Dispensers when dispensed at world height limit (MCPE-130085)
- 现在使用发射器往世界最低高度下发射潜影盒时,潜影盒会保留在发射器中 (MCPE-130085)
- Monster Spawners no longer emit light
- 刷怪笼不再发光
- Powder Snow can now be collected with a Dispenser (MCPE-127564)
- 现在发射器可以用于收集细雪 (MCPE-127564)
- Target Blocks now conduct Redstone signals (MCPE-75034)
- 标靶方块现在可以被红石充能 (MCPE-75034)
- Fixed text from signs drawing on maps on ray tracing enabled hardware
- 修复了在启用光线追踪的世界上地图会有告示牌文本的问题
- Amethyst Cluster and Amethyst Bud can no longer be placed on Grass Path blocks
- 紫水晶簇和紫晶芽现在不再可以被放置在草径上了
- Corrected “Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore” name from “Deepslate Lapis Ore” (MCPE-123605)
- 将深层青金石矿的英文名从“Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore”改为“Deepslate Lapis Ore” (MCPE-123605)
- Fixed Bed display if the foot of the Bed is in a brighter area than the head (MCPE-123592)
- 修复了床脚比床头更亮的问题 (MCPE-123592)
- Fixed Large Chest display so the brightest end of the Chest is chosen to light the whole Chest
- 修复了大箱子的一部分比另一部分更亮的问题
- Dispensers now remove bubble columns when removing water (MCPE-56462)
- 发射器现在在移除水时也会移除气泡柱 (MCPE-56462)
- Sea Pickles now change light depending on being in underwater or not (MCPE-131642)
- 海泡菜会根据其是否含水更改其所发出的光照等级 (MCPE-131642)
- Snow layers are now melted by light from torches, etc. (MCPE-131272)
- 雪现在会被火把发出的光亮融化了,等等 (MCPE-131272)
- Vanilla Parity: Falling gravity blocks will no longer break when landing on certain blocks(MCPE-20109)
- 与Java版保持一致: 下落的方块掉落在某些方块上不再会被破坏 (MCPE-20109)
- Half of the Enchantment Table book doesn’t render dark anymore (MCPE-106627)
- 附魔台上的书不再会有一半比较暗了 (MCPE-106627)
- Blocks moved by a Piston no longer appear white while moving (MCPE-66250)
- 活塞推动的方块不再会在推动时变白 (MCPE-66250)
- Spore Blossoms no longer have a randomly offset hitbox (MCPE-121658)
- 孢子花不再拥有随机偏移的碰撞体积 (MCPE-121658)
- Measurements of hitbox of Spore Blossoms now match Java Edition
- 孢子花的碰撞体积现在与Java版相似
- Moss Block and Moss Carpet now break when moved by Pistons and Sticky Pistons can no longer pull them (MCPE-121751, MCPE-122004)
- 苔藓块和苔藓地毯现在被活塞推动时会被破坏,并且不再能被黏性活塞拉回了 (MCPE-121751,MCPE-122004)
- Water dripping from Pointed Dripstone can no longer fill Cauldrons with Potions. Sorry, we knew it was fun but too overpowered! (MCPE-131180)
- 从滴水石锥滴下的水不再能填充装有药水的炼药锅了。抱歉,我们知道这很有趣,但真的太OP了!(MCPE-131180)
- Fixed an issue causing Slime and Honey Block movement slowdown to not be fully applied to players
- 修复了黏液块和蜂蜜块的减速效果不能完全适用于玩家的问题
- Light Blocks are once again visible while holding one and properly show their brightness value (MCPE-123249)
- 现在当手持光源方块时,会正常看到其他的光源方块,并且会显示其亮度值 (MCPE-123249)
- Fixed Light Blocks not being removed when destroying them while holding a Light Block (MCPE-123258)
- 修复了手持光源方块时无法正常破坏其他光源方块的问题 (MCPE-123258)
- Fixed Light Block brightness not being adjustable when interacting with it (MCPE-123387)
- 修复了与光源方块互动时无法修改其光照等级的问题 (MCPE-123387)
- Fixed Barrier Blocks being destructible while not holding a Barrier Block
- 修复了没有手持屏障方块时可以破坏屏障方块的问题
- Shulker Boxes now drop their contents when destroyed as an item (MCPE-129470, MCPE-87877)
- 潜影盒现在在掉落物的形式下被摧毁会掉落其内的物品 (MCPE-129470,MCPE-87877)
- Bows and Tridents are now held more similarly to Java Edition (MCPE-126717, MCPE-44418)
- 现在手持弓和三叉戟的动作与Java版相似 (MCPE-126717,MCPE-44418)
- Eating Chorus Fruit while gliding no longer deals fall damage to the player (MCPE-112621)
- 当玩家使用鞘翅滑翔时吃紫颂果不再会受到摔落伤害 (MCPE-112621)
- Swords now break Bamboo in a single swing (MCPE-64013)
- 剑现在挥砍时可以立刻破坏竹子 (MCPE-64013)
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Trident, Shield, and Crossbow to render incorrectly when an additional player is connected over the internet using a Marketplace skin (MCPE-118358)
- 修复了通过网络连接使用市场上的皮肤时其他玩家的弓、弩、三叉戟会显示错误的问题 (MCPE-118358)
- Fixed a bug which could cause the Spyglass to appear as if it’s being thrown when using a custom skin (MCPE-127498)
- 修复了当使用自定义皮肤的玩家使用望远镜时,望远镜会像被扔出去了一样 (MCPE-127498)
- Using a Powder Snow Bucket on a Cauldron filled with Powder Snow no longer creates a new Powder Snow block (MCPE-131177)
- 对装满细雪的炼药锅使用细雪桶不再会在上面放置一个新的细雪方块 (MCPE-131177)
- Clock and Compass items no longer function in the Recipe Book (MCPE-36354)
- 合成配方中的钟和指南针不再会工作 (MCPE-36354)
- Lava Buckets can now be emptied into a Cauldron filled with Lava
- 熔岩桶现在可以对着装满熔岩的炼药锅使用了
- Fixed offhand Shields clipping into players’ arms while in third-person perspective (MCPE-122672)
- 修复了在第三人称视角下副手上的盾姿会卡进玩家手里的问题 (MCPE-122672)
- Holding a Shield in Marketplace maps no longer shows a content error
- 在市场地图里手持盾牌不再会报错
- Made projectile items move more smoothly when far from players (MCPE-101102)
- 弹射物在远离玩家的情况下现在会运动的更加流畅了 (MCPE-101102)
- Strong/Long/Splash/Lingering Potions can now be placed in the Brewing Stand manually (MCPE-86636)
- 增强版/延长版/喷溅型/滞留型药水现在可以放进酿造台了 (MCPE-86636)
- Soul Speed Boots can now be unequipped properly after losing durability (MCPE-106367)
- 附有灵魂疾行的靴子现在在失去耐久后也可以被脱下来了 (MCPE-106367)
- Diamond Pickaxes found in Hoglin Stable chests are now enchanted (MCPE-129750)
- 在疣猪兽棚中的箱子里找到的钻石镐现在是被附了魔的 (MCPE-129750)
- Fixed held items not disappearing visually to other players after a player dies when the Keep Inventory game rule is enabled (MCPE-64235)
- 修复了启用保留物品栏的游戏规则后,玩家死亡后持有的物品不会从其他玩家的视角消失的问题 (MCPE-64235)
- Shears now correctly cut Vines and Glow Lichen faster (MCPE-123139)
- 剪刀现在可以正常破坏藤蔓和发光地衣了,并且速度也会更快 (MCPE-123139)
- Campfires and Soul Campfires now stack in the inventory (MCPE-67890)
- 营火和灵魂营火现在可以在背包中堆叠了 (MCPE-67890)
- Amethyst walking sounds are now affected by the “Player” volume slider
- 行走在紫水晶上的脚步声现在可以受 “玩家” 音频滑块控制
- Deepslate walking sounds are now affected by the “Player” volume slider
- 行走在深板岩上的脚步声现在可以受 “玩家” 音频滑块控制
- Moss Block walking sounds are now affected by the “Player” volume slider
- 行走在苔藓块上的脚步声现在可以受 “玩家” 音频滑块控制
- Sounds of moving in/on Powder Snow are now affected by the “Player” volume slider
- 进/出细雪的声音现在可以受 “玩家” 音频滑块控制
- Jumping and landing on blocks have now their sounds affected by the “Player” volume slider (MCPE-116135)
- 跳跃和摔落在方块上的声音现在可以受 “玩家” 音频滑块控制 (MCPE-116135)
- Dripstone drip sounds are now affected by the “Block” volume slider
- 滴水石的滴水音现在可以受 “方块” 音频滑块控制
- Block interaction “click” sounds are now affected by the “Blocks” volume slider (MCPE-104983)
- 与方块互动时的声音现在可以受 “方块” 音频滑块控制 (MCPE-104983)
- Turtle Eggs no longer produce the Bone Meal sound when placed on Sand (MCPE-127189)
- 在沙子上放置海龟蛋时不再播放骨粉的声音 (MCPE-127189)
- Swapped the toggle sounds for Levers so they are now parity with Java Edition (MCPE-30379)
- 互换了拉杆开/关的声音,现在与Java版保持一致 (MCPE-30379)
- Using a Water Bucket on a fully filled Cauldron now produces the correct sound (MCPE-131177)
- 对着装满水的炼药锅使用水桶现在会播放正确的音效 (MCPE-131177)
- Text to Speech chat setting once again correctly narrates chat messages (MCPE-129901)
- 文本转语音聊天设置现在会正确讲述聊天信息 (MCPE-129901)
- Text to Speech now correctly reads item names in the inventory
- 文本转语音现在可以正确读出背包中的物品名称
- Inventory grid slots are no longer double counted for Text to Speech focus controls
- 文本转语音不再重复计算物品栏中的插槽数量
User Interface
- Fixed the hotbar being misaligned with XP bar by 1 pixel (MCPE-46975)
- 修复了热键栏和经验栏错位一个像素的问题 (MCPE-46975)
- The hotbar is no longer too dark when anti-aliasing is increased (MCPE-54213)
- 打开抗锯齿后,热键栏不会再变得过暗 (MCPE-54213)
- The crosshair no longer flickers during multiplayer sessions (MCPE-123918)
- 在多人游戏中,十字准心不再闪烁 (MCPE-123918)
- Using the touch interface, holding the output slot on the Stonecutter or Loom will now rapidly craft items (MCPE-128423)
- 在使用触摸屏时,只要长按切石机或织布机的输出槽,就可以快速制作物品 (MCPE-128423)
- Fixed an incorrect popup when attempting to activate a pack with a missing dependency (MCPE-130978)
- 修复了在试图激活一个缺少依赖项的包时会报错的问题 (MCPE-130978)
- Fixed translation issues for some keys containing upper case letters
- 修复了一些含有大写字母的按键的翻译问题
- Replaced loading bars with new loading spinner in the Marketplace
- 在市场中用加载旋取代了加载条
- Recipe Book crafting estimates no longer differ from the actual results
- 配方书的预合成物品不再与实际不符
- Cursor items no longer count towards recipe ingredient in Recipe Book
- 光标物品不再属于配方书中的合成配方
- The selected recipe in the Recipe Book is now deselected when the player runs out of ingredients
- 当缺少合成材料时,配方书中被选中的配方会被取消选中
- Non-craftable recipes no longer displayed in Recipe Book when search mechanism is used
- 当在配方书中搜索配方时,不再显示无法合成的配方
- Nether blocks now appear in the crafting grid if any other ingredient is unavailable
- 当任何其他的合成材料不可用时,会用下界岩替代在合成网格中
- Fixed a wireless network connection error message that appeared when players were connected via a wired network
- 修复了当玩家使用有线网络连接时会提示无线网络连接错误的问题
- Fixed various spelling errors in Character Creator
- 修复了角色创建器中的拼写错误
- Hover of widget buttons were showing corrupted appearance before full load was complete
- 现在悬停的小装饰按钮会在完全加载之前显示为已损坏
- Fixed a legibility issue with some Japanese font characters
- 修复了一些日语字符的易读性问题
- Riding an animal now displays the correct tooltip term when played on a non-touch screen
- 在非触摸屏上游玩时,骑乘动物会显示正确工具提示
- Experimental warning message is no longer displayed inconsistently when loading beta worlds
- 加载测试版的世界时实验性警告不再不一致的显示
- A debug string is no longer shown for how to open chat (MCPE-128955)
- 提示如何打开聊天栏的信息中不再出现调试字符串 (MCPE-128955)
- Fixed an issue where the item category text color did not match the item text color if it was changed in Resource Packs
- 修复了当资源包中修改了物品文本颜色但物品分类文本颜色并未随之改变的问题
- Fixed an issue where patterns in the Loom would not display correctly with some texture packs
- 修复了在某些纹理包中织布机中的图案无法正确显示的问题
- The emote wheel no longer appears when pressing Ctrl+B in-game (MCPE-125246)
- 当在游戏中按下Ctrl+B时不再显示表情轮 (MCPE-125246)
- Fixed Input Method Editor (IME) not working after suspending the game on Windows 10 (MCPE-59722)
- 修复了在Windows 10上暂停游戏后输入法编辑器(IME)无法正常工作的问题 (MCPE-59722)
- Added a new sidebar to some Marketplace and Dressing Room related screens to help better improve the experience of navigating these areas
- 在一些市场和角色创建器的界面上添加了一个新的侧边栏,以改善使用这些界面时的用户体验
- There is now an item transferring animation when deselecting a recipe
- 现在当取消选中的配方时会有一个物品转移的动画
- Sidebar text is now localized properly when a new language is loaded or the current language changes
- 当加载或者修改了一个其他语言时,侧边栏上的文本现在也会随之改变
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Sign In button to appear behind the Marketplace button
- 修复了登录按钮有可能出现在市场按钮后面的问题
- Fixed the Noto Sans Smooth font on Windows and Xbox platforms with the Japanese locale to address legibility and usage of correct characters
- 修复了使用日语的Windows和Xbox平台上Noto Sans Smooth字体的易读性和显示问题
- Fixed “CR” characters incorrectly appearing at the end of lines for some display languages
- 修复了某些显示语言的句末错误的出现了“CR”字符的问题
- Enabled new achievements screens for VR (not including PS VR)
- 为VR启用了新的成就界面(暂不包括PS VR)
- Placing a Sign on Rooted Dirt now correctly opens the text editor (MCPE-129280)
- 现在在缠根泥土上放置告示牌时会正确打开文本编辑界面 (MCPE-129280)
- The Sign In dialog is no longer shown on a split-screen game to anyone other than the primary player on PlayStation 4
- 在PlayStations 4上,分屏游戏时的登录界面不再会显示在除主控玩家之外的任何人的游戏界面上
- Fixed tamed Wolves being transparent on the Structure Block screen
- 修复了被驯服了狼在结构方块的界面中显示透明的问题
- Improved responsiveness of Realms menus, particularly on Nintendo Switch
- 提升了Realms界面的响应速度,特别是在Nintendo Switch上
- The “Download World” button is now visible for worlds on expired Realms
- 现在“下载世界”按钮在过期的Realms世界上依然可用
- 2 player Realms no longer count against the 10 player realm limit
- 2人Realms不再受10人Realms的限制
- Realms reset button will now navigate to the loading screen while reset is happening
- Realms重置按钮现在在重置过程中会导航至加载界面
- The Realms Slots screen will now open faster and have a loading dialog if it takes a long time
- 现在Realms插槽界面打开的会更快,如果确实需要较长时间打开,则会显示一个加载对话框
- The Realms Backup page now only shows the most recent 1100 Realms backups to prevent text overlap issues (REALMS-8425)
- 为防止文本重叠的问题,现在Realms备份页面只会显示最近的1100条Realms备份 (REALMS-8425)
- Switching the active world slot in Realms no longer spams the “Fetching World Info” prompt
- 切换Realms的活动世界插槽时不再会显示“获取世界信息”提示
- Renaming a Realm now takes effect immediately while playing
- 重命名Realm现在会在游戏内立即生效
- Fixed some issues with being unable to kick players via the user interface or the ‘/kick’ command
- 修复了一些无法使用用户界面或者 ‘/kick’ 命令踢出玩家的问题
- The text on the Realms Plus trial button on the play screen no longer changes when hovered
- 鼠标悬停在游戏界面中的Realms Plus按钮上时不再改变其文本了
- Pressing the View Privacy Policy button now opens properly on Nintendo Switch
- 在Nintendo Switch上按下查看隐私策略的按钮时可以正常打开了
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a structure was placed with a command in an unloaded area, and that structure was deleted
- 修复了如果在未加载的区域使用命令放置一个结构,并且该结构被删除时游戏会崩溃的问题
- Teleporting a mob between dimensions no longer causes the mob to despawn (MCPE-127414)
- 在不同维度之间传送生物不再会导致生物消失 (MCPE-127414)
- Loading a structure with the ‘/structure’ command now displays the correct output messages (MCPE-132813)
- 现在使用 ‘/structure’ 命令加载一个结构时会显示正确的输出信息 (MCPE-132813)
Technical Updates:
技术性更新:Updated Add-On Template Packs
- Updated Add-On templates for 1.17.30 are available for download with new resources,behaviors,and documentation
- 更新的1.17.30Add-On模板可供下载,内含新的资源、行为和文档
- Resource Pack Template:
- 资源包模板:
- Behavior Pack Template (Includes documentation):
- 行为包模板 (包含文档):
- Data-driven blocks can now be added to the Creative menu
- 数据驱动方块现在可以添加到创造模式物品栏
- New chemistry material reductions for Education Edition can now be defined in the JSON files
- 现在教育版中的化学材料缩略图可以在JSON文件中定义
- “potion.prefix” and “potion. .postfix” potion string resources have been renamed to “potion. .name”
- “potion.prefix” 和 “potion. .后缀” 药水字符串资源现在被重命名为 “potion. .name”
- Potion name string resources have been changed so there are separate “Splash” and “Lingering” string resources
- 修改了药水名称字符串资源,所以现在有了单独的 “Splash” 和 “Lingering” 字符串资源
- The old style of using “potion.prefix” and “potion.*.postfix” is still supported
- 旧版的使用方式比如 “potion.prefix” 和 “potion.*.postfix” 仍然受支持
- UI bind objects can now utilize the ‘ignore’ field
- UI绑定对象现在可以使用 ‘ignore’ 字段
- Attachables that are visible in first person view will no longer render backwards
- 在第一人称下的附着物现在不再会向后渲染
- Fixed a bug where an entity might fail to initialize its tag component
- 修复了实体有可能无法初始化其标签组件的问题
- Sky no longer renders through walls of a large enclosed area when using fog
- 使用迷雾时天空不再会通过大型封闭区域的墙壁渲染
- Updated documentation formatting for item components and how they work within Resource Packs and Behavior Packs
- 更新了物品组件的文档格式和在资源包和行为包中的工作方式
- Using Water Buckets to collect fish has been version locked to prevent breaking old world templates
- 为防止破坏旧世界模板,使用水桶收集鱼已经被版本锁定
- Fixed controller support when editing NPC dialog (MCPE-135175)
- 修复了在编辑NPC对话框时控制器的支持问题 (MCPE-135175)
- ‘behavior.knockback_roar’ now has a vertical and horizontal strength value
- ‘behavior.knockback_roar’ 现在拥有一个水平方向和垂直方向的强度值
- Adjusted padding for HD Textures in mipmaps level 1 in texture atlas to fix texture bleeding
- 调整了纹理图集中1级mipmaps中高清纹理的填充以修复纹理渗漏问题。
- Killing a custom mob with an unknown loot table entry type will no longer cause a crash, and will now throw a content error (MCPE-129006)
- 当杀死一个拥有未知的战利品表类型的自定义怪物时不再导致崩溃,而是抛出一个错误 (MCPE-129006)
- Rabbit with initialEvent specified now scales properly to adult rabbit size (MCPE-76643)
- 指定了initialEvent的兔子现在可以正常长成成年兔子的尺寸 (MCPE-76643)
- Similar to the spawns_on_block_filter, the spawns_above_block_filter specifies a list of blocks and a distance. The mob can then spawn only if the nearest block within the specified distance below the desired spawnpoint is in that list (water and air not included). “minecraft:spawns_above_block_filter”: { “blocks”: “minecraft:stone”, “distance”: 10 }
- 类似于 spawns_on_block_filter, spawns_above_block_filter 指定了一个方块列表和距离。则生物仅在其期望生成点的一定距离内含有方块列表中的方块,该生物才能正常生成 (水和空气不包括在其内)
“minecraft:spawns_above_block_filter”: { “blocks”: “minecraft:stone”,“distance”: 10 } - Improved documentation for ‘DamageableItemComponent’
- 改进了 ‘DamageableItemComponent’ 的文档
- Fixed the ability to add launch point positional offset for projectiles spawned with the ‘spawn_entity’ component
- 修复了为 ‘spawn_entity’ 组件生成的弹射物添加发射点位置偏移的功能问题
- Fixed the ability to add angular offset to launch vector for projectiles spawned with the ‘spawn_entity’ component
- 修复了为 ‘spawn_entity’ 组件生成的弹射物添加偏移角度至发射数量的功能问题
- Fixed offset not working for projectiles summoned through an interaction
- 修复了通过互动召唤的弹射物偏移不起作用的问题
- Fixed projectile ‘angleoffset’ value only reflected if shooter is riding another entity
- 修复了弹射物的 ‘angleoffset’ 值仅当射手骑乘在另一个实体上时才会正常工作的问题
- Fixed rotation of projectile launch point around a mob when projectile offset specified
- 修复了当指定弹射物偏移时弹射物的发射点围绕着生物旋转的问题
- Parsing of UI json field “ignored” now throws a content error if it is invalid
- 现在解析UI json字段 “ignored” 无效时,会抛出一个错误
- Fixed movement prediction interpolating with invalid data in even more scenarios (MCPE-108568)
- 修复了在更多场景中会使用无效数据进行移动预测插值的问题 (MCPE-108568)
- Removed the “replace” element from ‘sound_definitions.json’ for being ambiguous in its usage (and was never used) (MCPE-99304)
- 从 ‘sound_definitions.json’ 中移除了 “replace” 元素,因为其用法并不明确 (其实一次都没用过) (MCPE-99304)
- Commands ran through animations now will run in the order defined in animation files on all platforms, including Realms
- 现在基于动画执行的命令会按照各平台上动画文件定义的顺序来执行,包括Realms
- Animations and events defined in Behavior Packs can now run commands that require cheats without the player enabling cheats (such as setting certain rules with the ‘/gamerule’ command)
- 行为包中定义的动画和事件现在可以运行需要作弊的命令而不用玩家开启作弊 (比如使用 ‘/gamerule’ 命令修改游戏规则)
- Target selectors ry and rym now support wrapping around north
- 目标选择器的ry和rym现在支持旋转到北面
- The ‘/particle’ command position argument is now optional (MCPE-128379)
- 现在 ‘/particle’ 命令的位置参数是可选的 (MCPE-128379)
- The ‘/particle’ command will now output on success (MCPE-80348)
- 现在 ‘/particle’ 命令在成功执行时会输出信息了 (MCPE-80348)
- The ‘/particle’ command no longer shows an error when run successfully through ‘/execute’ (MCPE-129001)
- 现在使用’/execute’ 命令成功执行 ‘/particle’ 命令不再会显示为错误了 (MCPE-129001)
- The ‘/clone’ command now copies signal strength for Levers and Redstone Dust
- 现在 ‘/clone’ 命令可以复制拉杆和红石粉的信号强度
- The ‘/structure’ command can now specify a <to: x y z> position argument with y below 0 as long as it is equal or above the minimum height for that dimension
- 现在 ‘/structure’ 命令可以将 <to: x y z> 参数指定为y值小于且大于等于最低高度的值
- Added functionality for Intellisense options: “d” and “default” in the gamemode command selector (MCPE-92198)
- 为Intellisense选项加入了新功能:目标选择器的“d”和“default”游戏模式 (MCPE-92198)
- Minecart with Command Block can now use the self selector (@s) in its commands to target itself (MCPE-60126)
- 现在命令方块矿车可以使用自选选择器 (@s) 来选中自己 (MCPE-60126)
- The “/time set” command now sets the correct time and day when specifying a time above 24000 or below the current time (e.g. “/time set 0” sets the day to 0, “/time set 28000” sets the day to 1), and “/time” can now set or add to a negative world time (MCPE-43394)
- 现在 “/time set” 命令可以在设置时间参数大于24000或者小于当前时间时正确修改时间 (举例。“/time set 0” 设置当前时间到0,“/time set 28000” 则设置的当前时间到1),并且 “/time” 现在可以设置或者添加负数的世界时间 (MCPE-43394)
- The ‘/spawnpoint’ command can now be used while the player is sleeping and outputs success when setting to the player’s existing spawnpoint (MCPE-106720)
- 现在 ‘/spawnpoint’ 命令可以在玩家睡觉时被使用,并且就算使用命令设置的重生点与玩家本身的重生点相同也会输出成功 (MCPE-106720)
- The camera shake command no longer shakes every player’s screen when “@s” is used as the selector (MCPE-120383)
- 当目标选择器设为 “@s” 时,相机抖动命令将不再会抖动所有玩家的屏幕 (MCPE-120383)
GameTest Framework (Experimental)
GameTest框架 (实验性)
- Renamed module “Minecraft” to “mojang-minecraft”
- 将模块 “Minecraft” 重命名为 “mojang-minecraft”
- Renamed module “GameTest” to “mojang-gametest”
- 将模块 “GameTest” 重命名为 “mojang-gametest”
- GameTest (now mojang-gametest)
- GameTest (现在是 mojang-gametest)
- Added helper method spawnAtLocation(location : Location) : Entity —— Spawns an entity at the given Location
- 添加了辅助方法 spawnAtLocation(location : Location) : Entity —— 在给定位置生成一个实体
- Added helper method walkToLocation(mob : Entity, location : Location, speedModifier : number) – Commands an entity to move to the given Location
- 添加了辅助方法 walkToLocation(mob : Entity, location : Location, speedModifier : number) —— 将一个实体移动到给定位置
- Added method assertCanReachLocation(mob : Entity, location : BlockLocation,bool canReach) —— Asserts that the given mob can reach the target block location
- 添加了方法 assertCanReachLocation(mob : Entity, location : BlockLocation,bool canReach) —— 断言实体可以到达给定位置
- Renamed helper method worldLocation(location : BlockLocation) to worldBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation)
- 添加了辅助方法 worldLocation(location : BlockLocation) to worldBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation)
- Renamed helper method relativeLocation(location : BlockLocation) to relativeBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation)
- 添加了辅助方法 relativeLocation(location : BlockLocation) to relativeBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation)
- Added helper method worldLocation(relativeLocation : Location) : Location —— From a Location with coordinates relative to the GameTest structure block,returns a new Location with coordinates relative to the world
- 添加了辅助方法 worldLocation(relativeLocation : Location) : Location —— 接收一个拥有相对于GameTest结构方块的坐标位置,返回一个新的拥有相对于世界的坐标位置
- Added helper method relativeLocation(worldLocation : Location) : Location —— From a Location,returns a new Location with coordinates relative to the current GameTest structure block
- 添加了辅助方法 relativeLocation(worldLocation : Location) : Location —— 接收一个位置,返回一个新的拥有相对于当前GameTest结构方块的坐标位置
- Added helper method spawnWithoutBehaviorsAtLocation(entityIdentifier : string,location : Location) : Entity —— Spawns an entity at a location without any AI behaviors
- 添加了辅助方法 spawnWithoutBehaviorsAtLocation(entityIdentifier : string,location : Location) : Entity —— 在指定位置上生成一个无AI行为的实体
- Added helper method rotateDirection(direction : Direction) : Direction —— Rotates the given direction relative to the GameTest structure rotation
- 添加了辅助方法 rotateDirection(direction : Direction) : Direction —— 根据GameTest结构给出的方向旋转至指定方向
- Added helper method getTestDirection() : Direction —— Returns the direction the GameTest is facing based on its structure rotation
- 添加了辅助方法 getTestDirection() : Direction —— 根据GameTest结构的朝向的返回该GameTest的方向
- Renamed function assertBlockTypePresent to assertBlockPresent
- 将函数 assertBlockTypePresent 重命名为 assertBlockPresent
- Renamed function assertEntityData to assertEntityState
- 将函数 assertEntityData 重命名为 assertEntityState
- Removed function assertBlockTypeNotPresent (added boolean isPresent to assertBlockPresent instead)
- 移除了函数 assertBlockTypeNotPresent (添加了布尔值 isPresent 以代替 assertBlockPresent)
- Removed function assertEntityNotPresent (added boolean to assertEntityPresent instead)
- 移除了函数 assertEntityNotPresent (添加了布尔值以代替 assertEntityPresent)
- Removed function assertEntityNotPresentInArea (added boolean to assertEntityPresentInArea instead)
- 移除了函数 assertEntityNotPresentInArea (添加了布尔值以代替 assertEntityPresentInArea)
- Removed function assertEntityNotTouching (added boolean to assertEntityTouching)
- 移除了函数 assertEntityNotTouching (添加了布尔值以代替 assertEntityTouching)
- Removed function succeedWhenEntityNotPresent (added boolean to succeedWhenEntityPresent)
- 移除了函数 succeedWhenEntityNotPresent (添加了布尔值以代替 succeedWhenEntityPresent)
- Modified signature of function assertBlockstate(blockLocation: BlockLocation,callback: (Block) => boolean)
- 修改了函数 assertBlockstate(blockLocation: BlockLocation,callback: (Block) => boolean) 的签名
- Modified signature of function assertBlockPresent(blockType: BlockType,blockLocation: BlockLocation,isPresent: boolean)
- 修改了函数 assertBlockPresent(blockType: BlockType,blockLocation: BlockLocation,isPresent: boolean) 的签名
- Modified signature of function assertEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string,blockLocation: BlockLocation,isPresent: boolean)
- 修改了函数 assertEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string,blockLocation: BlockLocation,isPresent: boolean) 的签名
- Modified signature of function assertEntityPresentInArea(entityTypeIdentifier: string,isPresent: boolean)
- 修改了函数 assertEntityPresentInArea(entityTypeIdentifier: string,isPresent: boolean) 的签名
- Modified signature of function assertEntityTouching(entityTypeIdentifier: string,location: Location,isTouching: boolean)
- 修改了函数 assertEntityTouching(entityTypeIdentifier: string,location: Location,isTouching: boolean) 的签名
- Modified signature of function succeedWhenEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string,location: Location,isPresent: boolean)
- 修改了函数 succeedWhenEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string,location: Location,isPresent: boolean) 的签名
- Minecraft (now mojang-minecraft)
- Minecraft (现在是 mojang-minecraft)
- Renamed BlockTypes class to MinecraftBlockTypes
- 将类 BlockTypes 重命名至 MinecraftBlockTypes
- Renamed Effects class to MinecraftEffectTypes
- 将类 Effects 重命名至 MinecraftEffectTypes
- Renamed Items class to MinecraftItemTypes
- 将类 Items 重命名至 MinecraftItemTypes
- Events
- 事件
- Added event —— Fires before an explosion occurs
- 添加了事件 —— 在爆炸之前触发
- Added event —— Fires when an explosion occurs
- 添加了事件 —— 在爆炸时触发
- Added event —— Fires when a block breaks due to an explosion
- 添加了事件 —— 在因为爆炸导致方块被破坏时触发
- Added event World.event.beforeActivatePiston —— Fires before a piston is activated
- 添加了事件 World.event.beforeActivatePiston —— 在活塞触发前触发
- Added event World.event.activatePiston —— Fires when a piston is activated
- 添加了事件 World.event.activatePiston —— 在活塞正在运行时触发
- Added read-only property currentTick to tick event —— Returns the current server tick
- 为 tick 事件添加了只读属性 currentTick —— 返回当前的服务器tick
- Renamed event createEntity to entityCreate
- 将事件 createEntity 重命名为 entityCreate
- Renamed event addEffect to effectAdd
- 将事件 addEffect 重命名为 effectAdd
- Renamed event activatePiston to pistonActivate
- 将事件 activatePiston 重命名为 pistonActivate
- Renamed event beforeActivatePiston to beforePistonActivate
- 将事件 beforeActivatePiston 重命名为 beforePistonActivate
- Renamed event explodeBlock to blockExplode
- 将事件 explodeBlock 重命名为 blockExplode
- Renamed event changeWeather to weatherChange
- 将事件 changeWeather 重命名为 weatherChange
- Block
- 方块
- Added method getDimension() : Dimension
- 添加了方法 getDimension() : Dimension
- Added BlockPistonComponent
- 添加了 BlockPistonComponent
- Added experimental queries for item cooldowns: ‘query.is_cooldown_type’, ‘query.cooldown_time’, and ‘query.cooldown_time_remaining’
- 为物品冷却添加了新的实验性查询: ‘query.is_cooldown_type’,’query.cooldown_time’ 和 ‘query.cooldown_time_remaining’
- Updated many Molang content errors to specify which operator or query was involved
- 更新了许多Molang日志报错, 以确定涉及的操作者和查询
- ‘min_engine_version’ from Resource Pack and Behavior Pack manifests is now passed into Molang expression parsing. This allows for future breaking changes tied to a specific engine version
- 资源包和行为包中的 ‘min_engine_version’ 舱单现在会传导到Molang表达式解析。这将会允许未来的突破性更新与指定的引擎版本相联系。
- Added ‘BlockPartVisibilityComponent’
- 添加了 ‘BlockPartVisibilityComponent’
- Allows creators to specify Molang conditions for each “bone” listed in the geometry JSON that turn on/off bones based on the block state
- 该项允许创作者们为几何JSON中列出的每个 “骨骼” 添加单独的Molang条件,且可以根据方块状态打开/关闭骨骼状态
- Must have the Experimental toggle enabled to use
- 必须启用实验性选项才可以使用
- Fixed experimental ‘query.bone_orientation_trs’ to have correct translation Y and scale results
- 修复了实验性的 ‘query.bone_orientation_trs’ 使其拥有正确的翻译性Y和比例结果
- Added experimental ‘block_neighbor_has_any_tags’ and ‘block_neighbor_has_all_tags’ Molang queries
- 添加了实验性的 ‘block_neighbor_has_any_tags’ 和 ‘block_neighbor_has_all_tags’ Molang查询
- Takes a block relative position and a set of tags
- 获取一个方块的相对位置和标签
- Returns 0/1
- 返回0或1
- Must have the Experimental toggle enabled to use
- 必须启用实验性选项才可以使用
- Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a world with a custom Resource Pack that contained ‘query.armor_color_slot’ (MCPE-106437)
- 修复了当进入包含 ‘query.armor_color_slot’ 的自定义资源包的世界时可能导致的崩溃 (MCPE-106437)
- Fixed ‘query.item_remaining_use_duration’ having improperly scaled or inverted results (This is to fix a Versioned Change as of engine version 1.17.30)
- 修复了 ‘query.item_remaining_use_duration’ 有不正确的缩放或者颠倒的结果的问题 (这是为了修复1.17.30版本引擎的版本变更)
- Added ‘query.facing_target_to_range_attack’, which returns whether or not the queried actor’s ‘minecraft:behavior.ranged_attack’ goal is currently running
- 添加了 ‘query.facing_target_to_range_attack’,返回被查询的活动对象的 ‘minecraft:behavior.ranged_attack’ 目标是否正确运行
- Moved experimental Molang queries (other than those related to Actor Properties) to a new ‘Experimental Molang Features’ toggle
- 将实验性的Molang查询 (除了那些与活动对象相关的查询) 移动到新的 ‘实验Molang玩法’ 选项
- Improved Molang documentation related to experiments
- 改进了与实验相关的Molang文档
- Experimental queries and language expressions now list which experiment(s) they require to be available
- 现在实验性查询和语言表达式会列出其需要开启的实验性玩法选项
- Versioned Changes are now detailed in the documentation, starting with the ‘query.item_remaining_use_duration’ fix
- 版本变更已在文档中详细显示,从 ‘query.item_remaining_use_duration’ 开始修复