我的世界基岩版Beta发布 将大型矿脉引入世界生成规则

We weathered many a storm, blasted through blizzards, survived the blistering sun, and then hailed a cab so we could deliver a new Bedrock update beta! All you have to do is enable the Caves & Cliffs Experimental Features Toggle and then dive into new features like the 3D biomes with multi noise generation!

These features are still in the early stages, but we would love to hear your feedback at aka.ms/CavesCliffsFeedback, and you can search and report any new bugs you may encounter at bugs.mojang.com. You can read more about the experimental toggle at aka.ms/MCExperimentalToggle .
这些功能仍处于早期阶段,但我们很希望能在aka.ms/CavesCliffsFeedback上收到来自您的反馈,你也可以在bugs.mojang.com上搜索和报告你所遇到的漏洞问题。你可以在 aka.ms/MCExperimentalToggle上读到更多关于切换实验性功能的信息。

Before You play! The world generation in this beta is expected to be slow, especially if you are playing on an older device. We are working on improving the generation speed before the Caves & Cliffs Part II release, but those fixes are not ready to implement yet. You can let us know how the game runs in this short survey: aka.ms/MCBetaPerf

Caves & Cliffs Experimental Features

Multi Noise World Generation

  • New and improved terrain and biome generation algorithm that creates more natural terrain and biome transitions
  • 改进过的新型地形和生物群系生成算法能够使地形和生物群系间的过渡更加自然。
  • Improved surface decoration that detects the difference between when blocks are generated underwater and underground
  • 升级过的表面渲染系统能够区分方块是否生成于地下或水下。
  • Introduces large ore veins to world generation adding more strategy to mining
  • 将大型矿脉引入世界生成规则,为采矿增加更多策略性选择。
  • Introduces noodle caves to world generation, creating small pathways between bigger caves
  • 将面条洞穴引入世界生成规则,用于在较大的洞穴之间创建小型通道。
  • Introduces the possibility of dry cave entrances that make it easier to access the new noise caves
  • 引入生成干燥的洞穴入口的可能性,使玩家进入能够更轻松地进入新的噪音洞穴。
  • Introduces a new algorithm that finds suitable spawn positions closer to origin
  • 引入了一种新算法,可以找到更接近坐标原点的合适出生点位置。
  • Added logic to save and load SubChunks by absolute Y index to support data-driven dimension height ranges
  • 添加了按绝对Y指数保存和加载的副区块的逻辑,来支持数据驱动的尺寸高度范围

Non-Experimental Features and Bug Fixes


  • Campfires and Soul Campfires now stack in the inventory (MCPE-67890)
  • 营火和灵魂营火现在能在背包里堆叠了(MCPE-67890)
  • Candle now drops when Candle Cake is pushed by a Piston (MCPE-130594)
  • 插有蜡烛的蛋糕被活塞推动时会掉落蜡烛了 (MCPE-130594)
  • Collecting Fish or Axolotl no longer immediately releases them (MCPE-44320)
  • 收集鱼或美西螈时不会再立即放出它们了 (MCPE-44320)
  • Renamed Structure Blocks will no longer have the incorrect data mode on creation (MCPE-41625)
  • 重命名过的结构方块在创建时不会再出现错误的数据模式了 (MCPE-41625)
  • Fall damage is no longer applied when falling into Scaffolding (MCPE-108459)
  • 掉入脚手架时将不会再受到坠落伤害 (MCPE-108459)
  • Fixed missing rightmost outline pixels on Signs when using §l for wide letters and Glow Ink Sac (MCPE-137802)
  • 修复了当使用§l表示加粗字母和使用发光墨囊时告示牌上最右侧轮廓的像素丢失问题 (MCPE-137802)
  • The Thorns enchantment now does Knockback to mobs (MCPE-56212)
  • 荆棘附魔的反伤现在会击退生物了 (MCPE-56212)
  • Tweaked Iron Golem spawning logic to better match the Java Edition
  • 调整了铁傀儡的生成机制来更好地与Java版一致。
  • Crimson Roots now have a small chance of growing on Warped Nylium blocks when using Bone Meal (MCPE-83616)
  • 当使用骨粉时,绯红菌索有很小的概率能在扭曲菌岩上生长 (MCPE-83616)


  • The ‘/spawnpoint’ command can now be used while the player is sleeping and outputs success when setting to the player’s existing spawnpoint (MCPE-106720)
  • /spawnpoint命令能够在玩家睡觉时使用并且当设置的出生点坐标与现有的一致时也能输出成功 (MCPE-106720)
  • The camera shake command no longer shakes every player’s screen when “@s” is used as the selector (MCPE-120383)
  • 当使用@s选择器时,相机抖动指令不会再对所有玩家生效了 (MCPE-120383)


  • Fixed “CR” characters incorrectly appearing at the end of lines for some display languages
  • 修复了在显示某些语言时句尾错误出现“CR”字符的问题

User Interface

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Sign In button to appear behind the Marketplace button
  • 修复了可能导致登录按钮跑到商店按钮后面的问题
  • Fixed the Noto Sans Smooth font on Windows and Xbox platforms with the Japanese locale to address legibility and usage of correct characters
  • 修复了Noto Sans Smooth字体在语言设置为日语的Windows系统和Xbox平台上出现的易读性和使用问题。

Technical Updates


  • Fixed movement prediction interpolating with invalid data in even more scenarios (MCPE-108568)
  • 修复了在更多场景中会用无效数据插值来预测移动的问题 (MCPE-108568)


  • Fixed crash after firing a transform item event
  • 修复了在触发物品转换事件后出现崩溃的问题


  • Added experimental queries for item cooldowns: ‘query.is_cooldown_type’, ‘query.cooldown_time’, and ‘query.cooldown_time_remaining’
  • 加入了几种用于查询物品冷却的实验性条目: ‘query.is_cooldown_type’,’query.cooldown_time’,and ‘query.cooldown_time_remaining’
  • Updated many Molang content errors to specify which operator or query was involved
  • 更新了许多Molang抛出的内容错误,来说明错误涉及到哪个操作者或哪次查询


  • The “run_command” event response now will properly use versioned commands
  • “run_command”事件的响应信息现在将正确使用版本化命令

Data-Driven Items

  • Updated documentation for ‘IconItemComponent’ and it now provides a list of all IDs for the ‘legacy_id’ field
  • 更新了“IconItemComponent”文档,现在提供了“legacy_id”字段的所有ID的列表

Data-Driven Sounds

  • Removed the “replace” element from ‘sound_definitions.json’ for being ambiguous in its usage (and was never used)
  • 从 ‘sound_definitions.json’ 中删除了“replace”元素,因为它的用法并不明确(并且从未被使用过)


  • Data-driven blocks can now be added to the Creative menu
  • 数据驱动方块现在可以被添加到创造菜单中
  • Knockback Roar is no longer stronger than it used to be
  • 击退咆哮的威力被削弱了


  • Fixed particles not emitting when using animation controllers
  • 修复了在使用动画生成器时粒子效果不喷发的错误。


  • Attachables that are visible in first person will no longer render backwards
  • 在第一人称视角下可见的附件将不再向后渲染

PLEASE READ before participating in the Minecraft Beta:

  • Joining the beta will replace your game with a work in progress version of Minecraft
  • 加入测试版后你的游戏将被正在开发中的Minecraft版本代替
  • You will not have access to Realms and will not be able to join non-beta players while you’re previewing the beta
  • 在游玩测试版时你将不能加入领域服以及与非测试版的玩家联机
  • Any worlds played while in the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of the game so please make copies of worlds to prevent losing them
  • 任何在测试版中游玩过的世界都将无法在之前的游戏版本中打开,因此请及时备份以防丢失
  • Beta builds can be unstable and are not representative of final version quality
  • Beta版可能并不稳定,且不代表最终成品的质量
  • The beta is available only on Xbox One, Windows 10, and Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta, see aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions
  • 测试版仅适用于Xbox One、Windows 10和Android (Google Play)平台。要加入或退出测试版,请参阅aka.ms/JoinMCBeta以获取详细说明



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