我的世界基岩版 Beta 发布 刷怪笼不再发光

Features and Bug Fixes
Stability and Performance

  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • 修复了一些游戏中可能发生的闪退
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when downloading large marketplace worlds
  • 修复了在市场中下载较大的世界时可能发生的闪退
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash or prevented worlds from being accessed or opened on some Android 11 devices (MCPE-137652)
  • 修复了在某些安卓11设备上导致世界不能被打开的闪退问题

Vanilla Parity


  • Matched respawn from bed behavior with Java by attempting to avoid placing the player on damage dealing blocks when waking up from a bed
  • 现在游戏会尝试避免将玩家从床上醒来或重生时将玩家生成在会造成伤害的方块上
  • Matched respawn from bed behavior with Java by attempting to place the player on the side of the bed they entered from when waking up from a bed (MCPE-118654)
  • 现在你从哪边睡觉,游戏就会尝试在你醒来时在哪边生成玩家
  • Mob spawners no longer emit light (Java parity)
  • 刷怪笼不再发光



  • Staying close to Powder Snow doesn’t protect undead mobs from burning under sunlight (MCPE-131005)
  • 在日光下的怪物靠近细雪时仍会着火

Character Creator


  • Infinite loading no longer appears after selecting the “See pack in store” button within the skin pack description section of the dressing room
  • 修复了在更衣室的皮肤包描述区域选择 “在商店中查看 “按钮后一直加载的问题

User Interface and HUD

  • Fixed an issue where the item category text color did not match the item text color if it was changed in resource packs
  • 修复了使用资源包改变物品类别文本的颜色后,物品文本的颜色不会随之改变的问题
  • Fixed an issue where patterns in the loom would not display correctly with some texture packs
  • 修复了在某些材质包中织布机的图案不能正确显示的问题

Technical Updates

Data Driven Blocks – Experimental Features

  • Adds BlockPartVisibilityComponent
  • 添加了BlockPartVisibilityComponent
    • Allows creators to specify Molang conditions for each “bone” listed in the geometry JSON that turn on/off bones based on the block state
    • 允许创建者为几何体JSON中列出的每个 “骨骼 “指定Molang条件,并根据方块的状态打开/关闭骨骼。
    • Must have experimental toggle on to use
    • 必须打开实验性玩法才能使用


  • Fixed experimental query.bone_orientation_trs to have correct translation Y and scale results
  • 现在query.bone_orientation_trs会返回正确的Y坐标平移以及缩放的结果(需要实验性玩法)
  • Adds experimental block_neighbor_has_any_tags and block_neighbor_has_all_tags MoLang queries
  • 添加了Molang查询block_neighbor_has_any_tags and block_neighbor_has_all_tags(需要实验性玩法)
    • Takes a block relative position and a set of tags
    • 输入一个方块的相对位置和一组标签
    • Returns 0/1
    • 返回0或1
    • Must have experimental toggle on to use
    • 必须打开实验性玩法才能使用


  • Added DragonFX materials to support rasterized g-buffer prepass of raytracing resources
  • 增加了DragonFX材质,以支持光栅化g-buffer预传的光线追踪资源

ata Driven Items

  • Updated documentation for DamageableItemComponent
  • 更新了DamageableItemComponent的文档


  • Crash will no longer occur when entering a world with a custom resource pack that contains query.armor_color_slot (MCPE-106437)
  • 当进入一个包含query.armor_color_slot的自定义资源包的世界时,将不再发生崩溃
  • Moved experimental Molang queries (other than those related to Actor Properties) to a new ‘Experimental Molang Features’ toggle
  • 将实验性的Molang查询(除了那些与Actor属性相关的查询)移到了新的 “实验性Molang功能 “实验性玩法开关中

User Interface


  • Fixed controller support when editing NPC dialog
  • 修复了编辑NPC对话框时的控制器支持
  • Parsing of UI json field “ignored” now throws a content_error if it is invalid
  • 解析UI json字段 “ignored “时,如果它是无效的,则会抛出一个content_error


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