我的世界基岩版 Beta 发布 修复了数个会导致游戏崩溃的bug

Features and Bug Fixes
特性和 bug 修复

Stability and Performance

  • Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
  • Optimized pasting unicode text into Book & Quill (MCPE-119651)
    优化了将 Unicode 文字粘贴进 书与笔 的体验 (MCPE-119651)
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when crafting a Crafting Table with Gameplay Tips enabled
    修复了一个在打开 游戏提示(Gameplay Tips)时,用工作台合成物品时可能发生的崩溃


  • Fixed Bed display if the foot of the Bed is in a brighter area than the head (MCPE-123592)
    修复了当床腿的亮度比头部亮时,床的显示问题 (MCPE-123592)
  • Fixed Large Chest display so the brightest end of the Chest is chosen (MCPE-123592)
    修复了大箱子的显示问题,现在箱子最亮的一端将会被选中 (MCPE-123592)
  • Travelling through End portals can no longer cause players to take fall damage (MCPE-135226, MCPE-132484)
    通过末地传送门移动时玩家不会再受到摔落伤害 (MCPE-135226, MCPE-132484)


  • Made projectile items move more smoothly when far from players (MCPE-101102)
    当弹射物离玩家很远时,现在弹射物的移动会更加平滑 (MCPE-101102)
  • Holding a Shield in Marketplace maps no longer shows a content error
    在 商场(中下载的)地图 里,手持盾牌不再会提示内容错误
  • Strong/long/splash/lingering potions can be placed in the Brewing Stand manually (MCPE-86636)
    II级药水/延长效果时间的药水/喷溅药水/滞留药水现在可以手动放入酿造台上 (MCPE-86636)


  • Undead mobs standing near Powder Snow now burn normally (MCPE-131005)
    站在细雪上的亡灵生物现在会正常燃烧 (MCPE-131005)
  • Powder Snow above undead mobs now prevents burning effect
  • Multiple Shulkers will no longer be able to spawn in the same position from spawn eggs or End City generation (MCPE-43972)
    多个潜影贝若伴随末地城生成,或使用刷怪蛋生成,现在将不会生成在同一位置 (MCPE-43972)
  • Mobs can now pathfind correctly when standing on Amethyst Buds (MCPE-130010)
    当生物站在紫水晶芽上时的寻路现在是正常的 (MCPE-130010)
  • Fixed Horses sometimes becoming invisible after players dismount them (MCPE-108568)
    修复了当玩家下马时,马有时会出现隐形的问题 (MCPE-108568)
  • Grown up Goats no longer lose their Horns when reloading a world
  • Lightning no longer randomly strikes mobs that are under blocks (MCPE-121688)
    雷击不再会随机击中方块下的生物 (MCPE-121688)


  • Spore Blossom no longer has a randomly offset hitbox (MCPE-121658)
    孢子花不会再有随机的偏移碰撞箱 (MCPE-121658)
  • Moss Block and Moss Carpet now break when moved by Pistons and Sticky Pistons can no longer pull them (MCPE-121751) (MCPE-122004)
    被活塞或粘性活塞推动时,苔藓块和苔藓地毯不再能被移动,现在将会被直接破坏 (MCPE-121751) (MCPE-122004)
  • Water dripping from Pointed Dripstone can no longer fill Cauldrons with Potions (MCPE-131180)
    滴水石锥中滴落的水不再能填满具有药水的炼药锅 (MCPE-131180)
  • Measurements of hitbox of Spore Blossom now match Java Edition
    孢子花的碰撞箱测量现在和 Java 版一致
  • Fixed issue causing Slime and Honey Block movement slowdown to not be fully applied to players

User Interface

  • Emote wheel no longer appears when pressing Ctrl+B in-game  (MCPE-125246)
    当按住 Ctrl+B 时,表情面板不会同时显示 (MCPE-125246)
  • Fixed Input Method Editor (IME) not working after suspending the game on Windows 10 (MCPE-59722)
    (Windows 10 版本) 修复了暂停游戏后输入法(IME)无法使用的问题 (MCPE-59722)
  • Added a new sidebar to Marketplace and Dressing Room related screens to help better improve the experience of navigating these areas
    在 试衣房 和 商城 相关的界面中加入了侧边栏,用于改善浏览这些地方的体验
  • There is now an item transferring animation when deselecting a recipe


  • Loading a structure with the “/structure” command now displays the correct output messages (MCPE-132813)
    通过 /structure 指令加载结构,现在将会正确的显示输出消息 (MCPE-132813)

Technical Updates

GameTest Framework (Experimental)
GameTest Framework(游戏测试框架) (实验性功能)

  • Renamed module “Minecraft” to “mojang-minecraft”
    将模块 “Minecraft” 改名为 “mojang-minecraft”
  • Renamed module “GameTest” to “mojang-gametest”
    将模块 “GameTest” 改名为 “mojang-gametest”

    • Renamed function assertBlockTypePresent to assertBlockPresent
      将函数 assertBlockTypePresent 改名为 assertBlockPresent
    • Renamed function assertEntityData to assertEntityState
      将函数 assertEntityData 改名为 assertEntityState
    • Removed function assertBlockTypeNotPresent
      移除函数: assertBlockTypeNotPresent
    • Removed function assertEntityNotPresent
      移除函数: assertEntityNotPresent
    • Removed function assertEntityNotPresentInArea
      移除函数: assertEntityNotPresentInArea
    • Removed function assertEntityNotTouching
      移除函数: assertEntityNotTouching
    • Removed function succeedWhenEntityNotPresent
      移除函数: succeedWhenEntityNotPresent
    • Modified signature of function assertBlockState(blockLocation: BlockLocation, callback: (Block) => boolean)
      修改了函数原型: assertBlockState(blockLocation: BlockLocation, callback: (Block) => boolean)
    • Modified signature of function assertBlockPresent(blockType: BlockType, blockLocation: BlockLocation, isPresent: boolean)
      修改了函数原型: assertBlockPresent(blockType: BlockType, blockLocation: BlockLocation, isPresent: boolean)
    • Modified signature of function assertEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string, blockLocation: BlockLocation, isPresent: boolean)
      修改了函数原型: assertEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string, blockLocation: BlockLocation, isPresent: boolean)
    • Modified signature of function assertEntityPresentInArea(entityTypeIdentifier: string, isPresent: boolean)
      修改了函数原型: assertEntityPresentInArea(entityTypeIdentifier: string, isPresent: boolean)
    • Modified signature of function assertEntityTouching(entityTypeIdentifier: string, location: Location, isTouching: boolean)
      修改了函数原型: assertEntityTouching(entityTypeIdentifier: string, location: Location, isTouching: boolean)
    • Modified signature of function succeedWhenEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string, location: Location, isPresent: boolean)
      修改了函数原型: succeedWhenEntityPresent(entityTypeIdentifier: string, location: Location, isPresent: boolean)
    • Added GameTestExtension function assertBlockProperty(propertyName: string, value: number | string | boolean, blockLocation: BlockLocation)
      加入 GameTestExtension 函数 assertBlockProperty(propertyName: string, value: number | string | boolean, blockLocation: BlockLocation)


  • The ‘/particle’ command position argument is now optional (MCPE-128379)
    /particle 指令中,位置参数现在为可选参数 (MCPE-128379)
  • The ‘/particle’ command will now output on success (MCPE-80348)
    /particle 命令执行成功时将会输出成功消息 (MCPE-80348)
  • The ‘/particle’ command no longer shows an error when run successfully through ‘/execute’ (MCPE-129001)
    通过 /execute 执行 /particle 指令时,不再提示错误 (MCPE-129001)


  • Data-driven blocks can now be added to the Creative menu


  • ‘min_engine_version’ from Resource Pack and Behavior Pack manifests is now passed into Molang expression parsing. This allows for future breaking changes tied to a specific engine version
    资源包和行为包中的 min_engine_version 现在将会传入 Molang 表达式解析。这样当未来某一特定引擎版本出现了重大改变时不会出大问题

User Interface

  • UI bind objects can now utilize the ignore field
    UI 绑定对象现在可以利用被忽略的字段


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