Welcome to the Minecraft 1.17.10 update! The team has been working hard on gameplay improvements since the release Caves & Cliffs: Part I. We have also introduced some fun new additions, as well as some Caves & Cliffs: Part II features as part of Experimental Gameplay.
New Features:
- Candles are now available in the game!
- 蜡烛现在被加入了游戏!
- Can be placed in clusters up to four and lit using Flint & Steel
- 一个方块上最多可以放置四只蜡烛,并且可以使用打火石点燃
- Put a Candle on a Cake and make a wish!
- 把蜡烛插在蛋糕上,许个愿吧!
- Candles can be crafted using a Honeycomb and String
- 蜡烛可以使用蜜脾和线合成
- Combine with dye on a crafting grid to craft different colored Candles
- 可以使用不同的染料与蜡烛合成以得到不同颜色的蜡烛
Potted Azaleas
- Added potted Azalea and Flowering Azalea variants
- 添加了盆栽的杜鹃花丛和盛开的杜鹃花丛变种
- Just place an Azalea in a Flower Pot!
- 只要把杜鹃花丛放在花盆里就成!
Experimental Gameplay:
Experimental features from Caves & Cliffs: Part II are available in this update and can be enabled on the world creation screen!
Please keep in mind that these features are work in progress, still under in development, and subject to change. If you activate them, your world might crash, break, or not work with future updates. Experimental features cannot be turned off after world creation.
For more information, please see the article about enabling experimental features at aka.ms/MCExperimentalFeatures.
- World height now goes up to 320 blocks and down to -64 blocks
- 世界高度现在上限为320个方块,最低为-64个方块
- New surface biomes including Lofty Peaks, Snow Capped Peaks, Snowy Slopes, Mountain Grove, and Mountain Meadow
- 新的地表生物群系,包括高耸山峰、覆雪山峰、雪坡、山林和山区草地(暂译)
- New cave biomes including Lush Caves and Dripstone Caves
- 新的洞穴生物群系,包括繁茂洞穴和溶洞
- Revamped cave generation adds cheese caves, spaghetti caves, lava aquifers, and flooded aquifer caves
- 改良了洞穴生成机制,增添了奶酪洞穴,意面洞穴,熔岩含水层和被淹没的含水洞穴(暂译)
- New ore distribution
- 新的矿石分布
- Skulk Sensor
- 潜声传感器(暂译)
- Goat Horn
- 山羊角(暂译)
Performance / Stability
性能 / 稳定性
- Fixed a crash that could occur if a structure was placed with a command in an unloaded area and that structure was deleted
- 修复了在未加载区域使用命令放置结构并删除该结构可能会崩溃的问题
- Underwater fog is once again dependent on biome and appears as it should (MCPE-124266)
- 水下迷雾再次根据生物群系改变样式,并且现在处于它该处于的样子了 (MCPE-124266)
- Fixed a bug that could cause Nether Portals to sometimes take players to wrong coordinates (MCPE-115933)
- 修复了一个玩家在使用下届传送门时可能会传送到错误的坐标上的漏洞 (MCPE-115933)
- Fixed split-screen players not able to rename items on Anvils (MCPE-108405)
- 修复了分屏的玩家无法在铁砧上重命名物品的问题 (MCPE-108405)
- Thunderstorms now happen as often as Java Edition (MCPE-72798)
- 雷暴发生的概率现在和Java版保持一致 (MCPE-72798)
- Bastion loot now closely matches Java Edition (MCPE-104330)
- 堡垒遗迹的战利品现在与Java极其相似 (MCPE-104330)
- Players can no longer swim through the air under a platform, though it looked pretty cool (MCPE-48958)
- 玩家现在不能在平台下的空气中游泳了,虽然这真的很cooooooool (MCPE-48958)
- Fixed players going through Cobwebs taking fall damage before hitting the ground (MCPE-121550)
- 修复了玩家即使穿过蜘蛛网掉在地面也会受到摔落伤害的问题 (MCPE-121550)
- Descending through Powder Snow with touch controls now uses the same button as descending through Scaffolding
- 在细雪中下降的触屏按钮现在与在脚手架中下降的触屏按钮相同
- Fixed an issue that was causing the player’s head to not animate properly with emotes (MCPE-126902)
- 修复了一个玩家在使用表情时不会正确显示动画的问题 (MCPE-126902)
- Empty Buckets can no longer be used to collect Fish
- 空桶现在不能用来装鱼了
- Axolotls no longer move their tails while playing dead (MCPE-123309)
- 美西螈在装死时不再摇尾巴 (MCPE-123309)
- Feeding Axolotls with Bucket of Tropical Fish now returns a Water Bucket instead of an empty Bucket (MCPE-127382)
- 用热带鱼桶喂食美西螈现在不再返回一个空桶,而是返回一个水桶 (MCPE-127382)
- Axolotls now only spawn in complete darkness to prevent spawning in unwanted places
- 为了防止美西螈在不需要的位置生成,现在美西螈只会在完全黑暗的环境中生成了
- The hitbox on Axolotls is now smaller to match the size of the mob
- 美西螈的碰撞箱现在变得更小了,更符合其本身的外观
- Drowned, Guardians, and Elder Guardians now attacks Axolotls on sight
- 溺尸、守卫者和远古守卫者现在一见到美西螈就会主动攻击
- Skeletons now turn into Strays after 20 seconds in Powder Snow, reduced from 45 seconds
- 骷髅在细雪中转变为流浪者的时间从45秒变为20秒
- Strays no longer drop Wither Skeleton Skulls when killed by Charged Creepers (MCPE-35876)
- 流浪者被闪电苦力怕杀死之后不再掉落凋零骷髅头颅 (MCPE-35876)
- Burning mobs can no longer destroy Powder Snow when the Mob Griefing world option is disabled (MCPE-221842)
- 当允许破坏性生物行为选项被打开时,着火的生物无法破坏细雪了 (MCPE-221842)
- Tempted Goats now move at the same speed as goats in Java Edition, and other similar mobs that are being tempted (MCPE-123261)
- 被引诱的山羊现在移动速度与Java版中的山羊一致,并且与其他被引诱的生物相似 (MCPE-123261)
- When Goats are performing a ram attack, mobs no longer retaliate against the Goats (MCPE-129619)
- 当山羊使用冲撞攻击时,其他生物不再反击了 (MCPE-129619)
- Goat fall damage reduction is now in parity with Java Edition (-10 reduced fall damage)
- 山羊的摔落伤害减免现在与Java版保持一致 (减少10点摔落伤害)
- Goats can now continue ramming when on Slime Blocks and Honey Blocks
- 山羊现在可以在黏液块和蜂蜜块上继续冲撞了
- Baby Sea Turtles no longer despawn after being hatched (MCPE-70664)
- 幼年海龟在被孵化出来后不会不生成了 (MCPE-70664)
- Baby Horses, including their variants, are now taller and no longer exhibit Z-fighting from their legs (MCPE-92462)
- 幼年的马,包括其变种,现在变得更高了,且腿部不会再出现深度冲突 (MCPE-92462)
- Iron Golems and Evokers are no longer sometimes aggressive on Peaceful difficulty (MCPE-47012)
- 铁傀儡和唤魔者现在在和平难度下不会攻击了 (MCPE-47012)
- Amphibious mobs no longer get stuck when pathing over slabs and Daylight Sensors
- 水陆两栖的生物现在走过台阶和阳光传感器时不再会被卡住
- Attacked Glow Squids no longer go dark only for the aggressor in multiplayer sessions
- 在多人游戏中,攻击发光鱿鱼使发光鱿鱼变黑的现象不再只为攻击者展现
- Glow Squid now darkens to match the surrounding light level when hurt (MCPE-121754)
- 发光鱿鱼现在受到伤害时会变暗 (MCPE-121754)
- Villagers spawned from Villager spawners on Marketplace worlds that were created after version 1.11 now correctly spawn as V2 villagers
- 在1.11版本之后的市场世界中,村民生成器现在可以生成正确的V2版本的村民了
- Fixed a warning that could appear in split-screen when encountering Guardians
- 修复了分屏模式中遇到守护者时出现的一个警告
- Falling Anvils and Stalactites now deal damage to mobs when landing in liquid
- 掉落的铁砧和钟乳石可以对浸在液体中的生物造成伤害了
- Azaleas can now be Bone Mealed when placed on Clay
- 现在你可以给种植在粘土上的杜鹃花丛施用骨粉
- Using Pick Block on Azalea Leaves and Flowering Azalea Leaves now results in the correct blocks being picked (MCPE-128092)
- 鼠标中键选取杜鹃树叶和盛开的杜鹃树叶时会获得正确的方块 (MCPE-128092)
- Hanging Roots are now destroyed by water (MCPE-121676) (MCPE-127677)
- 垂根现在可以被水破坏了 (MCPE-121676) (MCPE-127677)
- Lightning Rods no longer break falling blocks that land on them (MCPE-116545)
- 避雷针现在无法破坏落在其上的方块 (MCPE-116545)
- Rooted Dirt texture is now randomly rotated, matching the behavior of regular Dirt blocks (MCPE-123197)
- 缠根泥土的材质现在是随机旋转的,与普通的泥土类似 (MCPE-123197)
- Small Dripleaf now only drops itself when broken with Shears
- 小型垂滴叶现在只有在被剪刀破坏时才会掉落
- Glow Lichen now only drops itself when broken with Shears
- 发光地衣现在只有在被剪刀破坏时才会掉落
- Jukeboxes now only ejects Music Disks into non-solid blocks (MCPE-85635)
- 唱片机现在只能把唱片弹到非固体方块上 (MCPE-85635)
- Projectiles, such as Snowballs and Eggs, no longer cast shadows
- 弹射物(比如雪球和鸡蛋),不再产生影子
- All dropped items now have a similar floating height
- 所有的掉落物现在有相似的漂浮高度
- Disenchanting an item using the Grindstone once again resets the enchantment cost penalty correctly (MCPE-107211)
- 修复使用砂轮祛魔后不会重置附魔花费的问题 (MCPE-107211)
- Data-driven items now swing faster when not targeting blocks (MCPE-119702)
- 数据驱动方块没有对着方块使用时,手臂摆动的会更快一些 (MCPE-119702)
- Firework Rockets obtained from ‘/replaceitem’ command now have a flight duration (MCPE-109037)
- 现在从”/replaceitem “命令获得的烟花火箭有了飞行时间 (MCPE-109037)
- Firework Stars obtained from ‘/replaceitem’ command now have proper color values (MCPE-109037)
- 现在从’/replaceitem’命令获得的烟火之星有了适当的颜色值 (MCPE-109037)
- Glowing text on Signs now has an outline (MCPE-129123)
- 发光的文本现在有描边了 (MCPE-129123)
- Black text on Signs can now be lit by using a Glow Ink Sac (MCPE-128079)
- 告示牌上的黑色文本现在可以使用荧光墨囊来使其发光 (MCPE-128079)
- Tooltips are now present when holding Ink Sac and Glow Ink Sac when using a controller
- 手柄操控下,持有墨囊和发光墨囊时,会出现提示
- Ink Sac and Glow Ink Sac can no longer be used indefinitely on signs in Adventure mode
- 在冒险模式下,墨囊和发光墨囊不能无限的使用在告示牌上了
- Players can no longer dye text on Signs in Adventure mode (MCPE-126489)
- 在冒险模式下,玩家无法为告示牌上的文本染色 (MCPE-126489)
- Pumpkins are once again accepted by Farmer Villagers regardless of their rotation when mined (MCPE-105540)
- 修复村民不接受南瓜交易的问题 (MCPE-105540)
User Interface
- Glow Item Frame is now placed after regular Item Frame in the Creative inventory (MCPE-117532)
- 荧光物品展示框现在在创造模式物品栏中排列在普通物品展示框的后面 (MCPE-117532)
- Copper Ore is now placed after other Overworld ores in the Creative inventory (MCPE-119724)
- 铜矿石现在在创造模式物品栏中排列在其它矿石的后面 (MCPE-119724)
- Deepslate is now placed after other stones in the Creative inventory (MCPE-127592)
- 深板岩现在在创造模式物品栏中排列在其它石头的后面 (MCPE-127592)
- Hotbar item tooltip duration now scales with the length of the tooltip’s text
- 现在快捷栏物品的工具提示的持续时间与工具提示文本的长度成正比
- Added a new Accessibility icon in the Settings menu
- 在设置菜单中增加了一个新的无障碍图标
- Items can now be previewed in the Character Creator and equipped using the Equip button
- 现在可以在角色创建器中预览服饰并用“装备”按钮来装上
- Added Equip button to Classic Skins and Capes tabs
- 为经典皮肤和披风标签添加了装备按钮
- The profile screen reload button is now properly localized to all supported languages
- 简介界面的重载按钮现在是被本地化过的语言了
- The “Reset to Default” button in the Accessibility settings now resets the Text Background Opacity slider
- 无障碍设置中的“重置为默认”按钮可以顺带重置文本的背景透明度滑块了
- Fixed a typo in the “Loom” section of “How to Play” (MCPE-128735)
- 改正“如何游戏”中“织布机”的错字 (MCPE-128735)
- The counters on empty tabs of the Play screen now display zero instead of an empty, grey box (MCPE-110535)
- 修复玩家标签页中不会显示数字0,而是一个空框的问题 (MCPE-110535)
- Featured Item thumbnails now fit within the Featured Items window in Character Creator
- 特殊物品的预览图现在会在特殊物品的窗口里
- When not signed into a Microsoft Account, players are now presented with a button prompting them to sign in on the Play screen so that they can view Realms
- 现在当玩家没有登录微软账户时,会在界面上显示一个按钮方便其登录,并且可以查看领域界面
- Realms Plus content expiration timers now appear properly
- 领域+的到期时间现在可以正确显示了
- Realms Plus timers now only appear within 30 days of expiring
- 领域+的时间仅会显示在距离过期的30天内
- ‘/title clear’ now correctly clears the title and subtitle from the HUD (MCPE-97636)
- “/title clear” 命令现在可以正确地清除HUD中的标题和副标题 (MCPE-97636)
- Frosted Ice can now be used in any command that accepts a block, such as ‘/setblock’ and ‘/testforblock’ (MCPE-126741)
- 修复霜冰无法被命令调用的问题,比如“/setblock”和“/testforblock”命令 (MCPE-126741)
Technical Updates:
Updated Add-On Template Packs
- Updated Add-On templates for 1.17.10 are available for download with new resources, behaviors, and documentation
- 1.17.10的Add-On模板可供下载,有新的资源、行为和文档
- Resource Pack Template: aka.ms/resourcepacktemplate
- 资源包模板:aka.ms/resourcepacktemplate
- Behavior Pack Template (Includes documentation): aka.ms/behaviorpacktemplate
- 行为包模板(包括文档):aka.ms/behaviorpacktemplate
Stability and Performance
- Added better error handling for JSON parsing. Also added several new content errors for item parsing as well as for loot tables
- 为JSON解析添加了更好的错误处理。还为物品解析和战利品表添加了几个新的内容错误
- Players are given a content error when custom recipes are invalid
- 玩家在自定义配方无效时会得到一个错误提示
- Renamed “minecraft:scaffolding_climber” to “minecraft:block_climber”. It now processes climbing both Scaffolding and Powder Snow
- 将”minecraft:scaffolding_climber”重命名为”minecraft:block_climber”,以统一处理攀爬脚手架和细雪
- Loot chests with Seed=0 now correctly randomize if placed on the same coordinates. Note that Pick Blocking a Vanilla loot chest before opening it will now result in identical loot in each copy unless the seed is set to 0 in the NBT
- 放置在相同的坐标上,且Seed=0的战利品箱现在可以正确地在其中随机生成物品。注意:除非你在NBT中把Seed设置为0,否则在打开原版战利品箱之前对这个箱子使用鼠标中键将导致每个副本中出现相同的战利品
Dedicated Server
- Added back missing symbols for Bedrock Dedicated Server on Linux (BDS-13482)
- 为Linux上的基岩版专用服务器添加了缺失的标志 (BDS-13482)
NPC Dialogue
- Content creators can now create multi-page dialogues with branching narrative for NPCs using the ‘/dialogue’ command and dialogue JSON files
- 内容制作者们现在可以使用’/dialogue’命令和对话JSON文件来为NPC制作一个拥有支线叙事的多页对话
Data-Driven Mobs
- The Ender Dragon rendering and animations are now fully data-driven
- 末影龙的渲染和动画现在完全由数据驱动
- The Ender Crystal rendering and animations are now fully data-driven
- 末影水晶的渲染和动画现在完全由数据驱动
- The Horse rendering and animations are now fully data-driven
- 马的渲染和动画现在完全由数据驱动
- This work supports all Horse variants (Horse, Mule, Donkey, Zombie Horse, Skeleton Horse) and all Horse versions including:
- 本改动支持所有的马及其变种(马、骡、驴、僵尸马、骷髅马)和所有马的版本,包括:
- v1 (engine version 1.2.5 and earlier)
- v1 (引擎版本小于1.2.5)
- v2 (engine version 1.2.6 to 1.17.0)
- v2 (引擎版本在 1.2.6 到 1.17.0)
- v3 (engine version 1.17.10 and onward). This will be a cleaner version of the v2 model, with less confusing bone naming
- v3 (引擎版本在1.17.10及以后)。这个模型将比v2版本的模型更简洁,比如减少混乱的骨骼命名
Data-Driven Items
- Updated documentation for ‘DisplayNameItemComponent’
- 更新了 ‘DisplayNameItemComponent’ 文档
Data-Driven Blocks
- Updated documentation for ‘BlockUnwalkableComponent’
- 更新了 ‘BlockUnwalkableComponent’ 文档
- Incoming client-sync properties for newly seen types will properly register with client-side Actor Property Manager groups
- 新传入客户端的类型的同步属性将正确注册到客户端的Actor Property Manager的组中
- “query.wing_flap_position” now works with the Ender Dragon
- 现在可以在末影龙上使用”query.wing_flap_position “了
- Added “query.show_bottom” – a query for determining whether or not the entity’s bottom is rendered
- 添加了 “query.show_bottom” – 用于确定实体的底部是否被渲染
- Added “query.death_time” – a query for determining the elapsed ticks since a mob started dying
- 添加了 “query.death_time” – 用于确定生物开始死亡后经过的时间
- Added “math.min_angle” – a math expression for minimizing the angle magnitude (in degrees) into the range [-180, 180]
- 添加了 “math.min_angle” – 一个数学表达式,用于将角度大小(单位:度)最小化到[-180, 180]的范围内
- Fixed experimental ‘query.target’ to work on client-side queries
- 修复了实验性选项 ‘ query.target ‘ 在客户端检查时无法工作的问题
Chunk Loading
- Limits writing of chunks unless necessary. Chunks upgraded from older formats will not automatically save when loaded, but when modified (Through blocks or actors, for example) they will be marked for saving
- 除非必须,否则默认限制区块写入。从旧格式升级的区块在加载时不会自动保存,但在修改(比如通过方块或角色)后会被标记为需要保存
GameTest Framework (Experimental)
- Updated the ‘/clearall’ command to also clear tests outside of loaded areas
- 现在”/clearall “命令可以清除加载区域外的测试
- Dimension
- 维度
- getEntitiesAtBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation) : Entity[] – Returns an array of all entities at the given block location
- getEntitiesAtBlockLocation(location : BlockLocation) : Entity[] – 返回给定区块位置的所有实体的数组
- spawnEntity(identifier : String, location : BlockLocation) : Entity – Spawns an entity with the given identifier at the given block location
- spawnEntity(identifier : String, location : BlockLocation) : 实体 – 在给定的区块位置生成一个具有给定标识符的实体
- [Removed] function getName()
- [已删除] 函数getName()
- property id : String – Gets the entity’s identifier
- property id : String – 获取实体的标识符
- property nameTag : String – Gets or sets the entity’s name tag
- property nameTag : String – 获取或设置实体的名称标签
- Player
- 玩家
- property name : String – Gets the player’s name
- property name : String – 获取玩家的名字
- method getPlayers() : Player[] – Returns all players in the server
- method getPlayers() : Player[] – 返回服务器中的所有玩家
- Updates to how blocks are handled in APIs:
- 更新了API中方块的处理方式:
- BlockType, BlockPermutation, and Block instances replace BlockState-based updating
- BlockType、BlockPermutation和Block实例取代了基于BlockState的更新
- Exposed chest block component and Container
- 开放箱子方块组件和容器
- Added location and velocity read-only properties to Entity
- 为实体加入位置和速度两个只读属性
- function createExplosion(location : Location, radius : number, explosionOptions : ExplosionOptions) – Creates an explosion
- 创建爆炸函数用法:\createExplosion(location, radius, parameters) – 创建一次爆炸
- ExplosionOptions : class – Provides additional configuration parameters for createExplosion
- 爆炸参数:一个类 – 为createExplosion提供额外的配置参数
- method triggerEvent(eventName : string) – Triggers an event on an entity
- triggerEvent方法(事件名称:string)- 触发一个实体事件
- Added ‘thenExecuteFor’ to ‘GameTestSequence’, which repeatedly calls the callback for the specified number of ticks
- 在GameTestSequence加入了thenExecuteFor,可以重复调用回调以达到指定刻数
- Events
- 事件
- Renamed ‘World.event.weatherChanged’ to ‘World.event.changeWeather’
- 将’World.event.weatherChanged’重命名为’World.event.changeWeather’
- Added event ‘World.event.addEffect’ – Fires when an effect is applied to an entity.
- 添加了事件 ‘World.event.addEffect’ – 在药水效果被应用到一个实体上时触发
- Added event ‘World.event.createEntity’ – Fires when an entity is added to the world.
- 添加了事件 ‘World.event.createEntity’ – 在一个实体被添加进这个世界时触发
- Removed function ‘World.addEventListener’
- 移除函数 ‘World.addEventListener’
- Changed function ‘getDuration()’ to property ‘duration’
- 将 ‘getDuration()’ 函数修改为 ‘duration’ 属性
- Changed function ‘getAmplifier()’ to property ‘amplifier’
- 将 ‘getAmplifier()’ 函数修改为 ‘amplifier’ 属性
- Added property ‘displayName’ – Gets the display name of the effect
- 添加了属性 ‘displayName’ – 可以获取药水效果的名称