Minecraft Dungeons celebrated its one-year anniversary last month, what better way to celebrate this exciting milestone than with an art event? The community really delivered – in fact, there were so many wonderful submissions, it was difficult to pick just a few to highlight!
This first piece by PeanutBlues features a candy-loving Arch-Illager. There’s a lot of things to love about this – my favorite are those epic gumdrop boots.
第一个作品是由PeanutBlues 以甜食控为侧重点创作的一张奇厄教主的同人图。这张图画值得细品的地方太多了——我独钟于那史诗般的软糖靴子。

MinasBeans said “[I] recently wondered “What if necromancers could pick up key golems, like other mobs can?” and this is the result!” Key Golem all tuckered out from partying… time to return to the temple and rest for another year.”
MinasBeans 说 “最近困扰(我)的是‘如果死灵法师像起他生物一样可以捡起钥匙傀儡的话,那将会发生什么?’”现在他把答案画出来了!“ 钥匙傀儡在灯红酒绿中玩得精疲力竭……迫不得已只能回到神庙中在休憩一载。”

Dewie says this about their creation: “Redstone Monstrosity has emerged from the ruby red forge to celebrate ONE YEAR of Minecraft Dungeons, by showing up in some blue party decorations!”
Dewie 是此般形容他们的创意的: “ 红石巨兽已经离开烈焰锻造厂来给我的世界:地下城一周年庆生啦,通过身着奇异的蓝色的派对服饰的方式!”

This lovely piece by NuggetZPRO features “Archie” after the Orb of Dominance has been destroyed, and the villages can finally celebrate the first year of the game.
这幅“灾厄教主集团”在支配之球被摧毁后,村民们终于能够庆祝游戏的第一个生日的有爱的图画是由 NuggetZPRO 创作的。

And finally, we’ve got a very adorable Arch-Illager created by archillager20 .

Good work to everyone who submitted fanart and be sure to keep the party going by continuing to play Minecraft Dungeons! Got some Dungeons fanart of your own? Send it to us at FeatureMe@minecraft.net!