我的世界基岩版 Beta 发布 下界生物的生成与Java版更相近了

Features and Bug Fixes

World Settings

  • Added the “Respawn Blocks Explode” game rule, which can be used to prevent Respawn Anchors and Beds from exploding (MCPE-76687)
  • 添加了「重生方块爆炸」游戏规则,可以防止重生锚点和床爆炸(MCPE-76687)

Caves And Cliffs

  • Worlds with the Caves & Cliffs experimental toggle enabled are now more likely to have the same default world spawn position as worlds without the experiment using the same seed (MCPE-127708)
  • 开启了洞穴与山崖实验性特性的世界的重生点位置与同种子生成的未开启实验性特性的世界重生点位置更可能相同了(MCPE-127708)

Vanilla Parity

  • Monster spawning in the Nether has been changed to more closely match Java Edition (MCPE-65762)
  • 下界生物的生成应当与 Java 版更相近了(MCPE-65762)
    • There will now be a maximum of 15 to 20 mobs around the player in the Nether, instead of 30 to 40
    • 现在下界中玩家附近最多有 15 至 20 个生物,而非原先的 30 至 40 个
  • Block interaction “click” sounds are now controlled by the “Blocks” volume slider (MCPE-104983)
  • 方块交互的喀哒声现在是由「方块」音量条控制的了(MCPE-104983)
  • Swapped toggle sounds for levers so that they are now parity with Java Edition (MCPE-30379)
  • 对调了拉杆的开关音效以和 Java 版同步(MCPE-30379)


  • Fixed a bug where the contents of a Shulker Box are deleted when dyeing from the recipe tab (MCPE-131809)
  • 修复了用配方书染色潜影盒会移除其内容物的漏洞(MCPE-131809)
  • Swords now break Bamboo in a single swing (MCPE-64013)
  • 剑现在只需一下就能破坏竹子(MCPE-64013)
  • Disabled biome tinting for Spruce and Birch Leaves (MCPE-128996)
  • 云杉树叶和白桦树叶不再会有生物群系特定的调色(MCPE-128996)
  • Using a Powder Snow Bucket on a Cauldron filled with Powder Snow no longer creates a new Powder Snow block (MCPE-131177)
  • 对着装有细雪的炼药锅使用细雪桶不再会放置一个新的细雪方块(MCPE-131177)
  • Using a Water Bucket on a fully filled Cauldron now produces the correct sound (MCPE-131177)
  • 现在对着装有东西的炼药锅使用水桶将会播放正确的音效了(MCPE-131177)
  • Lava Buckets can now be emptied into a Cauldron filled with Lava
  • 现在可以对着装有熔岩的炼药锅倒空熔岩桶了
  • Cave Vines can now be pollinated by Bees (MCPE-127821)
  • 蜜蜂可以为洞穴藤蔓授粉了(MCPE-127821)
  • Enchantment Tables now emit light level 7 (MCPE-130868)
  • 附魔台现在会发出光照等级 7 的光了(MCPE-130868)
  • The falling position of Pointed Dripstone is no longer slightly offset (MCPE-119548)
  • 滴水石锥掉落的位置不偏了(MCPE-119548)
  • Powder Snow can now be collected with a Dispenser (MCPE-127564)
  • 发射器现在可以采集细雪了(MCPE-127564)
  • Placing a Sign on Rooted Dirt now correctly opens the text editor (MCPE-129280)
  • 在缠根泥土上放置告示牌能够正确打开编辑界面了(MCPE-129280)
  • Target Blocks now conduct Redstone signals (MCPE-75034)
  • 标靶方块现在能产生红石信号了(MCPE-75034)
  • Message/tell commands no longer fail when cheats are not activated (REALMS-7760)
  • 未开启作弊的情况下 message/tell 命令不再会失败了(REALMS-7760)
  • Teleporting a mob between dimensions no longer causes the mob to despawn (MCPE-127414)
  • 将一个生物跨维度传送不再会导致其被清除了(MCPE-127414)
  • Fixed offhand Shields clipping into players’ arms while in third-person perspective (MCPE-122672)
  • 修复了第三人称视角下副手的盾会穿模到玩家手臂的漏洞(MCPE-122672)
  • Minecart with Chest will now copy over its chest contents when pick blocked
  • 运输矿车在无法拾取时会复制自己的内容物
  • Soul Speed Boots can now be unequipped properly after losing durability (MCPE-106367)
  • 现在失去耐久的灵魂疾行靴子可以被正确取下了(MCPE-106367)
  • Baby Goats no longer have horns (MCPE-123253)
  • 幼体山羊不再有角了(MCPE-123253)
  • Diamond Pickaxes found in Hoglin Stable chests are now enchanted (MCPE-129750)
  • 疣猪兽棚箱子中的钻石镐现在会被附魔了(MCPE-129750)
  • Bubble Columns are now placed properly when loaded with a Structure Block (MCPE-97027)
  • 现在结构方块能正确加载气泡柱了(MCPE-97027)


  • Amethyst walking sounds are now affected by the “Player” audio setting
  • 紫水晶脚步声现在是由「玩家」声音选项控制的了
  • Deepslate walking sounds are now affected by the “Player” audio setting
  • 深板岩脚步声现在是由「玩家」声音选项控制的了
  • Moss Block walking sounds are now affected by the “Player” audio setting
  • 苔藓块脚步声现在是由「玩家」声音选项控制的了
  • Sounds of moving in/on Powder Snow are now affected by the “Player” audio setting
  • 走入/走出细雪的音效现在是由「玩家」声音选项控制的了
  • Jumping and landing on blocks have now their sounds affected by the “Player” audio slider (MCPE-116135)
  • 跳起和降落在方块上的音效现在是由「玩家」声音选项控制的了(MCPE-116135)
  • Dripstone drip sounds are now affected by the “Block” audio slider
  • 滴水石锥的滴水音效现在是由「方块」音量条控制的了
  • Turtle Eggs no longer produce the Bone Meal sound when placed on Sand (MCPE-127189)
  • 在沙子上放置海龟蛋不再会播放骨粉音效了(MCPE-127189)
  • Big Dripleaf now has a distinct tilt up sound (MCPE-123488)
  • 大型垂滴叶现在有单独的升起音效了(MCPE-123488)

User Interface

  • The Sign In dialog is no longer shown on a split-screen game to anyone other than the primary player on PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 4 平台的分屏模式中登录界面只会显示在主玩家的屏幕上了
  • A debug string is no longer shown for how to open chat (MCPE-128955)
  • 开启聊天栏的指导文字中不再会有调试字符串了(MCPE-128955)

Technical Updates


  • ‘behavior.knockback_roar’ now has a vertical and horizontal strength value
  • behavior.knockback_roar 现在有垂直方向与水平方向的力量值了

Data-Driven Items

  • Added required toggle to component item documentation, and to content error
  • 向组件物品文档和内容错误加入了 required 选项

GameTest Framework (Experimental)
GameTest 框架(实验性)

  • GameTest
    • Added helper method spawnAtLocation(location : Location) : Entity – Spawns an entity at the given Location
    • 加入辅助方法 spawnAtLocation(location : Location) : Entity – 在指定位置生成实体
    • Added helper method walkToLocation(mob : Entity, location : Location, speedModifier : number) – Commands an entity to move to the given Location
    • 加入辅助方法 walkToLocation(mob : Entity, location : Location, speedModifier : number) – 让实体移动到指定位置
    • Added method assertCanReachLocation(mob : Entity, location : BlockLocation, canReach : bool) – Assets that the given mob can reach the target block location
    • 加入方法 assertCanReachLocation(mob : Entity, location : BlockLocation, canReach : bool) – 断言实体能否移动到指定位置
  • Events
    • Added event World.events.beforeExplosion – Fires before an explosion occurs
    • 加入事件 World.events.beforeExplosion – 爆炸发生前触发
    • Added event World.events.explosion – Fires when an explosion occurs
    • 加入事件 World.events.explosion – 爆炸发生时触发
    • Added event World.events.explodeBlock – Fires when a block breaks due to an explosion
    • 加入事件 World.events.explodeBlock – 方块被爆炸破坏时触发
    • Added event World.event.beforeActivatePiston – Fires before a piston is activated
    • 加入事件 World.events.beforeActivatePiston – 活塞被激活前触发
    • Added event World.event.activatePiston – Fires when a piston is activated
    • 加入事件 World.events.activatePiston – 活塞被激活时触发
  • Block
    • Added method getDimension() : Dimension
    • 加入方法 getDimension() : Dimension
  • BlockPistonComponent
    • Read-only property attachedBlocks – Returns an array containing the BlockLocation of each block attached to the piston
    • 只读属性 attachedBlocks – 返回一个 BlockLocation 数组,包含所有附在该活塞上的方块的位置
    • Read-only property isMoving – Returns true if the piston is expanding or retracting
    • 只读属性 isMoving – 活塞正在伸出或回收时返回 true
    • Read-only property isExpanded – Returns true if the piston is fully expanded
    • 只读属性 isExpanded – 活塞完全伸出时返回 true
    • Read-only property isExpanding – Returns true if the piston is expanding
    • 只读属性 isExpanding – 活塞正在伸出时返回 true
    • Read-only property isRetracting – Returns true if the piston is retracting
    • 只读属性 isRetracting – 活塞正在回收时返回 true
    • Read-only property isRetracted – Returns true if the piston is fully retracted
    • 只读属性 isRetracted – 活塞完全回收时返回 true


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