Minecraft 1.17.1 Pre-Release 1
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release
Minecraft Java版 预发布版
Happy Friday! The first pre-release for 1.17.1 is now available for download. This pre-release introduces a few changes to some gameplay mechanics, and it also fixes a bunch of bugs.
Changes in 1.17.1 Pre-release 1
1.17.1 Pre-release 1 的修改内容
- Blue axolotls can now only be obtained through breeding
- 蓝色美西螈现在只能通过繁育获得
- Non-screaming goats now have a rare chance to produce a screaming goat when bred
- 非尖叫类型的山羊现在有一定几率繁育出尖叫山羊
- Status effects on goats now also apply when the goat is jumping or ramming
- 现在在山羊跳跃或冲撞时也能向其施加状态效果
- Raised the drop rate for copper ingots from Drowned to 11% + 2% per level of looting
- 将溺尸掉落铜锭的概率提升为 11% + 2% * 抢夺等级
- Powder snow now fills cauldrons 2 times faster than before (still pretty slowly, though!)
- 细雪现在在炼药锅的积累速度是原来的两倍(不过还是很慢!)
- Zombies, Zombie Villagers, Husks and Drowned will no longer pick up glow ink sacs
- 僵尸,僵尸村民,尸壳和溺尸现在不再会拾起荧光墨囊
The Caves & Cliffs Preview
Download the updated datapack .点击这里下载最新的数据包。
Technical changes in 1.17.1 Pre-release 1
1.17.1 Pre-release 1 的技术性修改
- In case of DNS-based redirection, the client will send the hostname actually used to connect (this restores the pre-1.17 behaviour)
- 在基于DNS的重定向中,客户端现在会发送用于连接的主机名(恢复到1.17之前的行为)
Fixed bugs in 1.17.1 Pre-release 1
1.17.1 Pre-release 1 修复的漏洞
- MC-123654 – Sun, moon, and/or clouds are not showing if render distance is below 4
- MC-123654 – 渲染距离低于4时,太阳、月亮和云不会出现
- MC-131290 – Enchantments are saved as shorts, but are loaded as and function with integer values
- MC-131290 – 魔咒(附魔)的等级以短整型(Short)储存,但读取和实际代码运作都是整型(Integer)
- MC-156155 – Turkish lira sign (₺) appears as □ in the game
- MC-156155 – 土耳其里拉符号(₺)在游戏中显示为豆腐块
- MC-194736 – Duplicate text mapping for U+00B7
- MC-194736 – U+00B7存在重复映射
- MC-196999 – U+1FEC is wrong in Minecraft’s font
- MC-196999 – 游戏内的U+1FEC存在字体错误
- MC-213986 – Pistons and dispensers can be used to create ghost blocks using powder snow
- MC-213986 – 可通过发射器和活塞来利用细雪方块制造幽灵方块
- MC-219018 – Ghost items can be created using /item (server doesn’t update client inventory correctly)
- MC-219018 – /item命令可能会产生幽灵物品(服务器没有正确更新客户端物品栏)
- MC-223350 – Loaded chunks sometimes don’t render until the player moves their head slightly
- MC-223350 – 已加载的区块在玩家轻轻移动头部之前不进行渲染
- MC-225816 – Hanging Roots appear large when an item entity
- MC-225816 – 以掉落的物品实体出现的垂根比一般物品大
- MC-226461 – Logs can be replaced with stone near lava pools
- MC-226461 – 岩浆池附近的树干会被替换成石头
- MC-226948 – Withers are now affected by potion effects
- MC-226948 – 凋灵受药水效果影响
- MC-227387 – World gen datapacks will likely crash or softlock the game
- MC-227387 – 世界生成相关的数据包可能会使游戏崩溃/出现软锁
- MC-227435 – Lag when placing heads of non-existent players when on servers
- MC-227435 – 在服务器内放置不存在的玩家的玩家头颅时产生卡顿
- MC-227483 – root_system feature config’s codec uses a wrong field
- MC-227483 – root_system 地物配置的编解码器使用了错误的字段
- MC-227520 – Overworld Fossils always generate at bedrock level
- MC-227520 – 主世界的化石总是生成在基岩层
- MC-227557 – End portal texture appears stretched after world conversion
- MC-227557 – 末地传送门的材质在世界转换后出现拉伸
- MC-227618 – Small dripleaf is consumed without being placed when used on tall seagrass
- MC-227618 – 在高海草上使用小型垂滴叶,虽然会消耗物品但是不会放置下去
- MC-227651 – Group for lapis lazuli ore smelting and blasting recipes is misspelled
- MC-227651 – 青金石矿石的烧炼冶炼配方组中,青金石原文的拼写有误
- MC-227821 – Client crash when trying to create/edit realm immediately after deleting previous one
- MC-227821 – 当尝试删除之前的 Realm 后立即创建或编辑 Realm 会使客户端崩溃
- MC-227891 – Ender pearls despawn when player logs out of a server
- MC-227891 – 玩家退出服务器会导致末影珍珠消失
- MC-228219 – Thrown ender pearls disappear upon entering the exit end portal
- MC-228219 – 进入返回传送门时扔出去的末影珍珠会消失
- MC-228343 – java.lang.NullPointerException when random_selector default feature isn’t found
- MC-228343 – 当 random_selector 的默认地物没能被找到时出现 java.lang.NullPointerException 问题
- MC-228430 – Very long loading pause while booting the game (“Failed to add PDH Counter”, caused by oshi)
- MC-228430 – 游戏启动的加载时间过长(“ Failed to add PDH Counter ”,由oshi引起)
- MC-228828 – Specifying the –server parameter when starting the game, causes the game to crash
- MC-228828 – 启动游戏时指定–server参数会导致游戏崩溃
- MC-229299 – Blue axolotls can spawn naturally
- MC-229299 – 蓝色美西螈可自然生成,与官方发布的消息不符